Physics Essays
Metaphysics Today: Challenges Posed By Scientific Materialism and Technology
Introduction Even with its might and grander, science is yet to perforate the realm of metaphysics. Innately, these two fields are analogous while still sundry….
Abstract This research paper provides alternative configurations that can be used to make the supersonic flights more efficient. These configurations have been achieved after considering…
Solar Magnetic Field at the Sunspots
Introduction: The sun is defined as a magnetically driven star. It is entirely composed of Plasma which is a gas whose temperature has risen to…
The layers of the Atmosphere
The layers of the atmosphere entail the various envelopes of gas surrounding the earth from the ground upwards. The atmosphere has got five different layers…
What can asteroids and comets tell us about how the…
Summary Asteroids and comets confirm the prevailing theories on the formation of the solar system. Their composition and their respective location indicate the original features…

Environment and social hotspots associated with a technology
State of knowledge about the technology’s sustainability (member 1) The sun is one of the most reliable sources of energy in the world. Solar power…
Nikola Tesla and theoretical significance of his work
Introduction “The genius who lit the world”, “the man who invented the twentieth century”, “the patron saint of modern electricity” – all these metaphors apply…
The Wright Brothers
Introduction The Wright brothers, comprising of Orville, who lived from 1871 to 1948 and his brother Wilbur who lived between 1867 and 1912 were American…
- Agriculture
- Anatomy
- Astronomy
- Chemistry
- Ecology
- Engineering
- Experiment
- Geography
- Geology
- Mathematics
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