Alexander Acosta

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Nomination of Alexander Acosta

Alexander Acosta has been nominated by the recently-elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump as the new Secretary of Labor on February 16, 2017 in his routine though remarkably precise press conference (Graham, 2017). He is expected to be taking his oath and resuming his office in March 2017in wake of his nomination by the President (Graham, 2017). His appointment has invited mixed reaction at the situation, when President Trump appears to be under criticism and censure from different political and religious circles due to his devising and implementation of the highly controversial strategies and policies towards the diversified ethnic, racial and religious communities of the country since his getting elected in November 2016 (Dearden, 2016), and rising at the helm of the US administration on January 20 this year (Nuño, 2016). Since the newly-elected US President vowed to impose embargoes on the African, Hispanic and Muslim immigrants living in the USA, the prejudiced Trump was expected to nominate and appoint only the members of white Anglo Saxon and indigenous US inhabitants as secretaries and office-bearers of his cabinet. Despite the fact that the white members dominate the Trump cabinet; somehow, appointment somewhat a liberal and broad-minded son of the Hispanic immigrants has been considered to be a fresh breeze in a suffocated political environment containing bias, prejudice and narrow-mindedness on the part of the President and his close political aides and associates. Moreover, Trump was also expected to appoint the members of only the upper stratum of the US society due to his being the effective member of elite class of the society.

Short Biography of Alexander Acosta

Rene Alexander Acosta was born to the Cuban immigrant parents in Miami, Florida, on January 17, 1969 (Mirza, 2017). His father Rene Acosta and mother Delia migrated to the Florida state of USA during early 1960s. He is the only child of the couple and hence does not have any siblings altogether. He received his early education from Gulliver Schools, Miami; while he did his Bachelors of Arts with Economics as one of his major subjects from Harvard College in 1990. Acosta later completed his law graduation in 1994 from Harvard Law School in 1994, and was determined to select law as his career for the future years to go (Mirza, 2017).

Acosta has command and fluency over English and Spanish languages. He learned Spanish language from his maternal grandmother. Since his parents dropped him under the supervision of grandmother while going to their jobs, he learned about Hispanic culture, traditions and language from her during his stay with the grandmother. He remained in contact and close association with his grandmother throughout, till her leaving the world. Acosta is considered to be one of the most popular individuals belonging to the Hispanic community of USA, and is respected as one of the most successful and well-reputed members of the Hispanic Americans.

Career Overview and Professional Achievements

Acosta started his career as a law clerk in 1994 from a law firm, and soon became judge on the US Court of Appeals to serve at this capacity till 1995 (Adams, 2017). He joined another famous law firm of Washington DC the same year, and specialized in Labor Laws with the aim of obtaining further growth in his career in the same department. Later, he also taught in well-reputed law schools, and rendered services in various capacities including the Chairman of US Century Bank attributed to the Hispanic community of the USA (Adams, 2017). Acosta was appointed as the member of National Labor Relations Board by then US President George Bush to serve the country at this position from 2002 to 2003. At the expiry of this position, he was appointed as Deputy Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division under the US Department of Justice, and became the US Attorney for Southern District of Florida in 2005 (Adams, 2017). Enjoying such a high office is regarded to be a great triumph of the Hispanic ethnic community of the country. During those years as the head of the US Department of Justice and Civil Rights Division, Acosta played his dynamic role in launching of anti-trafficking campaigns in 2004 (Mirza, 2017). Hence, he worked in different positions with distinction in labor laws and civil and labor rights as a professional, and made the society acknowledged of his worthwhile contributions.

Acosta resumed his responsibilities as Dean of Florida International University College of Law in July 2009 (Mirza, 2017). Not only this that he obtained the opportunity of demonstrating his skills and proficiencies as an expert in labor laws, but also by dint of his dedication and efforts, the University earned profound recognition as one of the most influential law institutions of the country (Mirza, 2017). Acosta also obtained respect and recognition in his community, and has been declared to be one of the fifty most influential members of Hispanic community of the USA. Hence, by dint of his gifted abilities, hard efforts and devotion to the profession, he earned respect in society as well as at the national scale. As a result, by keeping his services and command over labor laws and civil rights, Acosta has been nominated as the new Secretary of Labor under the Trump administration on February 16, 2017 by the President (Mirza, 2017).

Before the nomination of Alexander Acosta, Andrew Puzder was nominated as the next Republican Labor Secretary of State by President Trump. However, Puzder requested for the withdrawal of his name for this position (Heavy News, 2017). One of the most essential reasons behind withdrawal of Puzder’s name for this position included the disliking and opposition of the Republican senators and leaders for Puzder as Labor Secretary (Graham, 2017). Consequently, Acosta turned out to be Donald’s second pick for this capacity. If confirmed and endorsed, Acosta would be the first Hispanic member of Trump’s cabinet.


Acosta’s name appeared in the case of controversial hiring observed by senior official named Bradley Schlozman during his working as the head of Justice’s Civil Rights Division, where Acosta overlooked and ignored the prejudice demonstrated by Schlozman towards the African American community during 2004-05 (Pyke, 2017). Acosta was also blamed for having involvement in the suppression of voters in Ohio during 2004 elections (Pyke, 2017).


The news of the nomination of Alexander Acosta has been received with profound excitement and enthusiasm not only by the Hispanic American population; but also the individuals associated with justice, civil rights and labor law departments have welcomed the nomination as Labor Secretary, where inclusion of a highly brilliant, talented and dedicated professional and expert would make valuable contributions for the happiness and welfare of the US people for the future years to come.

Fact sheet

  • Name and Age: Rene Alexander Acosta; Age: 48 years. Date of Birth: January 16, 1969.
  • Education: Bachelor of Arts (A.B) in Economics, from Harvard College in 1990; Law Graduation from Harvard Law School, 1994).
  • Personal skills and abilities: Knowledge of Economics; Law professional; distinguished pleading & canvassing abilities in the courts of law; special knowledge of labor law and command over the US government’s labor policies; has information and knowledge about the problems appear during owner-worker and employer-employee relationships, as well as their duties and obligations on one side, and their rights and privileges on the other. He has vast professional experience of working as attorney, judge and high government official in various high-status and prestigious public offices.
  • Person’s appointed position: Labor Secretary, USA by President Donald Trum on February 16, 2017.
  • A brief description of the person’s appointed position: The President Trump maintains that Alexander Acosta has tremendous professional background in the labor department and has rendered valuable services by demonstrating his command over labor laws and criminal justice system against  different high positions for the last two decades.

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  1. Adams, T. Becket. (February 16, 2017). “6 things to know about Alexander Acosta, Trump’s new pick for labor secretary.” Washington Examiner. Retrieved 03 March, 2017.
  2. Dearden, Lizzie. (November 10, 2016). “Donald Trump’s victory followed by wave of hate crime attacks against minorities across US – led by his supporters: Muslim women report hijabs being ripped off by men shouting support for President-elect.” The Independent Newspaper. Retrieved March 09, 2017
  3. Graham, David A. (February 16, 2017). “Trump’s New Pick for Secretary of Labor: Alexander Acosta.” The Atlantic. Retrieved March 09, 2017
  4. Heavy News. (February 16, 2017). “R. Alexander Acosta: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know.” Retrieved 09 March, 2017 from
  5. Mirza, Anzish. (February 24, 2017). “10 Things You Didn’t Know About Alexander Acosta.” US News. Retrieved 09 March, 2017 from
  6. Nuño, Stephen A. (June 20, 2016). “Latino Pulse: Scorning the Immigrant with Trump Policies.” NBC News. Retrieved 09 March, 2017
  7. Pyke, Alan. (February 16, 2017). “Who is Alexander Acosta?” Think Progress. Retrieved on March 09, 2017
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