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How to format an ACS paper using in-text citations

When it comes to in-text citations, there are a number of distinct guidelines which must be followed. There are three formats of in-text citations which can be used to format a paper in ACS style namely;

  • Citation by a superscript number
  • Citation by an italic number and
  • Citation using the author name and date.

Writing an ACS style paper using the superscript number

Citation by superscript number typically involves the use of numerical references usually placed outside the punctuation at the end of the information being cited. The citation may also follow the name of the author within the cited information. Example: Parker4 suggests that there are three formats of in-text citations which can be used in an ACS paper or: There are three formats of in-text citations which can be used in an ACS paper4.

How to cite an ACS paper using an italic number

Moreover, in the ACS paper format, the citation using numerical references with italic numbers placed in parentheses at the end of the cited text usually follow the relevant text being cited or the name of the author. This method of in-text citation is normally placed inside punctuation. Example: Parker (4) suggests that there are three formats of in-text citations which can be used in an ACS paper or: Parker suggests that there are three formats of in-text citations which can be used in an ACS paper (4). When one uses citations based on the reference the sources should be numbered consecutively based on the order under which they are cited.

If one source is cited more than once, the initial reference number will be maintained in the subsequent citations.

Similarly, citation using the author name and date involves the use of the author’s surname in the information being cited and the year of the publication of the article preceded by a comma at the end of the sentence in the ACS Paper.  Alternatively, the author’s name can be included in the sentence which is being cited. When two authors are involved, the surnames of both names are joined by “and” while references of more than two authors are normally cited using the surname of the first author followed by the word “et al.”.

On the other hand, the reference list in ACS paper format is generally placed at the end of the paper. The references are typically arranged either in an alphabetical order based on the surname of the author or in a numerical order based on the reference numbers.

Writing your dissertation using the ACS paper format

Writing a dissertation in ACS format requires that the writer uses the correct citation guidelines as stipulated by the ACS style guides.

The ACS guidelines for citing works in a dissertation are designed to help the reader understand the references used and how the scientific implications contribute to the main idea that is communicated in dissertation. ACS cite dissertation is used when dealing with important experiments and ideas. Through the dissertation, the discussions must be clear and relatable and correctly cited. This means that all the work that contributed to the whole dissertation should be referenced and reported.

Additionally, figures, tables and other non-text components are required by ACS guidelines to be well referenced and cited all through the dissertation. Quotations are also a major area that should be cited in the writing of a dissertation in ACS style. At times the qualities of ideas presented are because of associativity with other authors or writers, in this manner the specific writer must be cited to help the readers understand the relationships that exist between the works of different scientist or writer.

When citing works in ACS style for dissertations, there are some areas to be considered, and the writer can have three choices. For example, the writer may decide to use the author-date style of citation. This style requires that the citation starts with the name of the author of the resource followed by the date of publishing. In this style, when there are two authors the writer will use “and” whereas when the authors are more than two, he or she will use “et al”.

Another method of citation would require the use of parentheses and italicize. This method involves the use of numbers in between brackets. This number represents the specific position that a reference takes in the reference list. For example, (6). When the dissertation has figures, tables, and other non-text components, the writer must cite these components with correct positions. Such citations are important for creating a better understanding of the ideas or data to the main objective of the dissertation. Furthermore, the writer may decide to use the third choice which is the use of a superscript number outside the punctuation whenever the citation applies to the whole statement or idea that is being presented. This type of citation may also be used when citing clauses. However, there are cases where the same reference is used to cite; the writer must use the same number to represent that idea keeping in mind that the references are numbered consecutively.

When citing works in a dissertation in ACS style, the font type and size are essential. The writer must make sure the fonts of the citation match that of the whole dissertation. This promotes uniformity throughout the entire essay.

Additionally, the line spacing must be the same as that of the whole document. Any variations should be avoided since this would reduce the credibility of the work and its ideas. In short, the writer must make sure all the cited tasks are simple and easily relatable. In very rare cases, the instructor may require some variations in the formatting of these citations. In such cases, the writer must fully adhere to the instructions given to uphold the meaning and integrity of the dissertation.