US/Mexico border wall and mass deportation of illegal immigrants

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Illegal immigration is a major issue in the United States of America. While some individuals support the deportation of all illegal immigrants from the country regarding the nation’s policies, others believe that it is too hard, mainly for the fact that there are about 12 to 20 million of the undocumented immigrants.  Therefore, there are various questions involved concerning the issue that has led to debates. Some of the concerns include the viability of mass deportation, the success that has been experienced in the history regarding the matter, and the actions of the former presidents; for example, President Truman, Hoover as well as Roosevelt in handling mass deportation movements. Moreover, the issue is also viewed from the financial side including their positive and negative contributions to the country. Besides, the cost of the intended mass deportation and building of the “wall,” the morality of the campaign concerning its fairness to the population, which include both legal and unlawful immigrants, and its effects on the national security, as well as protection of the US citizens, are also matters of concern. Regarding the American principles of inclusiveness, the way the politics of mass expatriation is received by both the Republicans and Democrats, and the validity of the whole idea. Given that such a strategy poses numerous concerns, it would be significant to view both sides: the pros, and cons to come up with a definite conclusion regarding the issue. However, regarding the weight of the arguments against the building of this border wall outdoes the argument for the projects since it will cause more trouble than in the current situation.

Pros and cons of mass deportation of immigrants from the United States of America


The illegal immigrants in the country should be deported since it is possible to do so for the good of the American citizen. The process is possible through the deportation of the immigrants in small numbers over a period, and the cumulative effect will be positive (Koba, 2017). Moreover, this population can be compelled to leave the country without being formally deported, and this proves to be a cheaper way. It is also easier to deport the immigrants than employing the path to citizenship policy since the process would be complicated given the number of this population.

On the other hand, the viability of this option is in question given that there are more than 11 million of them and; hence, it will need around 30,000 flights or about 240,000 bus loads. Besides, the alternative ignores the likelihood of trial and the reality that the immigrants are from various places not from Mexico only. It is also impossible since each illegal immigrant will need to be arrested and charged. Thus, the time and cost involved will be enormous and will have economic and social consequences.

Past deportations

Mass deportations in the past have been successful regarding the reign of President Hoover, who ordered the deportation of unlawful immigrants to avail job opportunities to Americans during the Great Depression. Moreover, President Truman and Eisenhower also deported about millions of aliens to create jobs for the veterans (Koba, 2017).

Nonetheless, on the opposing side, there has not been a mass deportation of about 13 million immigrants in history. Furthermore, none of the presidents presided over any mass deportation campaign. Therefore, basing the option on the past may prove futile given the size of the current population of immigrants.

Effect on the economy

The illegal immigrants crowd-out US citizens for social services and hence making them expensive. Such government expenses include food, housing, and government welfare. It is an injustice as well as a leading economic cost for the citizens. Moreover, the aliens have led to abuse of ethical standards regarding labor as they offer cheap labor; hence affecting the Americans.  The costs of the mass deportation will also be catered by savings to taxpayers as the immigrants burden the citizens regarding taxation (Amadeo, 2017).

On the contrary, mass deportation will be very costly since the process will require several billion dollars over a period. Further, legalization of these aliens is more flexible than deportation and would permanently expand the country’s economy through boosted consumer spending, taxes, and other associated factors (Koba, 2017). However, the mass deportation will drain the US economy over the years and; hence, it will prove to be economically damaging.

The morality of mass deportation

These illegal immigrants have no moral right to remain in the country since they employed unethical means of getting in the USA, which is illegal according to the law. For example, the primary objective of the government is to uphold security for the citizens (Amadeo, 2017). Hence, expatriating these immigrants, who create a potential security threat to the American citizens, is ethically consistent with the country’s goal to protect its people.

On the immigrants’ side, the mass deportation will affect their families. Since the process will take a period of several years, this will break up families. Moreover, the expulsion of American-Indians during the Trail of Tears illustrates that mass eviction is injustice since they were deported in phases and from different points. The US also has to act as a haven for immigrants that are feeling from devastating conditions given that it is the dominant superpower in the world (McFadyen, 2017). It is ethical to protect these individuals by permitting them to take sanctuary and start new lives in the country. Besides, not all illegal immigrants are there for evil intentions such as drug dealing.

Pros and cons of building a Wall along the US/Mexico Border


Building a wall along the US/Mexico Border is nothing bigoted or racist but protecting the American citizens from the risks posed by the illegal immigrations into the country. The will hinder the free entrance of ill-intentioned people including the drug-dealers and terrorists in the country (Diamond, 2017). Since many terrorist organizations know that the US/Mexico Border is porous; they can easily use this weakness to penetrate in the USA through Mexico and carry out their attacks on the citizens. For instance, given the volatility in regions such as the Middle East and North Korea, it is not difficult to visualize the terrorists possessing radiological or biological weapons as well as bringing them to the US using an insecure border and using them for their negative intentions. However, with the physical and technological wall present and guarded, it will reduce such instances from occurring (Diamond, 2017). Just like the communist Germany built the Berlin Wall to trap the right individuals in and limit the bad ones, President Trump’s aim is to secure Americans against the wrong people.

Moreover, regarding the increase in the international migration and materialization of new threats alongside the southern border, it is significant that the wall is built and enhanced by other security frameworks where necessary. Currently, many nations have built safety fences and barriers to safeguard themselves from great migration and penetration of terrorists. Although these restrictions do not give assurance for security, they are an essential tool for protecting borders (McFadyen, 2017). In spite of the approach considered, safeguarding the southern border is an appropriate economic venture. The building cost, as well as the yearly maintenance expenses, is less compared to $113 billion illegal immigrants costs the taxpayers.

One of the most effective fences in the world in the borders is Israel’s double-layered barrier that provides the country with protection from terrorists and enemies. Between the year 2000 and 2005, terrorists in the form of suicide bombers penetrated Israel nearly daily. More than one thousand people were murdered and numerous others injured.  Regarding the population of America as compared to that of Israel, this number could be around 42,000 fatalities as well as countless wounded people. However, this situation was contained by almost 90 percent after the construction of the double wall. Therefore, it would also be possible for the wall along the US/Mexico Border to limit illegal immigrations, and penetration of drugs and terrorists into the country (Hunt, 2017).

Infrastructure alone is not a guarantee for stopping the illegal entrances; however, with physical barriers at the border enhanced by technology and workforce, the created barriers make penetration harder and at the time impossible (Amadeo, 2017).  The structure is a force multiplier on land since fewer security agents are needed in the fenced regions than the unfenced ones. Moreover, with added sensors and cameras, the border security officers are better safeguarded as well as being more efficient.

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The Democrats are against the boundary wall, and also there is a possibility that the Republicans in the border regions or states do not support the project either. The wall can be termed as unwise, immoral, and expensive. President Trump illustrates the way the wall will be tall, how it will be paid for, and other related issues; however, one has to think about these parts of the United States of America along the border (Diamond, 2017). Moreover, there are also border communities with the wall going through them.  Therefore, for the president to talk about building the wall is a sign of weakness since it does not mean that building it will be the complete solution regarding the issue of illegal immigrants.

Besides, if this border project takes place, it will be an ecological disaster.  It will be slicing through nature’s bridge that links Central America to South America, and North America. Wild animals have been utilizing this link for years (Diamond, 2017).  What the government is looking forward to doing is to build a 12,000-mile long fence right through it. Many different animals migrate for resources, reproduction as well as seasonality. Therefore, this would be very upsetting for various species of animals that move from one region to the other for different needs. For example, there are more than a hundred species of birds that move across, which will be affected by the wall. Moreover, there are almost ninety endangered species that rely on the movement across this bridge such as ocelots, jaguars, and the Mexican gray wolf, which may be pushed to extinction because of such a project (Hunt, 2017). The wall will be adjusting nature’s balance.

If the wall is built, this project will be unnecessary or questionable of legendary proportions and may result in being a topic of historical mockery since Trump’s impractical wall will not probably handle much of the issue he wants to fix (Amadeo, 2017).  President Donald Trump has exaggerated the idea of the US/Mexican border wall: however, he ignores the possibility that it would be inefficient at preventing individuals from entering the United States of America without permission.  People’s migration routes are similar to the rivers. If an obstacle is observed, they will find ways to overcome it and achieve their goals. Therefore, the wall will only lead the smugglers to realize new techniques and routes; for example, boats, airplanes, and even 31-foot ladders to cross the 30-foot border wall even when it is still under construction, further reducing assurance in its efficiency. Furthermore, this wall will not handle the increase in illegal immigration from Asia that surpasses immigration from Mexico and other Latin American countries (Amadeo, 2017).  Perhaps, the wall will do nothing to stop the rising tendency of individuals entering the United States (frequently by plane) and then not coming out, which by particular approximations, is responsible for almost 50 percent of the illegal immigrants.


The stoppage of illegal migration into a country is an effort that any government would take if it is in the place of the United States of America.  It would use all the means possible to contain the situation and ensure that its citizens are protected from external influences of such groups like terrorists and drug dealers. However, in this case, the USA President, Donald Trump, has taken an unnecessary and questionable step to handle the issue of illegal immigration.  His US/Mexico border wall project is not only expensive and economically impractical but also proves to be unreasonable since the wall will not be able to keep the illegal immigrants from penetrating to the USA using other means. Moreover, it also affects the relationship between these countries as well as harming the innocent wild animals that use the border and the communities around the area. Therefore, such a project should not take pace since it would result in more negatives as compared to positives regarding the issue.

Did you like this sample?
  1. Diamond, J. (2017). Trump orders construction of border wall, boosts deportation force. CNN. Retrieved 30 May 2017
  2.  Koba, M. (2017). Does it cost more to keep unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. or deport them?. Retrieved 30 May 2017
  3. Amadeo, K. (2017). How Does Immigration Affect You?. The Balance. Retrieved 30 May 2017
  4. McFadyen, J. (2017). Building Barriers on the US-Mexico Border. ThoughtCo. Retrieved 30 May 2017
  5. Hunt, J. (2017). Should the United States Build a Wall on the Mexican Border to Reduce Unauthorized Immigration? | EconofactEconofact. Retrieved 30 May 2017
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