BUS632 week 8 personal journal

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Positive Practice

Respect, integrity, and gratitude are inherently some of the best practices within an organization, useful in building trust. A score of 7 and a mean of 3.86 show my efficacy in the construction of positive relationships and trust-based interactions. I would assess myself as an individual most likely to generate or provide the team with positive interpersonal communication.  The scores imply that I am currently working in an organization where the human resource manager fulfills his leadership commitment to communicating policies within the organization (Robbins & Judge, 2007). Respect and integrity are the embedded values within the organizational culture which are documented as part of the policies and the codes of behavior.

Best practices within the organization also involve how an individual identifies with others, empathize and recognizes those around him or her.  Identifying with others as an organizational behavior also entails diversity and cultural tolerant (April & Shockley, 2007). Besides, recognition of others involves how the management makes concerted efforts towards creating an organizational culture whereby individuals appreciate teamwork and value teamwork or team culture (Robbins & Judge, 2007). An individual who makes determined efforts to empathize and understand people from different cultures is more likely to recognize other’s feelings and as such, engage in a positive interpersonal relationship. In the personal inventory, I score high in this construct, 7 points with a mean of 3.86. It paints my personality as an individual who demonstrates empathy and helps others with challenging tasks. To improve on this, I will be more focused on setting aside time for knowing my working colleagues. Positive behaviors within the organization entail how one is committed to showing help and caring for one another as this is a necessity in building positive and healthy interpersonal relationships based on trust. To improve my mean score above 3.82, I need to reframe how I view my colleagues and spending time (on a weekly basis) to learn about all the members. However, the high mean scores imply that I work in organization whereby interpersonal relationships are based on caring for others, empathy and strong trust among individuals.

Finding purpose and meaning in the assigned tasks and duties also defines positive organizational behavior (Burchell & Robin, 2011). For an employee, there is the necessity to find meaning in every duty. However, my low mean score means that I need to rework on this construct by tying the goals and purpose of the organization and as such, recognize that I am part of the contributors towards the success of the organization. Conversely, employees can only execute meaningful tasks when their skills and talents are nurtured through training as Robbins and Judge (2007) recommend the necessity for training to improve the efficacy of employees in task execution. A score of 3.61 in this construct paints me as an individual currently working in an organization where the essence and necessity of providing individual workers or employees with meaningful work are not prioritized. To change this culture, employees should be helped to work towards the realization of the goals and objectives of the organization but also tying up with their personal goals to make the work more meaningful at the individual level.

Sound organizational behavior also depends on how one inspires others. In essence, within teamwork, it is essential to be an inspirational figure, motivating and energizing others, even transcending the discord beyond the team context. Accordingly, suggests that personality traits should be carried out during the recruitment process to identify the behavioral traits, whether they are inspirational (like sharing) or introverts who keep to themselves (Robbins & Judge, 2007). However, with a small mean score of 3.61, I believe I need to be more concerned about sharing my feelings with others within the team. Besides, there is the necessity for me to be more engaged in sharing my life experiences for the sake of the team. The score sums up my personality as a person who works in an organization that does not do a comprehensive employee screening and evaluation to identify personality traits and behaviors.

For an organization, mistakes are dreaded as employees, even the senior management, believes that such are detrimental to the performance or productivity of the overall team. Accordingly, sound organization behavior can be cultivated when an organization embraces civility training (Robbins & Judge, 2007). The training ensures that cases of bullying, abusive relationships between workers and supervisors and even the problems with being blamed for others’ mistakes are addressed. In maintaining civility within an organization, mistakes should not be used for undermining employees, and this explains why people are not ready to accept their mistakes and shortcomings.  Hence, it calls for civility training to address the problem of the employees refusing to own up to their mistakes.  In the same sense, an organizational culture should be built that perceive mistakes as natural and as such, used for personal development. In essence, employees should use their mistakes to build on weaknesses and ensure personal growth or advancement (Stack, 2011). In my case, the inherent problem is that I am poor at admitting my mistakes, and this explains my low scores in forgiveness (3.53). Specifically, the score of 3.61 shows that I need to be keener in adopting mistakes as red flags for doing things differently or improving on myself. The score indicates that I am currently working in an organization where mistakes are dreaded, blame games are frequent, and individuals do not want to admit their mistakes for fear of being patronized.


Organizational culture, equally, should cultivate a sense of empowerment among employees. The construct or element comes at the expense of the workers being given or assigned important tasks. Small empowerment implies that an employee has low motivation and feels less engaged with the organization (Durai, 2010). From the organization and management experts, a major area that empowers employees is the compensation and the model or method used for determining the payment incentives (Zingheim & Schuster, 2007). When designing pay to motivate employees, Zingheim and Schuster (2007) recommended that there should be a win-win relationship with the workers. Empowerment comes when employees are rewarded with value based on what they are adding or the overall influence on the organization. Therefore, the best intervention mechanism for the little commitment should be on designing the reward system based on the performance of the employees. On the other hand, the reward for better performance comes at the expense of the employees being assigned or given meaningful work (Robbins & Judge, 2007). In my case, a score of 35 shows high empowerment as an implication that I feel engaged and committed to the organization and perceives the work culture as being meaningful and encouraging. The low empowerment implies that I am currently working in an organization that does little to improve morale by providing useful tasks, pay incentives and rewards for the employees.


Overall, the assessment and reflection identify me as an individual with great empowerment and finds all the tasks as being meaningful. The excellent score can be attributed to tying my personal goals with those of the organization and perceiving myself as being important or vital to the success of the organization. I exhibit positive organizational behavior by showing compassion and empathy in interpersonal relationships, a person of respect, gratitude, and integrity, compassionate, caring but limited in perceiving my tasks as meaningful, moderately inspiring and limited in forgiveness.

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  1. April, K. & Shockley, M. (2007). Diversity. New realities in a changing world. Palgrave Macmillan.
  2. Burchell, M., & Robin, J. (2011). The great workplace: How to build it, how to keep it, and why it matters. John Wiley & Sons.
  3. Durai, P. (2010). Human resource management. Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Limited.
  4. Robbins, S.P & Judge, T. A. (2007). Organizational behavior, 17th Edn. Pearson/Prentice Hall.
  5. Stack, L. (2011). Coaching and mentoring employees: Helping others achieve their very best. Productivity Pro Press.
  6. Zingheim, P. K., & Schuster, J. R. (2007). What are key pay issues right now?. Compensation & Benefits Review, 39(3), 51-55.
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