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Executive summary

This paper is an analysis of the impact of integration of emerging technology is medical service for Hikanos Medical Center. The role of the internet of things in the revolution of the corporate and social aspects of life through a proper computerized analysis of big data through a set of programmed instructions that require artificial intelligence to provide solutions to some of the problems encountered in our day to day lives. This report provides an in-depth analysis of the concept of artificial intelligence, big data, and the internet of things and their roles in providing technology solutions for an organization such as Hikanos Medical Center. Each of these concepts is individually analyzed with regard to how they can be implemented on an organization interface to help the organization adapt and enjoy various benefits of the emerging technology. The inter-relation between the artificial intelligence, the big data, and the internet of things as well as how this form of technological interdependence can be used to cause changes in the provision of healthcare services is also subjected to detailed discussion. Moreover, various benefits, disadvantages, and challenges that an organization has encountered while trying to implement these concepts into the business operation are also discussed in this report. 


Artificial intelligence refers to the development of special computer programs that can be integrated with other IT infrastructure in a business to provide a computerized solution to various problems that would normally need to be solved by human intelligence. These programs are designed to implement tasks concerned with visual perception, translation of languages, speech recognition, and even decision-making in some situations. On the other hand, big data refers to huge data sets that require computational methods to reveal various patterns and the forms of the relationship existing between the variables contained in this dataset. The functionality of these concepts relies on the compatibility of the hardware and software components that require special configuration with the other information system components. A network flow is also an important aspect of ensuring device interoperability of various medical devices that form major components of the entire system. Application of these concepts in a medical field is essential in increasing the quality of healthcare services and enhancing medical research. This report seeks to explain how effectively these concepts can be integrated into the information systems of an organization as well as the most probable challenges likely to be encountered in the process of implementation.

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Purpose of the Report

This report seeks to explain various ways through which Hikanos Medical Center has utilized the concepts of big data, artificial intelligence, and internet of things to increase efficiency in service delivery as well as in ensuring that patient information regarding diagnostic history, treatment progress, and clinical reports are safely stored in systems where the information is easily accessible and safety is also ensured (Ghapanchi et al., 2014). Moreover, this company has also utilized these three concepts in their financial systems to increase efficiency and prevent any losses as a result of improper finance systems. Automated diagnostic, customer experience and employee satisfaction resulting from the integration of these concepts into the hospital information system is also hereby discussed. This report also has some recommendations on what Hikanos Medical Center can do to improve the efficiency of the hospital systems through improved healthcare systems, efficient automated diagnostic process, and use of computerized drug dispensers. Despite the fact that the organization has already implemented an advanced IT programs in its system, the efficiency of this system has not yet been optimized for various reasons revealed in this report.

Company Background

Hikanos Medical Center is a private health service provider founded by Dr. Martin Murray in the year 2002. With over 10 years of continued growth through offering of quality services, the organization found it necessary to computerize its operations to reduce congestion and backlog of diagnostic reports by automating some of its functions through integrating an Artificial Intelligence that uses internet of things to conduct data analysis of big data and help in decision-making regarding various issues in the health information system. Hikanos Medical Center has 300 employees including professional doctors, nurses, IT experts, security personnel, and manual workers. This medical center has various systems that are hyper-converged in its IT infrastructure to facilitate health records management and other issues concerned with diagnostic and treatment of patients. The facility has recently sponsored an IT training program for all its officers to increase efficiency and optimize the infrastructural potential.


The concepts of Artificial Intelligence, Big data, and Internet of things are hereby subjected to a detailed discussion in the application to facilitate  process automation, data  analytics, flow of communication, and overall efficiency of service delivery at Hikanos Medical Center.

Internet of things


Internet of things refers to the network of computer infrastructure that features various Internet Protocol addresses for internet connectivity as a way of enhancing the communication networks between various users of the system as well as communication between the hardware and software components of this system. Internet of things applies a network connectivity to allow the devices in Hikanos Medical Center to transmit and receive information across departments for improved efficiency in treatment.

Role in the organization

Internet of things has played a very critical role in the growth of Hikanos Medical Center through creating a typical quality assurance for the clients as well as simplification of the employee responsibilities as a result of functionality automation and decision-making through artificial intelligence. The Open Artificial Pancreas system for Closed-Loop insulin is one of the most recent infrastructural components to be integrated into the medical systems for HMC to facilitate effective treatment of diabetic patients. The internet of things allows for analysis of big-data feed from the CGM through a specialized computer software that continuously facilitates alteration of the patient’s amount if insulin during the treatment process. This system efficiently allows the patients to control their own devices that regulate the insulin levels in the body. The Open Artificial Pancreas System has its own devices connected through the internet of things to assist the diabetic patients to transmit data on blood glucose levels through a Continuous Glucose Monitoring system (CGM) to an application installed on a smartphone. Another area in which the Hikanos Medical Center (HMC) has applied the internet of things in its healthcare system includes activity tracking devices for patients suffering from cancer, connected inhalers, ingestible sensors, and computerized coagulation testing.

Pros and Cons of IoT in its application in the provision of health services


  •   Improved quality of human life as a result of efficiency and quality of healthcare         services.
  •   Efficiency in service delivery which saves time to allow treatment of more patients.
  •   Minimizes the possibility of errors during diagnosis and treatment.
  •   Automation of various services facilitates better patient monitoring and virtual support.
  •   Creates a smart environment in the provision of services thus reducing workload for workers.


  •   Compatibility issues with the existing information system infrastructure.
  •   Operability complexity of the IoT systems.
  •   Loss of jobs through automation of services.

Big Data


Big data in healthcare refers to huge data sets that are usually analyzed by specially programmed computers to establish the existing relationship between various variables in the data sets as well as how the reports of this analysis can be used to facilitate efficiency and improve quality of service delivery in health care. Hikanos Medical Center being a large multinational corporation is faced with the task of managing large amount of data on a daily basis with information ranging from health reports of hundreds of patients to data on medical research carried out by the health professionals in the organization.

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Role in facilitating efficiency and quality of services

Big data is extensively applied in the process of facilitating efficiency in services delivery since all decisions and conclusions regarding health issues are based on the proper collection, storage, and analysis of data. For instance, Hikanos Medical Center relies on big data to provide healthcare data solutions through systematic storage and ease of access from the internet of things to facilitate quick and informed decision-making. The integration of big data in the hospital systems, therefore, requires complex systems for analysis and storage which it should be integrated with artificial intelligence systems for improved efficiency and risk minimization. Moreover, big data has been used to fight cancer through supporting the systems involved in DNA mapping and parallelization of billions of DNA pairs. Monitoring of patient vitals also greatly rely on big data to monitor patients for the rate of heartbeat, blood pressure, and the respiratory rate. Big data has also been extensively applied by the HMC to ensure error detection and early prevention with regard to the treatment of patients there human errors of wrong medication, dosage, and diagnosis are concerned. 

Pros and Cons of Big Data in healthcare services


  •   Improved Quality of healthcare since this big data is usually derived from various credible sources through the internet of things which is then analyzed using artificial intelligence to determine the most effective treatment options.
  •   Facilitates early intervention of various medical issues through big data predictive analysis.
  •   Helps in fraud detection since big data systems have access to large amounts of information which can be analyzed for inconsistencies.
  •   Big data facilitates improved patient assistance and care
  •   Increased efficiency in cloud data storage and predictive analytics


  •   Privacy breathe in confidentiality of health care records
  •   Big data analytics is slowly replacing the need for doctors
  •   Big data is responsible for a breach of security as a result of possible DOS attacks.

Artificial Intelligence


Artificial intelligence in healthcare refers to the theory and development of specialized computer systems that have the ability to perform activities that require human intelligence to enable effective decision making through visual perception, automated decision-making, speech recognition and device interoperability within the system. Hikanos Medical Center has integrated artificial intelligence algorithms into its systems to facilitate approximated human cognition during the process of medical data analysis which forms an important part of the diagnosis. 

Applicability in Healthcare systems

Hikanos Medical Center has integrated various artificial intelligence applications in its Information Technology infrastructure to help in the analysis of the existing relationships between various treatment methods and the resultant outcomes after the treatment is administered. Artificial Intelligence has allowed the medical facility to automate most of its services through the use of computational algorithms that have abilities to make decisions as well as analyze medical data to provide effective solutions to various health issues. Through the use of artificial intelligence, HMC is now able to interact with its clients remotely through the use of virtual assistants for personal health monitoring that is implemented on smartphone applications (Furmankiewicz et al., 2014). Moreover, artificial intelligence has been extensively used in Hikanos Medical Center to facilitate advanced analytics in medical research. Since the adoption of this integrated system of service provision, HMC has set up a patient support center for online platforms through which its clients can  interact with medical officers using a chat window to get assistance without having to physical movement. These applications are known as healthcare bots. Moreover, the health facility has extended the use of bots to include appointment scheduling as well as integrated financial services.

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Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence


  •   Artificial intelligence has facilitated fast and accurate disease diagnostics since its inception at HMC.
  •   Human errors in treatment have been significantly reduced to almost zero percent through the use of Artificial intelligence.
  •   The cost of treatment has reduced since the patients do not necessarily have to visit the hospital to seek treatment since most of the process can be completed using online applications.
  •   Artificial intelligence has enabled HMC to apply the concept of Telemedicine in the treatment of the patients through remote assistance robots that create an effective virtual presence.


  •   The inception of artificial into the healthcare system of Hikanos Medical Center has resulted in massive loss of jobs to people in various positions whose processes were automated.
  •   Possible loss of information as a result of machine damages where back up is not available
  •   Artificial intelligence as caused loss of personal connections between doctors and patients which is an important part of treatment
  •   Purchase of the IT infrastructure required to implement Artificial Intelligence algorithms is expensive.


The report findings substantiate the need for other medical services to adopt emerging technology as a measure of improving efficiency and quality of healthcare service. Analysis of various information technology infrastructural advancements adopted by Hikanos Medical Center reveals that the use of artificial intelligence, big data analytics, and artificial intelligence has facilitated both reputational and financial advancement for the organization. A comparison of the organizational records for the period before the inception of the emerging technology in the medical field and after the inception reveals that the company has grown by 35 percent as a result of the integration of advanced technology in the treatment process. Hikanos Medical Center is recommended to allow the patients access quick support for all healthcare services without having to move to the hospitals depending on the nature of their health issues. Moreover, the systems should be integrated to increase the online services and diversify the storage of health information records for easy access by both patients and health service providers.


This report details various issues revolving around revolutionization of healthcare services at Hikanos Medical Center through the integration of emerging technology into the existing IT infrastructure to facilitate quick and efficient service delivery. Artificial intelligence has been intensively applied to automate most of the services revolving around diagnostic, treatment, and patient monitoring to make the process of treatment more efficient. Moreover, automation of drug dispensation for patients depending on the computerized analysis of data regarding their diagnostic report has also been a very successful implementation of the artificial intelligence. Big data analytics has also been implemented in the data processing which facilitates effective decision-making for the treatment process in this health facility. Similarly, through big data, more information is available for reference on the history of various diseases as well as ensuring compartmentalized data storage. Internet of things has ensured the success of all these technological platforms through creating IP addresses through which systems can communicate for smooth service delivery. This form of interaction among the three concepts has contributed significantly to the success of integrating modern technology in the healthcare services. Moreover, through the internet of things, medical device interoperability has been enabled as a result of efficient a network that uses mobile applications used by patients and doctors through an online platform.

Did you like this sample?
  1. Furmankiewicz, M., Sołtysik-Piorunkiewicz, A. and Ziuziański, P., 2014. Artificial intelligence systems for knowledge management in e-health: the study of intelligent software agents. Latest Trends on Systems2, pp.551-556.
  2. Ghanbarzadeh, R., Ghapanchi, A. H., Blumenstein, M., & Talaei-Khoei, A. (2014). A decade of research on the use of three-dimensional virtual worlds in health care: a systematic literature review. Journal of medical Internet research16(2).
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