5 Types of Expository Essays – The 2024’s Guide

Writing essays is a significant part of being a student. Such assignments are often time- and energy-consuming. Moreover, they require excellent writing and research skills. One has to know ins and outs of the writing to address all requirements and score high. Aside from that, it’s important to realize that essays come in different forms and structures. They depend on the kind of the chosen essay. Today, we’ll take a closer look at an expository essay and discuss what it is, how it looks like, and how to get the best results using several simple tips.

What’s an Expository Essay?

Expository essay definition implies the essay uses data and evidence to support an idea. The term comes from the verb to expose. Consequently, writers reveal certain facts and deliver them, in addition to the proof, clearly and comprehensively. In addition to investigating a certain thing, event, phenomenon, writers can assess the evidence, too.

5 Types of Expository Essays

When talking about expository writing, it’s important to keep in mind that it covers different kinds of essays. Simply stating “expository” is too vague because they come in several versions. A lot depends on what you wish to achieve by writing the paper. Do you want to explain something? Are going to compare things and show which one is better? Is your assignment to define a certain thing or phenomenon? All of these presuppose an expository paper, yet each of them belongs to a separate subcategory. Let’s review the main types of essays in this category and take a closer look at descriptive, procedure, comparison, cause & effect, problem/solution essays.


The title is self-explanatory. When writing such kind of paper, students aim to describe something. In fact, it could be anything: object, event, place, memory, experience, feeling, concept, etc. It doesn’t matter if the topic is about real things like an animal and city or abstract ones like love and truth.

The main goal of the paper is to give a literal definition of the given concept and explain what people think when talking about it. Just like any traditional essay, the paper must have an introduction, main part, and conclusion.

Procedure or “how-to”

When we define expository writing, how-to papers don’t usually come to mind. Nevertheless, they are quite similar to descriptive ones, except they describe the process of doing something. Describing a procedure, students must remember to include step-by-step guidance. Like on a journey, the essay must walk readers from the beginning of the process to its end. Some bright examples for such papers include describing an experiment in physics, chemistry, etc. Other popular topics cover life skills like cooking, baking, repairing, etc.


The term presupposes that the text compares two different objects, places, concepts, etc. One of the main goals of the paper is to discover similarities and differences between them. For instance, one may compare two cities in terms of size, population, residing companies, restaurants, schools, accessibility, etc.

Such essays must compare different things from the same category. Otherwise, finding similarities will be truly challenging.

Cause and effect

This essay type also deals with two things, often events. However, unlike similarities and differences, your job is to study the evidence and conclude if one thing led to another. Keep in mind that adding evidence you use to drive to a certain conclusion is essential for this kind of paper. It helps readers to understand how you made the connection.


Such assignments let students use their creative thinking. As a rule, one is presented with a problem and the main job is to come up with a solution, at least a possible theoretical one. If you want to nail this task, you may list several solutions and add recommendations for readers (if the issue concerns them in any way). Each presented solution is likely to have pros and cons.

When the essay has only one solution, the reader has no choice. However, in the case with multiple possible solutions, a reader should have enough food for thought to drive to personal conclusions.

7 Tips on How to Write an Expository Essay

If you wish to do the best job and create a unique, high-quality essay, the following tips are sure to help you understand what is expository writing and how to succeed in creating such papers.

A clear thesis statement is a must

The first essay paragraph must clearly define the topic as well as which angle you plan to pursue. Specify the statement before writing the paper, so that the rest of the content was up spot-on.

Research the topic and select relevant, new information

Before diving into the actual writing, it’s important to study the subject first. Discover what’s been done already, which aspects got the most attention, what you want to discover here, etc. Collect enough data to become an expert and discard the data you won’t need.

Stick to the precise structure

Each paper must have a clearly highlighted introduction, main part (several paragraphs), and conclusion. To verify you add all the needed paragraphs and details, it’s better to create an outline. It’ll organize the material and speed up the writing process.

Make a draft

Once you come up with a plan, it’s time to act. When creating an initial draft, you should keep in mind that the text must be logical. Add sentences that will help readers move from one argument to another. Another significant detail to consider at this point is that each argument must come with proof/evidence. It could be facts, statistics, logic, etc. Only solid evidence helps write a high-quality paper.

Edit the paper

After writing the initial version, it’s better to devote some time to polish it. Remove redundancy, repetition, add clarity, and make sure the readers can trace logical connections you’ve made. Now you know that the knowledge of the expository writing definition is not enough. It’s also about patience and attention to detail. While editing, it’s better to cut the weak paragraphs or replace them with stronger arguments.

Proofread the text before submitting

One of the steps students often forget is proofreading. Scan the text (manually or with special software) to spot and fix various mistakes like typos, spelling mistakes, grammar errors, punctuation, etc. They might seem insignificant considering the volume of job you did to write the paper. However, no matter how good the content is, your mistakes will impact the final grades.

Delegate the job to professionals

In case you don’t have time, patience, or skills to do the task on your own, the best solution is to delegate it in advance. When you realize you won’t be doing it, do not postpone to the last minute. Save yourself from stress and sleepless nights by hiring expert writers. Get academic assistance and enjoy excellent essays, no matter what type of paper you have to submit.

Expository Writing Examples

Before making an order, you can discover some free samples we offer to every visitor. They show a glimpse into what you can expect from the service. Download them here to uncover more about definition expository essay terms and how to format the text properly. Reading high-quality examples is sure to help you learn more about the proper structure, stylistic devices used to emphasize certain ideas, and other technical details.

Moreover, free samples can serve as an inspiration. Use them as the foundation for your creative work and create unique assignments.

Expository Essay Writing Help From Grade Miners

Such kind of assignment can be challenging at times. Especially, if you lack time or resources. However, it doesn’t have to be complicated. You may pick an easy solution and hire professionals to write an expository research paper for you. Experienced authors do their best to create unique text from scratch based on the requirements and guidelines you provide. A fully customized essay that is delivered before the deadline: what could be better?

Discover reliable and affordable academic help today. Delegate the job to experts and get ready to receive excellent grades for perfectly structured, logically written, and mistake-free texts.

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Benjamin Oaks
Looking for a first-rate essay writer? Then you are in the right place. Meet Benjamin Oaks, who is one of our best experts in the History and Philosophy sphere. He has more than 5 years of experience not only in academic writing but also in working with college students. We guarantee that by hiring Benjamin, you will get a perfectly written paper accompanied by friendly and easy communication
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