⛩️ Culture Essays

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How did the Enlightenment influence the French Revolution?

Subject: 🏺 History
Pages: 4
Words: 848
Rating: 4,8

The state was the main initiator of the enlightenment that led to the French revolution. While the main cause of the French Revolution was radical…

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The history and impact of the Black Lives Matter movement

Pages: 4
Words: 855
Rating: 4,8

Introduction The recent protests of ‘Black Lives Matter’ had reached the peak specifically in the year 2013with three distinct ‘black female organizers’, namely, Alicia Garza,…

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What does Black Lives Matter mean to you?

Pages: 4
Words: 909
Rating: 5,0

Introduction A cause of inequality, discrimination, and corruption has influenced the death of so many innocent people. We should note that throughout American history, the…

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China: goodwill or bad will?

Pages: 6
Words: 1609
Rating: 4,5

Policymakers and political analysts are currently in a state over the new global order that is somewhat being shaped by China’s rapid rise in world…

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How private enterprises in China developed

Subject: 💼 Business
Pages: 2
Words: 540
Rating: 4,7

Over the past 30 years, the development of the private sector in China has been marked by rapid growth and development (Zheng and Yang 2)….

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Communists vs. nationalists in China’s Civil War

Pages: 3
Words: 712
Rating: 4,7

After the tense period of the Chinese history in the aftermath of the World War I, China was about to enter the phase of its…

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Suffrage ought to be a fruit of citizenship

Pages: 2
Words: 602
Rating: 4,6

Suffrage ought to be a fruit of citizenship The confederate state also required restoration; this was in the minds of the republicans (Sawrey, 156). In…

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Gender inequality in the communist period

Pages: 13
Words: 3218
Rating: 4,7

Introduction Back in the days and era of communism in Europe, women were degraded and treated with contempt as they were regarded as inferior beings….

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Metaphorical criticism of “American Beauty”

Subject: 🎨 Art
Pages: 7
Words: 1754
Rating: 4,9

A metaphor is generally an outward symbol that is used to depict something else. It is an outward decoration or ornamentation, a symbolic representation of…

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Shakespeare and the enlightenment

Pages: 2
Words: 600
Rating: 4,8

The enlightenment period occurred during a time when the Polish civilization was in confusion over whether to follow their traditions and customs or the modern…

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Gustave Courbet versus Edouard Manet in modern art

Subject: 🎨 Art
Pages: 3
Words: 900
Rating: 4,7

Gustave Courbet was a rebellious artist who in 1839 as a 20-year-old in Paris, sought to overturn the official establishment of art by introducing the…

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Bernini’s and Michelangelo’s David

Subject: 🎨 Art
Pages: 5
Words: 1260
Rating: 4,6

Bernini and Michelangelo sculptured David’s version in two different eras. While Michelangelo was an artist of the high renaissance, Bernini was an Italian Baroque-era artist….

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Intercultural communication: Barbados and Jamaica

Pages: 7
Words: 1931
Rating: 4,8

The Caribbean Islands is always regarded as sharing same culture but from deep research, it is evident that the region enjoys cultural diversity. Jamaica and…

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The Sullivan Brothers: the ultimate American sacrifice

Subject: 🏺 History
Pages: 14
Words: 3747
Rating: 4,9

Introduction Many tragic incidences characterized the World War II. However, one event stood out and touched the hearts of Americans. When the United States decided…

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Black feminist leadership

Pages: 7
Words: 1956
Rating: 4,8

Leadership is a major topic all over the world in different contexts. As far as the ‘blacks’ are concerned, for both the men and the…

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Woodstock and the “Free Love” movement

Subject: 🛕 Religion
Pages: 6
Words: 1718
Rating: 4,7

Woodstock music event Woodstock refers to a popular music event that was held in the US, Max Yasgur Farm, located in Woodstock, New York City…

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Kantianism and utilitarianism

Pages: 6
Words: 1351
Rating: 4,9

Euthanasia is one of the issues that different philosophers have discussed in length. Euthanasia denotes any action that terminates the life of an individual in…

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The plight of the elderly with relation to political movements and…

Pages: 4
Words: 872
Rating: 4,6

This paper examines the role of various political movements that have effect on the status of the elderly in USA. The increase in the number…

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Joe Turner

Subject: 🎨 Art
Pages: 3
Words: 693
Rating: 4,8

The play “Joy Turner’s Come and Gone” was written by August Wilson. The detailed analyses of the play and Loomis’s character makes it possible to…

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The saxophone in Jazz music

Subject: 🎨 Art
Pages: 6
Words: 1447
Rating: 4,8

Introduction Since the onset of the 20th century, Jazz music has played an immense role in the African American music industry. The popularity of Jazz…

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As a rule, this is an example of how students should structure the work, what aspects should be covered, and what sources can be used to find references.

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Essays or papers are in the public domain, so it is not recommended to use them as your own. Instead, they are directed to search for additional information or inspiration.

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You can find thousands of high-quality essay examples on various topics in our database.