How to Maintain Work with Studying and Stay Sane

February 8th, 2018 | Posted by GradeMiners

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Striking the perfect balance between work and studying is very challenging and stressful. Every student knows that sometimes it seems almost impossible to earn a living while also earning a degree. In fact, this is one the major problems learners face today.

Student life brings you the pressure of completing tons of assignments, paying tuition fees and trying to make the most of your campus life. When balancing social life, a part-time job and homework, you are stressed-out perpetually and feeling enormous pressure trying to cope up. Whatever the reason why you have to combine work and education, you surely need an efficient plan to cope with it.

But how to find this balance? Basically, it can be achieved with a bit of self-discipline and smart planning. Fortunately, there are useful tips you can use to find balance throughout your college life. Here are some of them.

1.Schedule wisely

One of the hardest things about working on top of classes is trying to be on schedule without overloading yourself with tasks. In case you land a part-time job with an opportunity to choose your work hours, you’re the lucky one. Just schedule your work hours around the classes setting aside enough time for homework assignments. Be ready to adapt to unexpected last-minute tasks and sudden work crisis.

Making use of the planners and calendar applications on your phone is a great way to keep an updated schedule. There are a variety of different apps and planners, so you’ll surely find the one that suits you the most. For example, if you have a work and study schedule that moves around each week, use weekly planners to stay on your plans each week. Don’t forget to focus on things like chores, sports, and going out with friends and family.

2. Prioritise your tasks

To balance all life spheres, you should be honest with yourself – you’re not a superhuman to have time to do everything. Due to this, lay out priorities and organise your schedule in a meaningful ways taking into consideration projects and assignments that are due in the short term. Spend time with classmates is essential. But you should be ready to miss a few parties to catch up on work or finally complete a research paper.

Don’t forget to check your curriculum. Find out the days of your exams and final dates of paper submissions. Following this tip, you can prepare for it more efficiently and schedule your work hours most productively. Completing a project in time helps you feel more balanced and relaxed.

3. Avoid time wasting

Procrastination can negatively influence both your job and studies. If you want to know how to balance between all spheres of your student’s life, you should stay ahead and waste no time. Procrastination leads to the growth of your to-do list. And it’ll be much harder to motivate yourself to do at least something, once all your projects have piled up.

Know how to say no to people or things that will distract your attention from more critical tasks. Avoid such time-killers as social media and video games. It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t relax, but you have to spend your time wisely. There are different online resources and apps that offer study tips and help you develop your time management skills.

4. Ask for assistance

Writing is hard work. To compose a decent paper, you have to spend hours researching, writing, and editing, but you just don’t have the time. Every stage of the writing process demands dedication and a high level of concentration. If you are pressed for time, try to get matched with a professional writer using academic writing services, such as GradeMiners.com.

5. Stay healthy

Stress is an integral part of being a student with a part-time job. Thus, if you can’t avoid high stress level, you can learn how to manage it and stay healthy despite the circumstances. Getting more sleep, taking regular breaks, going for walks, taking exercises and eating well – all these things will help you manage stress and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Sometimes you could get so involved in projects that pressure of work can make you feel overloaded and keep you from sleeping well. But the level of your stress will probably go down if you only improve the quality of your sleep and food. Also, you will think more creatively as well as avoid mistakes in your work.

6. Have fun along the way!

It’s crucial to make time for yourself if you want to balance study with a part-time job. Don’t forget to have fun by spending time with family and friends or just taking a moment to do some yoga or relax. Finding joy today in your day at university or work can help you go through a hard day tomorrow.

Celebrate all your achievements, even the little ones. Once you’ve finished a tough assignment, be sure to find some way to treat yourself.

Working and studying at the same time is a challenge. But this doesn’t mean that it’s impossible for you to succeed in university life and career. Keep your goals in mind and follow these simple tips above to stay motivated and concentrated during this exciting journey. Do you have any useful tips? Feel free to share them.

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