How to Write the Alzheimer’s Essay

How to Write the Alzheimer's EssayThe Alzheimer’s disease takes the sixth place among the top ten illnesses that lead to death in the US. Writing an essay on this topic is a highly responsible task, so we’ll help you with organizing your thoughts and doing the research about it. Start writing an essay with a thorough thinking and evaluation of the situation you see around you. Are there people who suffer from this disease? What do you know about them? How long have they been suffering from it? You can do an interview with the sick person and the person who takes care of him or her.

You can read the sources to find out how many people suffered from this disease in the past and how the treatment has been changing for the last decades. Using Wikipedia or similar sites is not a good idea, it’s always better to use the primary source than the compiled story out of several books or journal publications. Take a look at the efficiency of the treatment or go to the hospital if you’re allowed to be there. The more you see with your own eyes, the easier it will be to write the right arguments in the essay.

Top tips to make a strong essay

Once you are ready with a baggage of information for your future essay, it’s time to start writing the Alzheimer’s essay. You should be ready that it can be a tough task if you are a sensitive personality. You can use your emotions and feelings to make your story sound and look deep and well-prepared. Here are a few tips for you to make up a good essay:

  • Avoid emotional and descriptive adjectives. You can use a few adjectives to describe the illness, but using a lot of them will make your essay not serious. You can make a too strong emotional appeal that the readers will consider your research too weak.
  • Use the right formatting. Divide your story into the introduction, main part, and the conclusion. Use the guideline provided by your professor about the font, margin, and spacing.
  • Develop a strong thesis. It’s a main problem or appeal of the whole essay. Imagine that your retelling the whole essay in one sentence. What will it be? It’ll be the right thesis.
  • Don’t state your personal opinion. Use arguments that are already presented in the primary sources that you’re researching. If you have any suppositions or thoughts that are not investigated, you will do it later when taking a D. course.
  • Mention the symptoms. You can write the essay on how to identify the early symptoms of the Alzheimer’s disease to make the readers get involved into the essay for 100%.
  • Write about successful treatment. Write about the people who live a normal life even with this disease or how they can change their lives for better.

How to make your essay different?

And here we mean different from other essays. We have several ideas that will help your essay stand out. Take a notebook and write what you’re worried about most of all. You can think of preventive actions or taking some medicine, the symptoms or the magic pill that will save the world from this disease. Think of what really matters to you. It will motivate you to find strong arguments and evidence to support your thesis. It’s good to have a few ideas for the essay and to choose one in the end if you find enough reliable resources for it.

Define the problem you want to solve or the situation from your life you want to describe. Develop a strong thesis and build up a story around it, let it become a solid basement for the essay. Devote three to five paragraphs to stating three or four arguments related to the disease. Sum everything up in conclusion and write one sentence about the place of Alzheimer’s disease in the future life of society. You can write the introduction at the end and finish writing with updating the thesis. The last steps are editing and proofreading to polish the text and make it readable.

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Jessica Nita
Jessica Nita is one of the youngest but, at the same time, one of the most diligent and tireless members of our expert team. She has an M.A degree in Media & Communication. In many positive reviews, students mentioned Jessica as a highly professional essay writer who was very attentive and followed all the instructions. You can rest assured that working with Jessica will be easy and productive.
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