Improvised Explosive Devices and Vehicular – Borne Improvised Explosive Devices

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Improvised explosive devices and vehicular- borne explosives explosive devices as the focus of this project have become such serious security threats in the modern world, but with proper security management incentives, they can be deterred. Accordingly, the security management, through learning objectives, provides the ways through which such can be addressed, from their definition as security risk exposures, proper management incentives and at best, how the judicial system can be used through its preventive role, to reduce the IEDVs instances. 

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The security management course degree provides students with the incentives for learning about particular risks and organizations grapple with risk exposures. For this topic, the objectives of the course are applied to understanding the risks exposed by the improvised vehicular explosives, either as a personal risk exposure or from external sources. The degree of security management also teaches the essence of security exposure risks like the property loss exposures, or the pure property pure risk. For this type of risks, the objective of the course helps in understanding its nature and implications by exploring the direct and indirect risks or losses. The course focuses on property loss, especially the risks that expose the organization to property losses like personal and buildings losses. Improvised vehicular explosives expose an organization to property loss, loss of lives through casualties and disabilities to the employees (Cavusoglu, Cavusoglu, Son & Benbasat, 2015). 

Risk exposures from improvised vehicular explosives can be addressed through environmental models for risk mitigation as a concept that incorporates the physical element of risk management (Von Solms & Van Niekerk, 2013). The security management degree will help with this project by teaching concepts like Crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) and explain how multi-disciplinary approaches can be applied in deterring criminal behaviors through environmental models (Cozens & Love, 2015). The cost-effectiveness of the strategy, as the course teaches, relies on its ability to influence offenders’ decisions that lead to the precedence of criminal acts. CPTED is the best option for IEDVs since it focuses on improving environmental surveillance, security screening into the premise, and physical security measures like fencing, and CCTV surveillance cameras among other incentives.   

Security management degree also teaches ways of disaster recovery, and this is summarized under the disaster recovery plan. For the risks from IEDVs, the disaster recovery plan can be utilized in documenting procedures, processes, and roles or responsibilities during the disaster recovery management to ensure full recovery from the disaster.

For this project, the security management degree explains concepts like personal security as the condition entailing the adequate efforts made in deterring, delaying as well as providing warnings on the possible risks as well as how individuals can respond constructively to reduce the risks instance (Cavusoglu et al., 2015). Information security, as the course teaches, entails the incentives and procedures put in place to safeguard the information communication system of which important information of the organization is stored. It involves preventing the unauthorized access to the company’s information system. Finally, the course contributes to the understanding of physical security that entails physical barriers put in place to deter crime (Cozens & Love, 2015). Hence, to prevent the business losses from the IEDVs, this course provides the chance of understanding how an integrated approach to security management can be applied to information, personnel, and physical security management. To prevent business losses, security incentives should be put in place to deter cybercrime or hacking the information system to leak vital information that could be used to launch IEDVs on the organization, while personnel security management entails incentives for reducing personal security risks and physical security management deters accessibility into the premises through physical barriers like fences and physical surveillance like CCTVs (Cozens & Love, 2015). 

Finally, addressing IEDVs threats ensues through the proper understanding of the role of the justice system as a system responsible as a preventive societal institution. For this part, the security management course outlines or identify the measures or incentives that the justice system has put in place in reducing recidivism (Barnes, 2014), of which tougher penalties can reduce the instances of the IEDVs cases. For example, stricter penalties for those convicted of using the improvised explosives will reduce the cases of such crimes and as such, protect organizations from imminent losses. In this case, the security management degree will help in policy recommendation on how the judicial system can assist in preventing losses from such explosives by introducing strict policing, investigative approaches and penalties for the perpetrators.

Therefore, for the degree in security management, the essence of its implications and applications on the security management is on how it outlines and defines the type of the security exposure or risk. On the other hand, it outlines three levels of security management including personnel, information and physical security why equally explains how and to what extent the judicial system has a role to play in reducing instances of such crimes. 

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  1. Barnes, J. C. (2014). Catching the really bad guys: An assessment of the efficacy of the US criminal justice system. Journal of Criminal Justice, 42(4), 338-346.
  2. Cavusoglu, H., Cavusoglu, H., Son, J. Y., & Benbasat, I. (2015). Institutional pressures in security management: Direct and indirect influences on organizational investment in information security control resources. Information & Management, 52(4), 385-400.
  3. Cozens, P., & Love, T. (2015). A review and current status of crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED). CPL bibliography, 30(4), 393-412. 
  4. Von Solms, R., & Van Niekerk, J. (2013). From information security to cyber security. Computers & Security, 38, 97-102.
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