Girl Child Education

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Education is one of an essential component in any civilization. It is a tool that if used correctly, it can yield tremendous results in any community. Additionally, it is a tool that both enlightens and empowers one generation to the next. Pointy, it is a tool that enables individuals in the society to be self-reliant as the skills one acquires through the learning process. 

It is an essential process that each individual needs to go through in order to ensure the future generation is properly equipped with the necessary knowledge to face the various challenges that arise.  Ideally, any person who qualifies to attend school should be offered the opportunity to learn the essential skills through the various stages of the learning process. Rarely, stories of children of a particular gender are usually restricted to attend are usually heard. In relation to this, in some developing countries, girl education is usually not emphasized whereas in other areas is usually prohibited.  Unethically, boy child education is usually encouraged whereas girl child education is usually either discouraged or forbidden. 

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The paper will be primarily investigating the essential components that make informal education to be inaccessible to the girl child. Ideally, the research focuses on expounding on the various fundamental attributes that hinder girls especially in developing world have more limited opportunities as compared to the boy child in regards to education. Essentially, the research questions that provide guidance for this paper include, what are the effects of prohibiting girl child from formal education? Secondly, what are the root causes that result in the girl child lacking informal education?


Education has given rise to numerous ingestions and discoveries over centuries.  Various fields have witnessed many milestones being achieved due to the skills acquired by different individuals from the diverse educational institutions. Moreover, the journey of the education system has greatly evolved over the years. Gravely, gender biases initially have been a great restriction for women to acquire educational tutoring. Initially, majority of the civilizations mostly considered men as more suited to be educated rather than women, but the notion later changed when the society realized that both gender equally needed to be educated.

However, in majority of the developing countries, the male gender is given prevalence in acquiring formal education whereas little or no chances are offered for the female gender. The history of the education system is quite vast where different forms of education have been used from one generation to the next. Initially, in the developing countries, they were taught through the informal education system prior the arrival of the Christian missionaries. Additionally, after the Christian missionaries introduced the formal education, only young men were to attend classes as young girls were intended to remain at home and assist with the household chores. It was the responsibility of the mother and the girls to attend to the household requirements whereas for the young men, they attended school. 

Fundamentally, the notion that girls should not be educated was whereby boy who later grew to be men were considered as the leaders of the community. As a result, women and girls were all verboten from receiving any form of informal education. Luckily, as the years past, this customarily biasness was abandoned. Still, unfortunately, in some areas in the developing world, girls are still prohibited from attaining formal education. Luckily, hope is not lost. Humanitarian and non-government organizations have come up to prohibit this act and promote girl child education ensuring that both boys and girls have equal opportunities to acquire the desired formal education.  

Literature Review

According to Rousso (2015), there are prevalent cultural prejudices based on gender and disability that is greatly limiting the girl child educational opportunities.  Statically based on literacy, women and girls with disabilities fare less in the educational field as compared to disabled male individuals. Additionally, it is estimated that the literacy rate of disabled women as 1 percent as compared to about 3 percent in the case of people with disabilities in general (Rousso, 2015). Moreover, in regards to school enrollment, it is tabulated that only two percent of disabled children are enrolled in school where sadly, disabled girls are usually underserved. 

Fundamentally, this statistics in the education sector enlightens the actual situation of double discrimination based on gender and disability that permeates the lives of girls and women with disabilities in different regions. Moreover, the core double discrimination is negative perception about women that is compounded by negative insolences towards disability in different cultures and regions (Rousso, 2015). Overwhelmingly, disabled girls and women are frequently stereotyped as dependent, sick, incompetent, childlike and dependent which greatly limits their options and opportunities.

 Similarly to Rousso (2015), Nguyen, Wodon and Wodon (2014) affirm that girls have a far lesser chance to access education as compared to their male counterparts. Fundamentally, the authors emphasize that there is extensive consent that child marriage encroaches the constitutional rights of girls which primarily confines their school realization, reading opportunities and prospect remunerations. Basically, child marriages evidently contribute to poverty, nevertheless, the practice remains highly predominant notwithstanding efforts by numerous developing country governments to discourage and outlaw the practice. Statistics from sixty low and middle-income countries reveal that 40 percent of the girls in those countries marry before the age of 18. Ideally, data reveals that each extra year of postponement in the age of marriage, a girl will profit on average from 0.22 extra years of schooling and an increase in the possibility of literacy of 5.6 percentage points (Nguyen, Wodon & Wodon, 2014).

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Early girl marriage is a modern pandemic that is destroying the future of many girls in the society. According to Warner et al (2015), sadly, currently, there are nearly 70 million child brides in the world, where it is estimated that more than 15 million girls get married every year. Currently, there are numerous organizations that are working towards prevention of girl early marriages in order to ensure these girls have the better lives which are not destroyed by marriages. Majority of these organizations are working together in order to formulate innovative, effective programs that are strategic in ensuring girls are empowered and protected against early marriages.  

Fundamentally, the organizations have collaborated into building the following programs. Ideally, some of the strategies that were formulated include the empowerment of girls with information, skills and support networks. Secondly educating the community members on the shortcoming of early girl marriage where a girl who is not educated in the community would not contribute towards community building through formulation innovation. Offering economic support and incentive for girls and their families. The core cause of early girl marriages is the monetary perception of the girls (Warner et al 2015). Ideally, before the commencement of the marriage, the grooms’ family had to pay dowry.

 Additionally, majority of the families being poor, they viewed marriage as a way of improving their financial situation. By offering, economic support for the families, the family member could allow the girls attend school. Finally, the organizations fostered a resilient legal and policy framework. This ensured that only legally adult girls could get married which gave them a humble period to acquire an education (Warner et al 2015). Frankly, it is evident that by placing the correct programs, there is hope in protecting young girls against early marriages and ensuring they get an education for a superior future.

Girls are faced with numerous challenges that limit their opportunity in pursuing an education. Raymond (2014) recognizes that there is great challenge that is faced by marginalized groups in receiving education of which it has become a global concern. It is essential to note that for the past ten years, there has been evident progress in towards universal primary education. However, millions of girls are still not attending school and innumerable individuals are admitted but drop out before completing primary education (Raymond, 2014). Importantly, nomads are among the group of fishermen, hunters, pastoralists and gatherers who are marginalized and victimized. 

Such marginalization has negative effects on attendance, transition to higher levels of education school enrollment, gender disparity and academic performance parity index for these communities become below the national average (Raymond, 2014). Women and girls are discriminated against both within their respective community and also, outside their community. Evidently, the various level of discrimination that women and girls of nomadic background which limits their access to education as compared to the boys and men.

Singh (2016) argues that in the instance that one educates a man, it is an individual who is educated. However, in another instance whereby one educates a woman, in this case, the entire family is educated. It is evident that women have plenty of unexplored potentials which has never been utilized. Currently, the female literacy rate stands at 65.46% where the male literacy rates are astonishingly over 80% (Singh, 2016). This is due to the persistence gender discrimination in India where there is emphasis on improving the number of girl enrollments in schools. 

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Fundamentally, there is apparent positive relationship between woman empowerment and education. Additionally, the topic of women empowerment has faced numerous challenges that have resulted in numerous occurrence of evils norms such as female feticides, child marriage, and partial attitude of the parents, child labor illiteracy, and superposition (Singh, 2016). It is only when the community is ready to realize and accept the interconnection of these evil norms will there be progress in the empowerment of women and prohibiting child marriages and promoting child education.


Education is a key tool for an individual independence. An individual who has acquired tutoring is empowered to contribute towards the society and most importantly, contribute towards one’s growth and development. Learning opportunities should be offered to all without any form of prejudice whether if it is in the case of gender, race, or cultural belief. In this modern era, traditional beliefs and practices that are used as an excuse to prohibit women and girls from receiving formal education should be verboten. Child marriages should be totally abolished where parents or responsible parties found guilty of committing this crime against defenseless innocent girls should face the severe force of the law. 

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  1. Nguyen, M. C., Wodon, Q., & Wodon, Q. (2014). Impact of child marriage on literacy and education attainment in Africa. UNICEF and UNESCO Statistics. Washington, DC: The World Bank. Retrieved from http://allinschool. org/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/OOSC-2014-QW-Child-Marriage-final. pdf.
  2. Raymond, A. (2014). Girls’ Education in Pastoral Communities: An Ethnographic Study of Monduli District, Tanzania. Research Report. CfBT Education Trust. 60 Queens Road, Reading, RG1 4BS, England. Retrieved from:
  3. Rousso, H. (2015). Education for All: a gender and disability perspective. Retrieved from:
  4. Singh, K. (2016). Importance of Education in Empowerment of Women in India. International journal of Multidisciplinary Research and developments1. Retrieved from:
  5. Warner, A., Stoebenau, K., Glinski, A. M., Edmeades, J., & Hayes, R. (2014). More Power to Her: How Empowering Girls Can End Child Marriage. Retrieved from:
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