Analytical Essay Examples

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All Analytical Essays

Catfish and Mandala

Subject: πŸ’Ό Business
Pages: 5
Words: 1255
Rating: 4,6

From differences in religion, race to gender and age, human beings have fought for many years due to their identity issues. The development of a…

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Interpretive analysis of Pulp Fiction

Subject: 🎨 Art
Pages: 4
Words: 1153
Rating: 4,8

Pulp fiction is a 1994 a black comedy crime film that was written and directed by Quentin Tarantino a renowned director, actor, and writer in…

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Using social media to attract consumers

Subject: πŸ’Ό Business
Pages: 19
Words: 4786
Rating: 4,9

Abstract Social media allows information to be shared electronically among wide range of customers. It helps organizations to analyze their market and strategize accordingly. This…

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Effectiveness of music therapy

Subject: Cancer
Pages: 13
Words: 3355
Rating: 5,0

Abstract Music therapy refers to the use of music as an appendage to the therapy of relaxation. Music can also be used in psychotherapy with…

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Psychological effects of caffeine

Subject: πŸ’­ Psychology
Pages: 4
Words: 1103
Rating: 4,9

Introduction Caffeine is one of the commonly accepted and used drugs, while it is not identified as a powerful stimulant to the central nervous system,…

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2006-2016 Panama Canal expansion project: it’s implications and its influence…

Subject: πŸ’Ό Business
Pages: 15
Words: 3896
Rating: 4,8

Introduction Summary of the Aim of the Project The project aimed at identifying the implications and analysing the influences of 2006-2016 Panama Canal expansion projects…

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The spike in hate crimes in the aftermath of the…

Subject: πŸ’­ Psychology
Pages: 15
Words: 3983
Rating: 4,8

Introduction Hate crime, according to the UK home office definition, refers to incidents where a perpetrator’s hostility against an individual or a community is a…

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Legislative effects on ELLs

Subject: βš—οΈ Science
Pages: 2
Words: 606
Rating: 4,3

In this discussion, our reference case will be Lau V. Nichols, 414 U.S. 563 (1974). This case was before the United States Supreme Court. There…

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US war on drugs analysis

Subject: πŸ’‰ Drug Abuse
Pages: 11
Words: 2930
Rating: 4,6

Introduction The “War on Drugs” is a phrase most associated with former US President Richard Nixon following his authorization to treat drug dealing and consumption…

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Article critique: parental involvement

Subject: πŸ’­ Psychology
Pages: 4
Words: 1062
Rating: 4,7

Introduction The following essay is a critique of the article entitled as β€œParental Involvement and Perceived At-risk Student Performance: Views from Predominantly Hispanic Parents.” This…

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Identity formation

Subject: πŸ’Ό Business
Pages: 4
Words: 1160
Rating: 4,8

Identity is what makes an individual different from others. On the other hand, identity formation is a process in which a person undergoes to attain…

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Case study: community services workers’ ethics

Subject: πŸ§‘β€πŸ€β€πŸ§‘ Sociology
Pages: 4
Words: 1232
Rating: 4,6

Values and ethics form an integral part of the practice and education of every profession. Every profession will, at least once in their professional life,…

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Analysis of β€œMending Wall” and social events that informed its…

Subject: πŸ’­ Psychology
Pages: 4
Words: 1072
Rating: 4,7

The author wrote this poem explaining the social events that happen in the world today between two neighbors who need to communicate, have a relationship,…

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History of America overview

Subject: International Relations
Pages: 4
Words: 1177
Rating: 4,9

Pocahontas The Europeans arrived in coastal Virginia, a place inhabited by Powhatan Indians. The colonialist’s settlements spread in Virginia, forcing the Powhatans to move inland…

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Weighing characters and virtues

Subject: βš–οΈ Law
Pages: 2
Words: 527
Rating: 3,9

What are two differences between how virtues are described by Aristotle versus how they are described in Buddhism? Ethical perspectives of Aristotle’s ethics and Buddhist…

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International students in the United States of America

Subject: International Relations
Pages: 11
Words: 2973
Rating: 4,8

Why do international students prefer to acquire their higher education in the United States While many institutions of higher learning all over the globe over…

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Unbound desire for power and evil deeds in Shakespeare’s Macbeth

Subject: πŸ’­ Psychology
Pages: 3
Words: 995
Rating: 4,7

Literature has a way of communicating what happens in the society. In most cases, the works have been centered on specific themes that tend to…

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Bullying and cyber bullying at school

Subject: Cyber Bullying
Pages: 7
Words: 1827
Rating: 4,7

The act of bullying among children has been in schools for many decades and has resulted in different outcomes depending on the intensity of the…

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Correlation between low education and poor mental health status

Subject: πŸ’­ Psychology
Pages: 4
Words: 1064
Rating: 4,8

Abstract Problems related to mental health have raised general public concern in the last few years. According to, epidemiological studies reveal that a wide range…

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Consumers’ economic rationality in market and non-market systems

Subject: πŸ§‘β€πŸ€β€πŸ§‘ Sociology
Pages: 9
Words: 2472
Rating: 4,5

The study of markets has recently played quite an essential role in the field of economics, in the view that mechanisms of the market are…

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