What Is Academic Writing?

Academic writing is what many students are afraid of. This formal writing style serves such educational institutions as colleges and universities. Because academic writing is supported by rigorous standards, it is used by students, professors, researchers, and scientists. For college students, it is a novelty, and they face many difficulties in mastering academic style writing.

They often believe that writing for college or university is something extraordinary. But it is manageable. All you have to do is follow the rules and practice your college paper creation. In this article, we will dig deep to reveal the conception of research-creation, its features, and ways to handle it for the best scores.

academic writing

Academic Writing Definition

College paper creation is the formal text creation style that is obligatory to use in educational institutions and publications. All kinds of works that students have to perform should be written in this particular style. As with any other text creation style, it has a specific structure, rules, and requirements for the content. These are the features that fully describe  academic and professional writing.

It Is Unbiased

The style of a college paper is neutral. You can’t simply create a story with specific vocabulary and claim it is written in academic paper creation. Every statement you give should be supported by evidence from trusted sources. There is no place for an author’s opinion. The main goal is to do research and form it according to the structure.

It Is Concise

In college paper creation, the text should be composed of short sentences in clear language. Don’t use vague language, cliches, and generalization. Avoid adding different figures of speech: metaphors, hyperbole, personification, simile, and so on. Don’t insert into a sentence too many linking words, which will water your text.

It Has Tangible Proof

Research in academic paper creation has to be based on reliable sources. It can’t be a single text with no evidence. You can get evidence from dissertations, research, investigation, and all the texts from the scientific literature. All the sources should be indicated in the references section. Even scientists writing their scientific works are obliged to include external works in their research.

It Has a Clear Structure

The text should be divided into paragraphs. Every paragraph should have a new idea and a heading. A topic has to be introduced at the beginning and summarized at the end. In the sentences, there should be transition words to show the connection between the statements. Clear punctuation is also required.

It Is Well-Formatted

College paper creation has many rules on how to format the text. In the text, the numbers and abbreviations should be written correctly. The heading should be capitalized according to the rules. And punctuation and spelling need checking as UK English and US English differ.

Types of Works in Academic Paper Creation

The texts in academic writing have multiple types. And the requirements for every type are different. But college or university students will get acquainted with the following text types.

  • Essay. This is the most common type of academic work. It is comparatively short. It can contain a personal attitude to a problem. Professors often give homework to create an essay and reveal the issues discussed in the class.
  • Article. In academic article writing, the main goal is to conduct research or develop a concept and publish it. Students often create articles for college newspapers.
  • Research paper. A research paper refers to an investigation where students can choose a topic. From the point of structure, it is an expanded essay.
  • Lab report. This text is written when conducting a special experiment in the laboratory. It aims to describe the methods, goals, procedures, and results of the experiment.
  • Review. A review is written on a specific topic. Its main goal is to give a critical analysis.
  • Dissertation. This is the final academic work that is obligatory to compose to get a degree in a college or university. It is a deep investigation that is huge in size and which covers many aspects of the topic, including practical investigation.
  • Annotated bibliography. This type of academic text shortly describes the sources or figures.


Academic Style Writing

Academic text creation style can be used for many purposes. Therefore, there are 4 types of academic writing: descriptive, critical, analytical, and persuasive. In the text, a writer can use a combination of these types. In this section, you can explore more about each type of academic paper creation.

The Descriptive Type

The descriptive type is the easiest to master. It is used to describe the facts and give general information. An example of a descriptive type can be a lab report when students simply demonstrate what they do. It can also be an annotated bibliography since there is no need to analyze anything. There is no investigation or research. It records, identifies, and summarizes the information.

The Critical Type

Critical college paper creation style is used by students in their final years. To compose a text with a critical message, you need to have a background in this topic. That is why first-year college students will not likely use this type of text creation. The main goal of critical writing is to disclose the topic from different points of view, including a writer’s personal point. You can agree or disagree with the statements, evaluate them, and debate around them. Discussing several positions, you have to support every position with strong evidence. It can’t be called a critique if you think that the subject is of bad quality or you simply don’t like it. Include trusted sources and data as a reference to critical college papers.

The Analytical Type

Analytical paper creation consists of descriptive writing and analysis of the information. When a writer states something, he should either compare it, relate to something, or analyze it. Let’s suppose you have two figures to analyze. You can group their features by advantages and disadvantages, differences and similarities.

The Persuasive Type

Persuasive academic writing goes further and aims to persuade the reader. Its structure is similar to the analytical type as it consists of describing and analyzing the information. But another one more step is added – the writer’s personal opinion. In persuasive writing, the writer argues about the topic, discusses it, evaluates, and sticks to one position. It is also important to add references that will make your opinion a reliable source.

Academic Writing Tips

As with any other paper creation style, academic paper creation has its rules and exceptions. Such a strict system makes students worried about how to meet all the requirements and not miss anything. Here we will consider tips on how to properly compose a work in an academic style.

#1 Use Formal Language

All informal vocabulary should be replaced by formal vocabulary. Numbers up to a hundred should be written in words. For example, instead of the phrase “a lot of people,” create “a large number of people”; instead of writing “it is good for,” insert the phrase “it is beneficial.” It also relates to two-word verbs. Instead of “call off,” write “cancel.”

#2 Use the Full Words

Do not use contractions. “Don’t, isn’t, aren’t” are not suitable for academic writing.

#3 Avoid Directly Addressing a Reader

Never use the pronoun “you” to refer to readers. It is better to use impersonal structures and passive voice. Instead of “they say,” use “it is said.”

#4 Begin the Sentences With the Right Words

Whenever you want to start a sentence, avoid using the following conjunctions: for, so, but, and, nor, yet. They serve as connectors between sentences. Instead, start the sentences with “Therefore,” “Moreover,” and “Furthermore.”

#5 State the Ideas

If you want to describe something, use declarative sentences. Don’t use rhetorical questions to make readers think. Academic paper creation is about clarity, not vagueness.

#6 Be Precise

When you write a fact, make it reasonable with the numbers, statistics, years, and sources. Don’t write, “many people use fitness apps.” Instead, write “statista source states that 78% of the US population tried fitness apps at least once.”

#7 Don’t Write Absolute Statements

In academic paper creation, you can’t be 100% sure that this idea is absolutely working. Therefore, you should use tentative language and add words such as “possibly,” “might,” “may,” and “seems to.”

#8 Pay Special Attention to Dates

Dates are written in the following order: numbered day, named month, and numbered year—type centuries without capital letters.

#9 Avoid Abbreviations

In academic paper creation, abbreviations are not suitable. If you want to illustrate the example, don’t write “e.g..” Write it in a full phrase, “for example.” There is also a misunderstanding between “e.g.,” which means “for example,” and “e.i.” which means “that is to say.”

#10 Answer All Questions

When you raise a topic, you should always answer it. Utilize small conclusions after every section and the final conclusion at the end. Summarize everything, so the reader gets your point.

Get Inspiration From Academic Writing Sample

Academic paper creation skills can be developed if the writer keeps practicing regularly. However, for a good result, it is important to perceive such works as an art form. This requires inspiration. And here it is, right in front of you – a brilliant example of academic writing to inspire you for writing!

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Jason Burrey
A graduate of Yale University, a professional essay writer, and just a cheerful and communicative person. All these are about Jason Burrey, our best expert in the Business & Marketing field. Jason is well-known among our customers as a very attentive to detail and responsible writer. He always ensures that the delivered paper is perfectly styled and formatted and meets all the order requirements.
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