Analysis of Leadership Styles

Subject: 💼 Business
Type: Reflective Essay
Pages: 4
Word count: 844
Topics: 🏆 Career Goals, Business Ethics, Leadership
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The finance and investment manager at FoSEP Limited is a leader I have admired all my life. Mr. Fose, is identified at the job dubs as the head of the two sections of the company. He has held the position for only three years but so far, he is a champion. I have grown to admire him due to his outstanding leadership skills. Mr. Fose exhibits the following leadership styles of directing, coaching, supporting and delegating.

Directing leadership style: The style refers to a situation where roles within the organization are centered on the leader. The leader determines final decisions and supervises the team. Based on the principle of the role of staff within the department, Fose ensures that everyone in the teams discharges their mandate effectively. Besides, it is critical for quick decision making in the department (Goleman, 2017). Also, it was employed when the investment manager was resistant to respond to some queries in his department.

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Coaching and supporting: Mr. Fose has mastered the art of coaching juniors to better respond to the demands of the job. He maintains strong communication with the workers while maintaining focus on empowerment programs aiming at departmental growth. Alternatively, he is highly accountable and responsible for the output of the department. Complementing the style effectively in the department is the structured employee responsibility. Inevitable in the leadership model is the diversity of ideas and perspective (Northouse, 2015). Nonetheless, the leadership approach has promoted a transitional form of role assumption. The model is encouraged because it helps prepare people for senior job positions.

Delegating: The analysis of Mr. Fose reveals the dominance of delegated form of governance. Most of the decisions about the governance of the department are reached through a consensus. With the already established motivation of employees towards jobs, decision making is fairly enhanced. The only setback that derails effectiveness of delegation leadership by Mr. Fose is the slow response to decision making (Goleman, 2017).

Since Mr. Fose has a strong focus on three issues: attainment of the set objective, maintaining the department teams compact and optimization of team performance, he has balanced the effectiveness of directing, coaching, supporting and delegation.

Leadership skills

The success of the finance and investment department has been attributed to the personal and professional skills demonstrated by Mr. Fose. These skills include:

Communicative and persuasive skills: Mr. Fose is both a good listener and good speaker. He engages the ideas of his team ask them a question and conveys his decision. Strong communication skills have fostered motivation and commitment among subordinates.

Humility, integrity, confidence, focus, and flexibility: Rose has earned the trust of the juniors because he has demonstrated higher interpersonal skills. The skill is essential in the management of relationships, which has cautioned against any severe conflicts in the department. Mr. Fose responds quickly to a situation which places him ahead of any impending occurrence.

Decision making, collaborative and diversity: Decision making is part of excellence. The manager makes accurate decisions responsive to departmental challenges. Besides, he has mastered the art of managing social and cultural diversity within the department. He is driven by a highly professional business acumen that spurs performance.

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Comparative anecdote: while the leadership styles adopted by Mr. Fose are complemented with both personal and professional skills he exhibits, it is entreating to highlight my personal admiration for his approach. I visualize myself being a champion of the consultative and democratic style of leadership. A tradeoff between the two approaches is effective in actualizing any organizational objective trusted on my team. Essentially, quick decision making, improving diversity, creativity and innovation, confidence and results driven are some of the skills I anticipate to demonstrate. Besides strong communication skills and flexibility helps in addressing organizational issues. I look to being braced in them.

Influence of environmental and social factors on leadership style

Environmental and social factors determine leadership style. The political situation determines the magnitude of direction or support needed to effect change. Politics determine the behavior of suppliers. As a result, directing and supporting are the probable leadership styles. Social factors like aspects of demographics determine the behavior of leaders. The social innovativeness of leaders defines if they will rely on directing or delegation after coaching. Alternatively, implementation of innovation requires coaching and directing leadership styles (Du et al, 2013).

Influence of economic factors

Prevailing economic conditions have a great influence on organizational leadership. During the low economic performance, adoption of directing and supporting are critical I fostering growth and stability in the organization. Employees left to determine decision may subject the organization to unclear circumstances. Contrary also means the application of other leadership styles (Du et al, 2013).

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As the organization grows through its various stages such as start-up, growth, and establishment, the power and effectiveness in decision making plays an important role. Therefore, at its start, I prefer directing, coaching and supporting styles spurs organizational objective. At the growth level delegation and support are essential as through to establishment phase. As a practicing manager, I would observe a combination of all the leadership styles to help actualize organizational objectives (Northouse, 2015).

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  1. Du, S., Swaen, V., Lindgreen, A., & Sen, S. (2013). The roles of leadership styles in corporate social responsibility. Journal of business ethics, 114(1), 155-169.
  2. Goleman, D. (2017). Leadership That Gets Results (Harvard Business Review Classics). Harvard Business Press.
  3. Northouse, P. G. (2015). Leadership: Theory and practice. Sage publications.
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