Pop Culture Essay – Thoughts on Writing

June 30th, 2017 | Posted by GradeMiners

Wiring about culture is exciting if you know how to approach it. The secret is in finding the right aspect to write about. Culture is rich and diverse and, unlike strictly scientific topics, gives room for creativity.

In terms of structure and writing stages, a culture essay doesn’t differ from other papers. It follows the usual flow – the introduction with a thesis, the main part, and the conclusion.

The very concept of culture is rather broad – that’s why in order to write a good paper, it is better to focus on some kind of culture. For the purposes of this blog post, let’s focus on pop culture.

The benefits of writing on pop culture is that you, as the writer, have already experienced it and are experiencing it almost every day of your life.

What you hear from your car’s radio, what you see on TV, and what you find browsing online make up the pop culture of the modern time. In other words, a pop culture is the combination of images, perspectives, opinions, ideas and other components that are mainstream within a certain national culture.

The emergence of the pop culture

The term itself appeared in the 19th century and at first was associated only with those social strata that lacked education and were on the lower end of the income ladder. The pop culture was opposed to the official culture with its higher education and income standards.

After the World War II, the term acquired the new meaning of “mass” culture, or “consumerism” culture.

Even though the word “pop” is short for “popular,” the two have a difference in meaning. While “popular” is used to characterize a phenomenon that acquired popularity, “pop” has a narrower meaning of something that has qualities of mass appeal.

There are as many as six definitions of popular culture, none of which covers the full range of meanings.

How to write about pop culture?

There are SO many ways to write about pop culture, and we will only name a few possible directions you could follow.


Pop art



Music, art, literature, movies – there are virtually no limits as long as you make a point by carefully choosing and presenting arguments. This is the beauty of writing creative papers, so use it as much as you can.

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