Children living in poverty are neglected by the South African health care system

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It is completely illogical to support the perception that poor children face neglection from the South Africa medical system. Since the smooth transition from apartheid to a democratic nation, South Africa has managed to eliminate discriminatory practices that suppressed most of the citizens. Though the nation continues to face infectious and non-communicable illness, South Africa has been on the front line in establishing and implementing health care programs that are cost-effective and easily accessible by all the citizens (Hotez, Savioli and Fenwick, 2012, p. 475).  The programs aim at providing the society particularly individuals living in poverty with clean water, vaccinations, effective sanitation systems as well as childhood development necessities. Recently, the South African medical system launched a program named district-based medical center (Kinney, et al., 2010, p. 294).  The program basically focuses on improving the health status of both children and adults residing in poor and unsafe residents. The district-based program aims at integrating the care of chronic ailments as well as control of risk aspects. Additionally, the South African medical system promotes and supports community health activities that contribute largely in assisting the poor children. S. African medical system offers learning and training sessions for community health personnel on how to manage and control tuberculosis and other illness resulting from dirty and poor environmental conditions (Mayosi, et al., 2009, p. 933).  Therefore, it is without a doubt that the South African medical system does not neglect and ignore children living in poverty regions.

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  1. Hotez, P.J., Savioli, L. and Fenwick, A., 2012. Neglected tropical diseases of the Middle East and North Africa: a review of their prevalence, distribution, and opportunities for control. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 6(2), pp. 475.
  2. Kinney, M.V., Kerber, K.J., Black, R.E., Cohen, B., Nkrumah, F., Coovadia, H., Nampala, P.M. And Lawn, J.E., 2010. Sub-Saharan Africa’s mothers, newborns, and children: where and why do they die?. PLoS medicine, 7(6), pp.294
  3. Mayosi, B.M., Fisher, A.J., Lalloo, U.G., Sitas, F., Tollman, S.M. and Bradshaw, D., 2009. The burden of non-communicable diseases in South Africa. The Lancet, 374(9693), pp.934-947.
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