Does Parent Involvement Affect the Learning Ability and Interests of Children?

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This research seeks to determine whether parent involvement in child education affects the children’s learning ability and interests. The research involves qualitative analysis of previous scholarly works and research on the topic. It explores the effects of parent involvement and effect of lacking parental involvements and analyses various literature work towards arrival at a conclusion. The research also presents recommendations on the parent involvement in child education.

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According to Castro et al. (2015), students spend just about 15% of their time in school leaving thus spend a longer period away from school and thus longer periods with their parents. Parent involvement in child education entails undertaking activities such as attending school events and meetings whenever one is scheduled, assisting with homework, and discussing the activities involving the child’s education at home. Scholars and researchers have looked into the effects that parent participation has on the child education with several studies suggesting that indeed involvement of parent on a child’s education process affects the child’s learning abilities and interests (Estell & Perdue, 2013). This research involves a qualitative analysis of literary works on parent involvement in child education and its effects on the learning ability and interests of the child. One major limitation of this research is that it depends purely on literary works instead of incorporating practical research of its own. This research paper explores the effects of parent involvement in the learning abilities and interests of children.

Research Questions

  1. What are the effects that parent involvement in student education casts on their learning abilities and interests?
  2. What are the effects of parents not participating in their children’s education process?
  3. Should parents take part in children learning or not?
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  • The research does not involve quantitative analysis
  • The research does not involve a field study of parent involvement in child education
  • The research was conducted in a limited timeframe thus does not involve deep analysis


This research employs a qualitative analysis seeking to determine the whether or not parental participation in learning affects a child learning abilities and interests. To achieve this objective, the research involves a qualitative study of the previous research into the subject of parent involvement in student education. The research thus analyses the peer-reviewed journal and articles on the theme of parent participation in student learning. It analyses the effects of parent involvement in child learning and the effects of lack of the same. The participants thus are authors and scholars who have conducted research and analysis of the same. The research analyses the various findings, outcomes, and perception towards formulation arrival at a conclusion on the impact that parent involvement in children’ learning casts on their interests and their learning abilities. It compares the various ideologies, rationalizes them and employs this knowledge in answering the research questions.

Literature Review

Parent education involvement has brought about debates on the benefits to the students and presented perception differences between parents and teacher. Even though Young, Austin, and Growe (2013) present that parent participation has a positive effect on a child’s learning ability and their interests, they also present that there exist interpretation differences between parents and school administrators. While teachers perceive parent involvement to include helping students with their homework, following on their progress, providing educational advice aside from attending meetings and picking their children from school, most parents view it as attending meetings, paying fees, offering pocket money and escorting them to school (Gaviria, 2015). Goodall and Montgomery (2014) suggest that this is a misinformed notion that limits the potential benefits that parent involvement can have on a child’s educational outcome and their interests at large.

Sad and Gurbuzturk (2013) suggests that parental involvement in child education has a positive influence on the child especially if the parents take interest in the education and supervise their child’s learning activities and progress. Gonida and Cortina (2014) also suggest that for an optimum realization of positive results and positive interests, parents should steer communication on school issues and help their children develop positive reading habits. McInerney (2013), on the other hand, suggest that early high parental expectations for their children regarding academic achievements and success levels motivate children and lead to better results. Whalley (2017) thus presents that parents should have high expectations for their children for early developmental stages and communicate the same to them early and not later. McInerney (2013) adds that the dictates of parents conversations matter to their children and direct their psychological mindsets if parents utter encouraging words suggesting great intellectual might of their children then they grow believing so are more likely to record good performances. Froiland, Peterson, and Davison (2013) state that long terms benefits of high parental expectations for their children citing that children record high academic results when parents have faith that they will succeed well in college during elementary life stages. The changes to the conversations that parents hold with their children as they grow along have effects on their performances depending on the patterns of the conversations (Estell & Perdue, 2013). Parents should thus engage their children in constructive and not destructive conversations. Young, Austin and Growe (2013) insist that while some children may not show enthusiasm towards parents following up on their performances, it nonetheless has a positive psychological impact as it communicates love and cares that children need to exploit their academic abilities and to maintain positivity in general.

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Olmstead (2013) presents that negative communications from parents, vocal abuses, and low children expectations cast negative psychological effects on a child that lead to poor performance and general negativity in life. Castro et al. (2015) also state that lack of social support from teachers, peer and especially parents may lead to self-esteem issues, low performance, and general negativity. Such negativity and self-esteem issues may steer such a child to indulge in negative practices such as drug and substance abuse. Sad and Gurbuzturk (2013), on the other hand, highlight the need for parents and teachers to work collaboratively to guarantee high child performance and positivity in life and interests. Gonida and Cortina (2014) point out that technology can be effectively incorporated to easy parent involvement in child education including child encouragement follow up on student performances and to increase participation in school activities, events and meetings.


From the above literature review, it is deducible that parent involvement in childhood education is helpful. Young, Austin and Growe (2013) however present that parent involvement in child education faces an interpretation challenge between the teaching fraternity and come parents. Goodall and Montgomery (2014) present that some parents perceive involvement to be attending meetings, issuing pocket money and dropping their kids off to school and not other important elements such as assisting with assignments, offering advice and encouragements. Gaviria (2015) presents that more mothers assist with their children’s homework than fathers do. It is necessary that parents should engage in their children’s education process to guarantee positivity, good results and enable their children to feel cared for and loved. Lack of involvement of parents in their children’s education may lead to low self-esteem that can hurt performance and lead to vices such as drug and substance abuse.


This research recommends parent involvement in child education since it allows positivity and high performances. It additionally helps children to feel cared for and loved. However, parents should be emancipated on what it means to be effectively involved in the education of their children.

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Parent involvement in children education involves actions such as providing advice, attending school events, and helping with homework amongst others. Parent involvement is sometimes perceived differently by teachers and parents. Parent involvement can lead to high grades and positivity in children. Early life high expectation of parents for their children leads to high performance in the long term. Lack of parental involvement can lead to low self-esteem issues that may promote vices such as drug and substance abuse. Parental involvement also allows children to feel cared for and loved.

Did you like this sample?
  1. Castro, M., Expósito-Casas, E., López-Martín, E., Lizasoain, L., Navarro-Asencio, E., & Gaviria, J. L. (2015). Parental involvement on student academic achievement: A meta-analysis. Educational Research Review, 14, 33-46.
  2. Estell, D. B., & Perdue, N. H. (2013). Social support and behavioral and affective school engagement: The effects of peers, parents, and teachers. Psychology in the Schools, 50(4), 325-339.
  3. Froiland, J. M., Peterson, A., & Davison, M. L. (2013). The long-term effects of early parent involvement and parent expectation in the USA. School Psychology International, 34(1), 33-50.
  4. Gonida, E. N., & Cortina, K. S. (2014). Parental involvement in homework: Relations with parent and student achievement‐related motivational beliefs and achievement. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 84(3), 376-396.
  5. Goodall, J., & Montgomery, C. (2014). Parental involvement to parental engagement: a continuum. Educational Review, 66(4), 399-410.
  6. McInerney, D. M. (2013). Educational psychology: Constructing learning. Pearson Higher Education AU.
  7. Olmstead, C. (2013). Using technology to increase parent involvement in schools. TechTrends, 57(6), 28-37.
  8. Sad, S. N., & Gurbuzturk, O. (2013). Primary School Students’ Parents’ Level of Involvement into Their Children’s Education. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 13(2), 1006-1011.
  9. Whalley, M. (Ed.). (2017). Involving parents in their children’s learning: A knowledge-sharing approach. Sage.
  10. Young, C., Austin, S., & Growe, R. (2013). Defining parental involvement: Perception of school administrators. Education, 133(3), 291-297.
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