How to Write Winning Essays on Honor

Honor is the quality of having respectability and worthiness that affects the evaluation of an individual. It’s all about having a sense of pride in integrity and responsibility. This means recognizing the power that you have and making sure you are using it well and carefully, not misusing your power. Honor means having respect for you and others. The golden rule that says, “Treat people the way you want to be treated” explains the true meaning of honor. It means that you should think of other people the way you want others to think of you. Speak to people the way you want them to talk to you.

Being able to respect someone who doesn’t respect you makes you the bigger person.

Being able to respect someone who doesn’t respect you makes you the bigger person. People have different ways of dealing with things. Your view on a particular subject may differ from another person’s. Therefore, listen to different thoughts before dismissing someone. It is proof of honor when you show compassion and respect by not judging anyone because you don’t know what they’re thinking or feeling. If someone does you wrong, there is no need of tarnishing their name or spreading lies and rumors about them. You could feel good about it in the short run, but eventually, it will disturb you in future. It’s natural to want to get back and plot revenge on anyone that hurts you or does you wrong. But how will that help the situation? Such people need someone to guide them to the right decision.

Being an honorable person means understanding people. People do things using logic. If you understand what their motives are, you get to understand their actions hence understand them as individuals. Nowadays, people don’t have time for each other. People complain about not having time to:

  • cook,
  • exercise,
  • get enough hours of sleep, or
  • meet up with friends to catch up.

Being a person of honor means creating room and time for others especially if they need you. For you to thrive in life, you should be able to find time to put people first before your needs.

When you think about essays on honor, you should keep in mind that your words matter. Gossiping about people can make people change the way they look at you. It involves betraying confidence and spreading sensitive information about someone.  When people are talking, they like telling stories in a way that’s advantageous to them. You could find them changing certain bits of the story to make it more interesting and more believable. When you meet a gossiper, you have to look at the intentions of the person. Are they doing it to feel superior or just to get attention and have the upper hand in a conversation? Honor means getting yourself from situations or people you know like speaking about others. Or if someone tells you something, there’s no need of spreading it to someone else. The ball can stop at your court.

What to consider when writing essays on honor

Working in a team has its own dynamics. Everyone has their ideas and opinions to share. Egos tend to fly high because everyone thinks their idea should be implemented. Now you being a person of honor should know that just because an idea didn’t come from you, it doesn’t mean that it is a bad one. Giving everyone a chance to share openly in a group means that you respect everyone. And who knows, you actually might learn something new from the team.

Living with honor every day will make people respect you more in society. Telling a lie and getting away with it doesn’t make it right. People have also accepted being lied to. It’s no longer a big deal to tell or hear the truth. As tempting as it is, to tell a small lie, always tell the truth. It will help you in future.

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Jason Burrey
A graduate of Yale University, a professional essay writer, and just a cheerful and communicative person. All these are about Jason Burrey, our best expert in the Business & Marketing field. Jason is well-known among our customers as a very attentive to detail and responsible writer. He always ensures that the delivered paper is perfectly styled and formatted and meets all the order requirements.
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