Abortion rights

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The Youth Wing of the Liberal Party’s bill to the Swedish government aimed towards freeing a potential father from responsibilities of child uptake before the 18th week of the potential mother’s pregnancy. It was a brilliant idea meant to issue men with rights to opt out of fatherhood; the same way women have always had the rights to abortion (Poli, 2017). According to the bill, men would be granted the rights to cut off emotional and financial ties at the young stages of pregnancy where he ought to take responsibility as a father. The argument by the men of the Liberty Party was keen at issuing men with equal right to abortion, just as women have the liberty to choose whether to carry out an abortion or maintain the pregnancy to fruition. For some reasons, men too should have been allowed to opt out of fatherhood the same way women who carry out abortion have the right to walk out of motherhood through the exercise. Additionally, this legal aspect also meant that men possessed the liberty to choose whether they were going to take responsibility of the child in terms of financial and emotional supports (Poli, 2017).

Couture, Sangster, Williamson & Lawson state that abortion rights in many countries give women the liberty to have control over their reproductive lives yet the men remain to be ignored (2016). The issuance of these rights indicates that women have control over their reproduction activities and unplanned pregnancies as compared to men whose future to parenthood depends entirely on the future choices of the potential mother. According to Poli, men are forced to take full responsibility for the mother and the child in the event of birth. In this regard, forcing a person to be mentally, physically and financially responsible for people that he no longer feels connected to sounds as an unfair treatment to the potential father (2017). This was the key conspiracy that the Youth Wing from the Swedish Liberty Party addressed in order to allow for fairness and justice to men concerning abortion rules.

On the other hand, the legislation had one more factor in mind; the room for men to disconnect themselves from women who dupe men into taking responsibility for sexual actions that they were not part of in the first place. In this century, women impregnated by other individuals pull different men into providing support for the child. In this perspective, this law aimed at providing men with the chance to redeem themselves from women who want to drag them into responsibilities that do not belong to them (Poli, 2017). With the implementation of this legislation, a man would redeem himself from such women by acting as a source of fairness and justice to men who were about to fall victims to women who are sexual and financial frauds. The basis of this legislation was to provide a level-playing ground that would allow both men and women to have the choice to opt out of future parenthood. This is opposed to the case in most states where only the woman has the liberty to opt out of parenthood unlike the man whose future entirely depends on the choice of the potential mother (Couture et al, 2016).

The principle of Justice and Fairness are elements that advocate for fair play concerning the issues of social justice. In this regard, the decisions made are context bound or are grounded based on universal or state laws, this principle give directions that guide the implementation of various kinds of justice. For these reasons, social justice demands that the rules be fair to every party involved so that future cases are subjected to the rules of fair play again. A majority of individuals always perceive justice as a way of encountering fairness while they involve the key principle of justice and fairness to determine their satisfaction or dissatisfaction in the cases that they are a party to (Poli, 2017).

Concerning the legislation that was presented to the Swedish parliament on the provision of liberty and free will for men to opt out of fatherhood as women have always done through abortion, it is in order to state that the principle of fairness and justice would be brought into play. As discussed earlier, this legislation aimed at creating a platform through which men would be granted fair treatment by the provision of liberty as to whether to make a choice of taking responsibility in future or opt to raise the family (Couture, et al. 2016).  In the view of men, this was meant to be a milestone to achieving fairness since the decision to carry out an abortion or not was left at the liberty of women.

It was evident that behind the push to have the bill by the Youth Wing of Liberty Party into law, the principle of justice and fairness was the main cause of concern for men who were victimized by the unwillingness to take up parental and financial responsibilities for the unborn child and the mother (Poli, 2017). In further opinion, the ability to issue men with the room to make a choice on whether to opt out of a relationship that will soon be expecting an infant, just as women are allowed to carry out an abortion itself, is fairness and justice. If men are not allowed to make personal decisions concerning child parenting and financial responsibility uptake, and women still have the liberty to make choices about abortion of the unborn child, then the whole issue would be nothing other than unfairness and injustice on the side of men (Couture, et al. 2016).

The proposal of this legislation was aimed at protecting men from unwanted parental responsibilities; make them immune against crafty women who impose pregnancies on men who are not responsible for them. It was also meant to make men have equal rights to liberty to parental choices as in the case of women. From this point of view, these were the aspects though which the Young Wing of Liberty Party in Sweden wanted justice and fairness to prevail about the issue of unwanted pregnancy issues facing young adults.

In line with these arguments, it is clear that men have the opinion that justice and fairness can only be achieved when they are allowed to take economic, physical, emotional and social decisions for an unwanted pregnancy as in the case of women. This is the most fundamental issue that they wanted addressed since the society does not acknowledge the men require rights and freedom like women. If women were allowed to make choices with the regards to whether to carry out an abortion or not, men were also affected in one way or another since they were involved in the fertilization of the baby, right from the day of intercourse (Poli, 2017). The same concerns that women normally put through when they are about to carry out an abortion, should be addressed the same way when men also present their wishes with regards of opting out of child responsibilities.

Under current laws in Sweden and a majority of states in the United States of America, men continue to be denied the liberty to choose whether to dissociate themselves emotionally, mentally and financially from unwanted pregnancies as opposed to women who got this freedom many years back, though only in a western countries. In addition to this, a majority of men in several parts of the world are yet to begin viewing this argument as part of gender rights to equal treatment and fairness (Poli, 2017). On a legal basis, men are still subjected to forced child support as long as it is proved that the child belongs to him. These are some of the reasons why men feel intimidated yet in the event of an abortion, they are not given the liberty to choose whether they can keep the child or support its abortion.

Part of the situations that make men to keep advocating for legislations common to that the Youth Wing of Liberty Party in Sweden is the feeling of compromise that they face when they are forced to take responsibility for an unwanted child. The inward pressures that they posses when they take responsibility for an unwanted pregnancy are too much. This resembles an incident where a police officer would harass and arrest a black citizen who is not a criminal or a forceful eviction of someone from his home. This move is characterized a deep emotional duress that forever sticks in the minds of men, as long as he keep associating with the unexpected child emotionally, mentally, financially or physically.

Lastly, since women have the liberty to detach themselves from future parenting, minor cases that eventually make the father a single parent may arise. Other than, the financial pinch felt by men, the social and emotional pressures developed by men in the event that one becomes a single father are too much. In the event that such men are not supported in any way, the situation would become worse since they may develop physical stresses and other ailments connected severe duress. It is therefore high time that men’s grievances concerning liberty to parenting, choice to abortion and uptake of responsibilities became a cause of concern (Couture, et al. 2016). If the world keeps advocating for all forms of justice and fairness and chooses to ignore this kind of fairness, then civilization is nothing but far from being achieved. Part of the struggles of the boy child is because of such infringements that continue to make men the weaker sex in the society. Therefore, it is high time that men are set free in the society so that they continue to perform their roles willingly, lawfully and responsibly. The society should always apply laws that consider both parties when it comes to the bearing of children due to the high economic times. Sometimes, women just trap men into marriages by getting pregnant intentionally without the consent of the men. It implies that a woman may know when are menstrual cycles are due, but still insist on sleeping with her partner.

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  1. Couture, J. L., Sangster, S. L., Williamson, L. E., & Lawson, K. L. (2016). Endorsement of abortion: the differential impact of social perspective on women and men. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology34(2), 210-220.
  2. Poli, L. (2017). Abortion and Fundamental Human Rights: Comparing the Approaches of the European Court of Human Rights and of the Treaty Bodies on the Protection of Reproductive Autonomy, the Prohibition of Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Gender Discrimination. Diritti umani e diritto internazionale, (1), 189-212.
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