Political Changes Preceding to WWI

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There have been significant political changes that took place in the century preceding to World War I that could be attributed to be the actual cause of the war. The aim of the paper is to articulate such events preceding to WWI including militarism, nationalism and mutual defense Alliances that lead to WWI in 1914 (Perry, 2014). Over the years, the cause of WWI has been articulated to be Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s assassination with his wife Sophie  by a Serbian terrorist, but these political events; Militarism, Defense alliances and nationalism further contributed to the adverse impact of WWI (Williams, 2013). Thus, the paper sets to investigate these political events and explain how these events lead to WWI between 1914 to 1918 world’s greatest war that claimed over 16 million lives.

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The 20th century was marked with nations increasing the arms with Germany leading with military buildup within their Navies that had a huge impact on public policy of Germany and Russia (Perry, 2014). As a political strategy, the increase of military was articulated as a nation’s political might in defending itself against national enemies.  The nation further developed the sense of political power during the time nations were more interested in expanding their territories. Thus, such increase in Military made it easier for WWI to happen instantly after the Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand (Williams, 2013). With such conceptual articulation, WWI started with Germany fight in two fronts showing their military’s war preparedness as compared to other nations.


As industrialization was shaping the 20th century’s socioeconomic and political environment, there was development of sense of belonging of citizens in different countries.  With other factors such as Military increase let to huge shift of individual’s national pride or loyalty that directly led to WWI (Perry, 2014). For instance, the Slavic and Herzegovina of Bosnia desired to part of Serbia and not Austria-Hungary. Thus, such nationalism desires and pride across Europe led to WWI extension in Europe that was motivated by showing their power and dominance in the region (Williams, 2013).  Nationalism in this care contributed fully on the occurrence of WWI with the political domain of proving military power and dominance in Europe.

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Defense Alliances

As nations were increasing their military capabilities, they further formed alliances such as Germany and Austria Hungary, Serbia and Russia that pulled them into battle. For instance, Austria-Hungary went into war with Serbia, as an Allie Russia defended Serbia in the war against Austria-Hungary and Germany (Perry, 2014). Later on, Germany declared war on France through the impartial Belgium that let to Britain getting into war to defend France. Thus, the alliances that were formed within period preceding to the WWI, contributed effectively to WWI in the 20th century (Williams, 2013).  Such alliances had economic value as they were formed to enhance corporation between themselves and defense across their nations.

In conclusion, these events had critical economic and political contributions that led to WWI based on their nature and the concept of power and dominance across Europe.  For instance, the Defense Alliances made nations to join the war with the simple provocation of their allies.  While nationalism was the general feeling of the political and economic leaders on their desires to prove they are better than other nations in Europe. Finally, Militarism articulated the preparedness of countries’ across Europe on their preparedness to defend their territories (Perry, 2014) that successful led to WWI.

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  1. Perry, H. R. (2014). Conclusion Mobilization, Militarisation, and Medicalisation in WWI Germany. Recycling the disabled, 197-208.
  2. Williams, C. (2013). A companion to nineteenth-century Britain. Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub.
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