How to Prevent Teenage Pregnancy

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Teenage is a vital phase of growth in the life of any individual that is accompanied by physiological changes and, at times, psychological conflicts. As such, finding oneself pregnant in this phase of growth can be shocking and even traumatizing to that particular individual, their family, and even friends. Teenage pregnancy has been one of the many issues that the United States is currently facing, which is a great concern as it increases child poverty and also degrades the well-being of the child. Notably, sex education in schools has been termed as an effective measure of reducing this phenomenon.

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Implementing Sex Education in Schools

Many people are curious about whether providing sexual education to adolescents helps avoid teen pregnancy and other related issues. Pregnancy among adolescents is a severe issue that may have long-term effects not just for the adolescent who becomes pregnant but also for the kid and their family. Sex education in schools can be integral in curbing the ramifications that are associated with teenage pregnancy. Suppose the approaches that are used to teach it are modified. In that case, it may be possible to simplify the process of educating young people about the risks associated with unintended pregnancies and illnesses that are spread sexually. As such, teenage pregnancy is less likely when there is better sexual education. This is because better sexual education will help teens protect themselves, and since kids respect their parents, they may listen to their advice on sexual education.

Increasing adolescents’ access to comprehensive sex education might have various beneficial implications on their lives. It depends on who uses it, but it has the potential to be pretty powerful. Adolescents should be instructed in self-defense techniques rather than abstinence education, which educates them to abstain from sexual activity until married (Adeogun). Schools risk financial losses when it comes to financing because federal law only offers curricula for abstinence-only programs. Teaching abstinence education to adolescents and incorporating birth control instruction is not inappropriate.

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The most effective method to instruct children about sexual health should combine chastity training with comprehensive sexual education (Davies, 2019). This strategy has been shown to provide the most outstanding results. Two methods may be used to educate students about sexuality: abstinence and a comprehensive method. Another research concluded that adolescents’ sexual conduct was unaffected by having sexuality lessons delivered to them. On the other side, there were fewer births to this group of women who were pregnant (Pound et al., 2017). There is evidence that teenagers who get sexual health counseling are more likely to use condoms in their early sexual interactions. Even Teenagers often cite their school years as a great source of sexual knowledge, putting high importance on the environment in which they obtained the information. This may seem paradoxical, but adolescents frequently credit their school years as a good source of sexual knowledge. As a direct result of these findings, it is simple to conclude that educational perspectives must be broadened to integrate the most current research on adolescence and sexuality. Developing even more effective ways to tackle the issue at hand is a crucial component of this strategy, which should be given priority.

Parental Involvement

Parental involvement is vital in reducing teenage pregnancies. Parents are the only people who can assist their adolescents outside of schools and instructors. A discussion between teachers and parents about sexuality should take place in the school using the facilities provided by the institution. The school needs to make an effort to include parents and guardians in this discussion. Parents are accountable for and a contributor to the development of their kids, regardless of whether the child is a male or a girl (Kee-Jiar & Shih-Hui, 2020). It is vital for parents not to feel embarrassed while discussing sexuality with their children. On the other hand, they should be receptive to what their children say. It is appropriate to reference the human body while attempting to describe typical human behavior. Moreover, open communication with an adolescent entails broaching the subject of sexuality. Parents and children need to have early conversations with one another that is straightforward, honest, and open, mainly when the kid is a teenager (Thomas, 2020). Suppose open communication is the standard in a family. In that case, it is more likely that kids will speak to their parents about other common difficulties among youth, such as feelings of worry and depression, problems with relationships and drug use, and sexuality-related concerns. Teaching individuals about sexuality and developing appropriate social skills should be the responsibility of professionals in education and health.


In conclusion, the necessary life skills that can improve self-esteem and safer sex practices can be taught to teenagers to help them make healthier and wiser decisions about sex, relationships, and the risk of the underlying illness. This is one of the most effective ways to assist adolescents in making more informed choices. As was previously mentioned, providing adolescents with the knowledge they require during their formative years is not only not harmful, but it also has the potential to be beneficial in more than one way. The most effective strategies for preventing adolescents from becoming pregnant are sex education programs and continued parental involvement throughout the adolescent years. This is because becoming a parent at a young age is a challenging and complex experience. Through sexual education, adolescents may be better able to ensure that they receive all the information they require, which may lead to a reduction in the number of adolescents who become pregnant. Comprehensive sexuality education for children will not be harmful to them, and it will assist them in determining whether or not they wish to engage in sexual activity, as well as whether or not they wish to engage in sexual activity in a less risky manner. This will aid in the prevention of pregnancies among adolescents.

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  2. Davies, T. A. (2019). Comprehending comprehensive sex education: legislative framing of students, sex, & sexuality.
  3. Kee-Jiar, Y., & Shih-Hui, L. (2020). A Systematic Review of Parental Attitude and Preferences towards Implementation of Sexuality Education. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education9(4), 971-978.
  4. Thomas, H. (2022). Exploration of Religious Parents’ Involvement in Their Children’s Sexual Education (Doctoral dissertation, Walden University).
  5. Pound, P., Denford, S., Shucksmith, J., Tanton, C., Johnson, A. M., Owen, J., … & Campbell, R. (2017). What is best practice in sex and relationship education? A synthesis of evidence, including stakeholders’ views. BMJ open7(5), e014791.
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