+100 Best Proposal Topics For Your Essay

October 29th, 2024 | Posted by GradeMiners

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A proposal essay is the type of paper in which the writer needs to choose the topic and convince the reader about this. It can be anything from education to the environment. One of the hardest things to do is find the writer’s issue to cover in the paper. Thus, our team created the list of best proposal paper ideas.

25 Great Proposal Paper Topics

With every year more and more, people start to understand that the environment has a strong effect on humanity’s well-being. While writing about environmental problems, it would be wise to cover such issues:

  1. The little things that everyone can do to help decrease the global warming
  2. The ways how humanity can redistribute resources more efficiently and eco-friendly
  3. The plan how to stop using fossil fuel in the next several decades
  4. How to avoid fires in Australia?
  5. The ways to halt deforestation and restore the ecosystem
  6. Why is global warming an important issue, and how will it affect humanity?
  7. How can the government convince people to start using bicycles for short trips?

Modern people don’t imagine everyday life without smartphones, computers, and the internet. So, making a paper about technologies is a great idea.

  1. The ways to help the older generation to get in touch with modern tech
  2. The financial and sociological benefits of switching to wireless technologies
  3. How to protect your data on the internet?
  4. How modern technologies can increase the creativity
  5. The part of modern technologies in the lives of modern children
  6.  Why prohibiting kids from using the modern means of communication is a bad idea
  7. How can GMOs eradicate world hunger?
  8. Is it moral to censor the internet?

The proposal paper topics about the Societal issues and Social Life in the modern world such as:

  1. How effective is safe education?
  2. The ways to lift people out of poverty
  3. Different ways to incorporate different cultures into one country
  4. The effect of social media on the mental health
  5. Internet addiction
  6. How can idols encourage people to make their life better?
  7. The assistance for the single-parent families.

Our team hopes that we helped you to find some good proposal topics in this section.

25 Good Research Proposals Ideas

Becoming the master of finding the right research paper is crucial during college. Starting a new project and choosing an interesting topic is the hard thing to do. We compiled a list of issues that can be interesting.


  1. How did China become a superpower?
  2. The history of NATO
  3. The reasons for World War I
  4. How Europe rebuilt itself after the Second World War?
  5. The differences between Palestinians and Jewish people
  6. The Cuban Crisis
  7. The Crusades
  8. How did the Eastern Roman Empire survived for over 1000 years?
  9. The economy of the Roman Empire
  10. How Christianity became the dominant religion in Europe?
  11. The causes and consequences of the 100-year war between France and England
  12. French Revolution causes and consequences
  13. The collapse of the Soviet Union


  1. How long can children watch television?
  2. The effect of video games on the school performance
  3. New ways of teaching
  4. Pros and cons of a testing system
  5. How to deal with problematic children
  6. Micro-credentials and their impact on traditional education


  1. The consequences of an untreated post-traumatic stress disorder
  2. The High School bullies from the psychological point of view
  3. Post-traumatic stress disorder in the military
  4. Why it is important to understand cognitive psychology
  5. Family and the community
  6. The effect of social media on human psychology

25 Smart Proposal Argument Topics


  1. How does hunting affect the environment?
  2. Does the government need to prohibit plastic products from promoting eco-friendly alternatives?
  3. Would additional charges for plastic bags in convenience stores encourage the usage of reusable bags?
  4. How composting can help to save the environment
  5. The problem with deforestation

Families and interpersonal relationships

  1. The ways to prevent divorce
  2. How Covid-19 affected the connections inside the families?
  3. Is it possible to get out of “the friend zone”?
  4. The signs of abusive relationships
  5. Domestic violence and its effect on children
  6. Household responsibilities
  7. Teenage marriages
  8. What impact do families have on kids?
  9. Interracial adoption and its effect
  10. How being the only child in the family affects the person?

The part of technologies in humans life

  1. How will nanomachines change medicine?
  2. Can vaccines cause autism?
  3. How do the technologies affect Gen Z?
  4. Will cybernetic limbs become better than the human arm?
  5. How will virtual reality change everyday life?
  6. Why do kids understand new technologies way better than their parents?
  7. Can video games lead to violent acts in real life?
  8. What are the differences between digital and ordinary books?
  9. How can video games change education?
  10. Should parents be able to choose the features their kids will inherit?

Proposal Essay Topics for College Students 

College students have many proposal essay topics to write about. Don’t allow yourself to fetch low grades because you lack appropriate topics for a proposal essay. Let our sample proposal essay ideas below inspire your next paper.  

  1. How can we reduce child obesity?
  2. How can parents teach their children to embrace healthy lifestyles?
  3. Steps to reducing rates of smoking among teenagers. 
  4. Measures emerging economies can take to promote universal health coverage.
  5. The role of private citizens in environmental conservation.
  6. Is veganism a rational and feasible tool for promoting animal rights?
  7. Measures to mitigate technology addiction among teenagers.
  8. Strategies to boost internet penetration levels in remote rural villages. 
  9. Strategies to protect yourself against online identity thieves.
  10. Tactics to teach children safe online interactions.
  11. Practical solutions to reduce infant mortality rates in developing nations. 
  12. Measures schools and parents should take to protect learners from online bullies.

25 Interesting Proposal Essay Topics  

Do you like writing about exciting proposal topics? Do you need help finding the most proposal topics to wow your readers? If you do, your search ends with these carefully selected proposal writing topics. Get inspired by these sample proposal topics.

  1. Preventing teenage depression.
  2. Preventing high school bullies and their far-reaching physiological effects on victims.
  3. Steps to preventing teenage post-traumatic stress disorder.
  4. The psychological impact of social media.
  5. Vaccines and autism.
  6. Gen Z and technology addition.
  7. Effects of virtual reality on business.
  8. Measures to reduce technology addiction among children. 
  9. Video games and teenage violence. 
  10. Renewable versus fossil energy.
  11. New approaches to boost women’s political activism.
  12. Ways to increase youth participation in civil rights activism. 
  13. Cultural effects on international relations.
  14. The ethics of surveillance.
  15. Strategies to improve gamified learning.
  16. Ideas for promoting effective food waste management.
  17. AI and pandemic prevention.
  18. Wildlife trafficking and endangered species.
  19. Telemedicine and its role in boosting healthcare accessibility. 
  20. Probiotic and gut health promotion.
  21. Will affordable housing close down urban slums?
  22. The celebrity bubble and brand perception.
  23. Drone technology and healthcare promotion in rural areas. 
  24. Trade wars and their impact on emerging economies. 
  25. Autonomous robots and human employment.  

Problem Solution Proposal Essay Topics 

Do you want more diverse proposal writing topics? No need to waste your time looking for good proposal essay topics to write about. Here are great proposal topics to inspire your next paper.

  1. Strategies for poverty alleviation in inner circle communities. 
  2. Strategies to encourage vaccine uptake in rural areas.
  3. Effective strategies to boost affordable housing and reduce slums in emerging economies. 
  4. Cost-effective strategies to eliminate homelessness in developing nations. 
  5. Mitigation measures to curb school dropouts among teenage girls in the ghettos. 
  6. Steps to reduce teenage pregnancies.
  7. Strategies to reduce teenage pregnancies in high school. 
  8. Measures to reduce substance abuse among teenagers.
  9. Steps to boost road safety among young drivers.
  10. How can we prevent divorce among young couples?
  11. What should Western governments do to curb racism, given that they’re opening their borders to more immigrants than ever?
  12. What is the best way to encourage people who grew up in violent homes to marry and raise stable families?
  13. Measures nations should take to curb rising human trafficking.
  14. What measures should parents take to protect their children from pornography?
  15. How can governments effectively rehabilitate criminals and turn them into productive members of society?

Controversial Proposal Essay Topics 

Do you love controversy and don’t fear exploring controversial proposal essay topics? Then, you shouldn’t worry about finding the best proposal writing topics in this niche. We simplified things by assembling controversial proposal essay ideas for you. Here are excellent sample proposal topics to jump-start you in this niche. 

  1. Wealth accumulation and monopolies harmful the economy.
  2. Mandatory vaccination violates fundamental human rights and privacy.
  3. The legalization of recreational drugs is doing more harm than good.
  4. Gun control laws have failed to achieve their goal and fueled more insecurity. 
  5. Abortion rights violate the rights of unborn babies to live. 
  6. Gay marriage legalization is a recipe for moral anarchy and eventual social collapse. 
  7. Gay marriage proponents should explain and demonstrate to society how they expect human procreation to continue.
  8. The death penalty should remain in force to protect the sanctity of human life.
  9. Assisted suicide is legalized murder.
  10. Do we need more or less immigration restrictions?
  11. State surveillance violates the right to privacy. 
  12. Mandatory military service should be imposed upon all high school leavers to boost public discipline and order in a disorderly generation.

5 Tips for Proposal Essay From Grademiners.com

In the previous sections, we compiled the list of topics for the proposal essay. In this one, we want to give several tips on how to create a great proposal essay.

  1. Conduct thorough research on the topic.
  2. Check out different points of view and brainstorm the issue
  3. Don’t rely on your first draft. Write messy and edit your writing after that
  4. Follow the structure
  5. Maintain a consistent tone throughout

Students spend days and weeks writing a good proposal essay. Then, they need to conduct the research, select the correct arguments, write the draft, and edit the final piece. The whole process is complex and consumes a lot of time. So, you can hire a specialist to write the paper for you. The members of our team are professional academic writers that will perform your order on an expert level.

Forget about writing long and tedious essays. Hire GradeMiners!

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