Analytical Essay Examples

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All Analytical Essays

A Farewell to Arms Reflective

Subject: Ernest Hemingway
Pages: 5
Words: 1239
Rating: 4,8

Throughout the Italian campaign of World War I, Frederic Henry and Catherine Barkley, two characters in A Farewell to Arms, had a tumultuous relationship. The…

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For Whom the Bell Tolls Analysis

Subject: πŸ“š Literature
Pages: 4
Words: 1083
Rating: 4,8

In Ernest Hemingway’s For Whom the Bell Tolls, Robert Jordan, a supporter of the Republican side during the Spanish Civil War, joins a squad of…

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Man’s Relationship With Nature in The Old Man and the…

Subject: Old Man and the Sea
Pages: 3
Words: 647
Rating: 4,8

Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea is an intriguing short story that revolves around the relationship between man and nature. The story, published…

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Examining Symbolism in the Old Man and the Sea

Subject: πŸ‘ΈπŸ½ Famous Person
Pages: 4
Words: 882
Rating: 4,7

Ernest Hemingway’s the Old Man and the Sea recounts the story of a senior citizen faced with perpetual bad luck in a fishing village in…

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Old Man and the Sea Analysis

Subject: πŸ“š Literature
Pages: 4
Words: 854
Rating: 4,7

Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea is a celebrated novella that has resonated with generations of readers. Riveting in the narrative, it sees…

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Girl Before a Mirror by Pablo Picasso Analysis

Subject: 🎨 Art
Pages: 4
Words: 895
Rating: 4,8

Girl before a mirror is a 1932 oil on canvas painting by renowned Spanish painter Pablo Picasso. The image depicts a Girl’s symmetrical sides; one…

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The Life of Pablo Picasso

Subject: Impressionism
Pages: 4
Words: 884
Rating: 4,9

Pablo Picasso was a Spanish sculptor, painter, stage designer, ceramist, and printmaker who spent most of his life reinventing art. Picasso is considered one of…

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Antigone: Literary Analysis

Subject: Antigone
Pages: 4
Words: 869
Rating: 4,8

Antigone is one of the ancient Greek playwright Sophocles’ creative works. The play recounts the struggles of Antigone, a fictional female character who rebels against…

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Harrison Bergeron Analysis

Subject: Totalitarianism
Pages: 4
Words: 823
Rating: 4,8

The short story Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut was first published in 1961. Kurt Vonnegut’s novel is set in a dystopian future in which the…

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Positive and Negative Effects of the Columbian Exchange

Subject: πŸ’° Economics
Pages: 4
Words: 857
Rating: 4,8

The Columbian Exchange refers to the significant transfer of food, ideas, crops, populations, and diseases between Afro-Eurasia (old world) and the Americas (new world) after…

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Why Was Flowers for Algernon Banned?

Subject: πŸ“š Literature
Pages: 4
Words: 889
Rating: 4,7

Flowers for Algernon is a story by Daniel Keyes, an American author who later expanded it into a novel that was subsequently adopted for filmmaking….

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The Theme of Flowers for Algernon

Subject: πŸ’­ Psychology
Pages: 3
Words: 765
Rating: 4,8

Flowers for Algernon, a short story and later a novel by Daniel Keyes, tells the story of a laboratory mouse named Algernon who undergoes experimental…

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Conflict in Hills Like White Elephants

Subject: πŸ“š Literature
Pages: 4
Words: 1060
Rating: 4,8

The literary device of conflict was crucial in developing the plot of this work. The author takes a dispassionate third-person conflict and describes it in…

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John F. Kennedy and the Berlin Crisis

Subject: Communism
Pages: 4
Words: 857
Rating: 4,8

The Berlin crisis began in 1948 before the assumption of office by John F. Kennedy as the US president. The Premier of the Soviet Union…

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Analysis Essay on John F. Kennedy and Vietnam War

Subject: πŸ—½ American History
Pages: 4
Words: 827
Rating: 4,6

John F. Kennedy’s involvement in the Vietnam War was a significant part of his presidency and shaped the course of the conflict in the 1960s….

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Schizophrenia Nature vs. Nurture

Subject: πŸ₯ Health Care
Pages: 4
Words: 842
Rating: 4,8

Schizophrenia is a chronic psychiatric disorder that influences brain development and expresses a combination of cognitive dysfunctions and psychotic symptoms. Several kinds of research have…

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Why Should School Start Later?

Subject: Early Childhood Education
Pages: 4
Words: 941
Rating: 4,8

Teens reverie sleep each day. This need does not imply laziness on their part or lack of ambition thereof. Instead, sleep cycles change as children…

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Human Dignity: Documentary Analysis

Subject: Documentary
Pages: 3
Words: 859
Rating: 4,8

Human dignity refers to the right to be respected, valued and treated in an ethical manner. Human dignity can also be defined as a state…

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A Subculture Case Study Analysis

Subject: πŸ‘© Adolescence
Pages: 7
Words: 1883
Rating: 4,8

Subcultures made life and research interesting in the 20th century and have continued to do so in the 21st century, a fact that is highly…

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Identifying and Defining Characteristics of Wellness

Subject: πŸ‘΅πŸ½ Ageism
Pages: 8
Words: 2128
Rating: 4,8

Wellness Define wellness Wellness or well-being can be defined as being healthy. It is the state of being free of any forms of psychological or…

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