Safeguarding Within the Football Association England

Subject: ⚽ Sports
Type: Argumentative Essay
Pages: 5
Word count: 1399
Topics: Soccer, ⏳ Social Issues
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What is a policy?

A policy is a brief summary of a particular matter, and it deals with some recommendation agreed upon by certain parties in the society. For instance, the safeguarding policy that spells out the rules and recommendation on how to protect children regardless of the color, age, and gender (Howie & Allison, 2016: 805).

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Where are the Policies used?

Policies are applied in several instances such as the regulatory policy that limits individuals or organisations from indulging in certain vices in the society (Howie & Allison, 2016: 809). Equally, the constituent policies are crucial for they spell out the powers of certain powerful people in the society such as the president (Howie & Allison, 2016: 808). The distributive policy, on the other hand, is used to indicate how the company is supposed to conduct the delivery and supply business to avoid breaching of certain pivotal clauses (Howie & Allison, 2016: 809).

What is Safeguarding?

Safeguarding is the principle of protecting children from any type of neglect and abuse. The ideology was introduced to ensure children live a comfortable life. The policy states that children regardless of the age, color, and religion, should be protected from any type of harm in the society (Howie & Allison, 2016: 804).

How the FA Implements Safeguarding at Football Clubs

The FA is an instrumental body in England football, and for that reason; they have various ways in which they implement the safeguarding policy to ensure children are well protected from any harm in the society. For instance, the FA checks the criminal records of football players in clubs and football academies (Howie & Allison, 2016: 807). The major reason for this is to ensure that children are protected from criminals who may brainwash their mind to commit social evils or indulge in other offences such as gun shooting in the football academies (Howie & Allison, 2016: 806). In football clubs, the FA is instrumental in safety awareness through educating the children and their coaches different ways of implementing safety measures either in training or while playing with other football teams. The FA also deals with concerns regarding the children safety in the society. For instance, a football club may complain to the association on how they feel that their children are not safe, and as a result, the FA deals with those matters with the urgency required (Howi and Allison, 2016: 800).

How the Policy Benefits the Children and the Working Environment

The policy is crucial since it ensures that the adults who work in schools or football clubs do not cause any danger to children (Parton, 2010:861). For example, sometimes, adults may have ill intentions against children of a certain color or religion, and therefore, the policy protects children from these types of individuals. The rules are beneficial to children and young people for they create a good environment for them to learn or play; thus protecting them from any type of damage in the society (Parton, 2010:861). In addition, the rules encourage the staff and other individuals working in schools to be well trained on matters concerning children handling. The safeguarding policies are vital since they teach both the children and adult on various ways to stay safe (Parton, 2010: 860).

Criteria to become FA Coach

FA is one of the bodies that are sensitive when it comes to matters dealing with coaching. For an individual to become a coach, he or she has to learn about football as a game. For instance, the coach must comprehend various football tactics and have encouraging skills to play football at high school level (Lang & Hartill, 2014:17). An individual is supposed to earn a bachelor degree in sporting and physical exercise from a recognised institution so that he or she may have skills in injury protection, nutrition, and physical conditioning (Lang & Hartill, 2014:47). The academic qualification also makes the coach gain the relevant skills in positioning and various football tactics. Equally, a person is supposed to obtain a teaching accreditation from FA, which indicates that he or she is well qualified to handle a team (Lang & Hartill, 2014:33). The association needs a person to gain coaching experience through being an assistant coach or a coordinator in a particular recognised team in England or Europe (Jones, Taylor, Mackay, Soliman, Clayton, Gadda, Anderson, & Jones, 2017: 13).

Before the Safeguarding Policy was Introduced

Before the policy was unveiled, many children encountered several harms from their colleagues or adults in the learning environment. For that reason, many of these children were uncomfortable to play or learn in a certain environment, and that contributed to poor performance (Howie & Allison, 2016: 806). The safeguarding policy protects many children from any form of prejudice. Initially, before the enactment of the rule, children faced racism encounters in the society and that made them uncomfortable to learn or play (Higgins, 2017: 307). Adults working with children were naive on the way to handle them and that created many problems in institutions.

After the Policy

Many individuals working with children comprehended various ways to handle and make them comfortable in the learning environment. That, therefore, improved their learning capability and performance. The enactment of the rules reduced cases of prejudice and racism against children in the society since they were given appropriate education on teamwork and togetherness (Hedges, 2015: 617). The learning environment for children became safe since adults mingling with them were offered appropriate education on how to deal with them.

Positive Outcome of the Policy

The safeguarding rules are important since they have enabled teachers to interact well with children in schools. For that reason, they are able to communicate with their parents in case of issues such as stress or behavioural changes (Bywaters, Brady, Bunting, Daniel, Featherstone, Jones, Morris, Scourfield, Sparks & Webb, 2018: 58). The rules have enabled teachers and other adults to mentor vulnerable pupils to counter vices such as bullying and drug addiction. Likewise, the safeguarding regulation is important as it has mentored children to participate in extracurricular activities that have improved their health.

Negative Outcome of the Policy

The safeguarding policy may sometimes be harmful to children since they may learn negative traits from adults around them, and that can create a problem in the society. For example, some individuals may involve children in terrorism or sell them drugs, which can cause a problem in the society (Bunting, McCartan, McGhee, Bywaters, Daniel, Featherstone, & Slater, 2017: 17). The safeguarding policy equally may overprotect children making them lack the required discipline in the society. 

The Effects of Safeguarding Policies

The FA is keen on clubs that are not implementing the policies since they are important in the children development. For that reason, the association may penalise a club that violates the rule. The rule has improved the state of football clubs and academies in the nation, thereby developing its competitiveness in various competitions. The learning environment for many children is safe due to the education provided to them and their teachers. Consequently, they are able to perform well in their studies or training. As a result, the nation is able to tap talents and improve the literacy level in the society (Bilson & Martin, 2016: 795). Cases of drug abuse have reduced drastically since children are given proper guidance on the ways to live well in an environment. Therefore, the nation is spending less revenue in building rehabilitation centres because the number of addicts is low. 

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How to Assess the Policy is Carried Out Well in Clubs

The use of photographic or filming is one of the appropriate ways to assess whether sports clubs are practising the required rules since photos reveal what is happening in changing rooms and training grounds of the relevant teams (Bradshaw, 2016: 31). The recruitment of volunteer staff is another vital measure since they will interact with the children and their coaches and consider whether the club is enacting the required laws. 


 Safeguarding policy is one of the best ideologies introduced in England by the FA to ensure that the rights of children are well protected. The decree requires teams to work with the FA to ensure that the rules are well implemented. The FA uses measures such as checking the criminal records of the players and education to ensure regulation is utilised by clubs and even schools. 

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  1. Bilson, A. and Martin, K.E. (2016). Referrals and child protection in England: One in five children referred to children’s services and one in nineteen investigated before the age of five. British Journal of Social Work, 47(3), 793-811.
  2. Bradshaw, J. (2016). The Well-being of Children in the UK.Policy Press.
  3. Bunting, L., McCartan, C., McGhee, J., Bywaters, P., Daniel, B., Featherstone, B. and Slater, T. (2017). Trends in child protection across the UK: A comparative analysis. The British Journal of Social Work.
  4. Bywaters, P., Brady, G., Bunting, L., Daniel, B., Featherstone, B., Jones, C., Morris, K., Scourfield, J., Sparks, T. and Webb, C. (2018). Inequalities in English child protection practice under austerity: A universal challenge?Child & Family Social Work, 23(1), 53-61.
  5. Hedges, A. (2015). Safeguarding in sport. Sport in Society, 18(5), 614-625.
  6. Higgins, M. (2017). Child protection social work in England: How can it be reformed?.The British Journal of Social Work, 47(2),293-307.
  7. Howie, L. and Allison, W. (2016). The English Football Association Charter for Quality: the development of junior and youth grassroots football in England. Soccer & Society, 17(6), 800-809.
  8. Jones, C., Taylor, J., Mackay, K., Soliman, F., Clayton, E., Gadda, A.M., Anderson, A. and Jones, D. (2017). The landscape of UK child protection research 2010 to 2014: a mapping review of substantive topics, maltreatment types and research designs. Child abuse review, 26(1), 8-18.
  9. Lang, M. and Hartill M. (2014). Safeguarding, child protection and abuse in sport: International perspectives in research, policy and practice. New York: Routledge.
  10. Parton, N. (2010). Child protection and safeguarding in England: Changing and competing conceptions of risk and their implications for social work. British Journal of Social Work, 41(5), 854-875.
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