🏛️ Justice Essays
The Duty to Rescue Law and its Applications
The law is meant to establish law and order. Culprits who commit crimes are punished as stipulated by the law. However, there are some incidences…
Legal Healthcare Issue
A legal battle has come to the public attention involving Chard Charlie and the UK’s doctors involving the substitution of assisted suicide with experimental treatment….
Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Store, Inc. Court Case
Introduction Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., 134 S.Ct. 2751, 2767 (2014) is a landmark court case in which the Supreme Court held that closely…
George Samuel Bronk Cyberstalking Case
The Attorney General, D. Harris made an announcement that the 23-Year-Old George Samwell Bronk from the Citrus Height had been given a four-year jail term…
Early Release and Pre Release Programs
Introduction The book “Probation, Parole, and Community Corrections,” by Dean John 2008 was launched to fill the gap on matters concerning probation and parole processes…

The Lack of Internet Services on Reservations due to ISP’s…
Internet has become essential for people in the current world because it is a good source or information and also an agent of communication. Access…
Criminal Studies
Introduction The root causes of crime are among the most discussed topic in criminology studies. The nature vs. nurture discussion has dominated many criminology kinds…
Correction System in USA
Introduction Correctional systems can be considered to be a form of interconnection between institutions prescribing the limits within which authority can be exercised within the…
Transfer of Juveniles to Adult Court to Be Charged As…
For the past twenty years, several States have considerably expanded legislation permitting the prosecution of juveniles in adult criminal courts (Bartol & Bartol, 2015). The…
Heinz’s Dilemma Essay
Introduction In most ethics and morality classes, Heinz’s dilemma is a common example used. Originally, Heinz’s dilemma was comprehended by a Swiss psychologist known as…
Arguing for the revamping of the Juvenile Justice System
Introduction The Juvenile Justice System has fully met its purported basic function in terms of distinguishing the youth or child offenders from serving similar sentences…
“Turtles Can Fly”
“Turtles Can Fly”, a film written and directed by Bahman Ghobadi occurs in the days leading up to America’s war two against Iraq, in a…
An Ideal Prison
I have to state that for the records, the rates of incarceration in the United States are very high. America by far was one of…
A Prosecution System that Prioritizes Drug Abuse Treatment to Offenses
Introduction Most of the crimes, mostly property crimes are committed by drug abusers to solely feed their drug habit. These offenders end up in prison…
Proper role of victims in the criminal justice system
Introduction The criminal justice system is meant to dispense due process for criminals and victims. It is a dynamic and complex system which primarily includes…
Ethics and Code of Conduct
Integrity and ethics are fundamental aspects of law enforcement. According to Williams and Arrigo, (2011).Ethics relates to the good or bad as per the set…
Should Juveniles Be Tried as Adults
There have been ongoing debates on whether juveniles should be tried as adults. Many who argue against having juveniles being tried as adults claim that…
Why death penalty should not be abolished
Introduction The current state of sentencing was triggered by the changes in the law where the primary goal was to apply justice but in a…
Roles of police in society
Introduction Many of us have different perceptions concerning the police force in our respective countries. Past experiences have a significant impact on the attitudes we…
Capital punishment – arbitrary by nature
According to an Associated Press three part series of articles published this past May, the arbitrary nature of imposing the death sentence in the United…
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