David Whittemore’s Diversity

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One of the visual arguments that I find to be increasingly appealing is David Whittemore’s Diversity is the Largest Picture. Thus, David Whittemore’s visual image tends to appeal as a result of the observation that every puzzle piece is very different from the others even though it remains the same. However, the only perceptible differences existing between the pieces of the puzzle are the colors. This can be compared to human being who not only have different backgrounds, cultures and races but are complementary of each other in the end.  The implication of David Whittemore’s Diversity is the Largest Picture is that we are all human regardless of our skin colors and racial backgrounds, that in spite of the perceptible differences in our color, we are similar on the inside and with comparable beating hearts (Pan 22-23). This, therefore, is the implication of diversity. One does not have to be of a similar racial background and same culture to join others and interact with them.

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Additionally, David Whittemore’s Diversity is the Largest Picture is also appealing given that it is indicative of the strength of diversity. That is, Whittemore’s visual image is representative of the accomplishment that can be made when individuals of divergent racial background and cultures come together. As such, the image can be taken to imply that there is strength in diversity.

On the other hand, amongst the least appealing visual images is Hayley Kuntz’s picture, “We All Come from Different Walks of Life”. Hayley’s visual image is least appealing given the observation that while she tries to portray diversity in a different lens, she has failed to take into consideration the fact that individuals, regardless of their racial and cultural backgrounds, come and go, and that individuals only tend to care about themselves, an aspect of selfishness.  This can be observed when one takes into considerations the observation that at the moment, individuals are already being greedy and are always concerned with their phones, and in instances where an individual requires urgent assistance, they are very unlikely to assist.  Another notable instance that might be related to Hayley’s visual image regards the view of the present day society. Thus, the modern society is not as united as it initially was and individuals have opted to only care about themselves and their family members. This can also be observed through the increased harassment of other individuals. These, therefore, make Hayley’s visual image the least appealing.

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Additionally, with regards to the definitional argument presented by the posters, it can be observed that the visual images are taken to define diversity differently. For instance, David Whittemore’s Diversity is the Largest Picture can be seen to define diversity as the coming together of individuals of divergent racial background and that the merger of various races and cultures is likely to bring about strength. Also, David Whittemore’s Diversity is the Largest Picture also defines diversity by presenting the argument that despite our divergent backgrounds, we need each other so as to function and have implication. On the other hand, Hayley Kuntz’s picture, “We All Come from Different Walks of Life” tends to define diversity as the coming together of individuals from different walks of life and the interactions between people of diverse backgrounds during the times that they meet (Pan 23). Still, Coleman Collins’ You  Are Not Color Blind poster tend to present the definitive argument that humans are not racial the same and that like a flower, humans of divergent racial backgrounds are complementary and come together to form beautiful and increasingly diversified relations.

Still, Lynda Kenney’s Diversity Makes Life interesting posters can be taken to imply that diversity is mainly expressed when individuals come together and that it is beautiful, as opposed to when individuals of different cultures and race distance themselves from each other. Lastly, Jake Nicolella’s “Reflect on Yesterday, Experience Today, Transform Tomorrow” poster present that definitional argument that while in the past individuals of divergent races and cultural backgrounds had stayed within their individual racial and cultural cocoons, their coming together today has enabled them to achieve several things together. Moreover, the visual image also present the definitive argument that by coming together, humans of diverse backgrounds and races are bound to attain much more together. Additionally, Jake Nicolella’s “Reflect on Yesterday, Experience Today, Transform Tomorrow” poster can also be taken to present the definitional argument that diversity is mainly about intermarriage between individuals of divergent cultural and racial backgrounds (Chen et al., 15-17).

Amongst the posters that tend to be didactic include Jake Nicolella’s “Reflect on Yesterday, Experience Today, Transform Tomorrow” poster and David Whittemore’s “Diversity is the Largest Picture”.  The two posters are considered to be didactic given the observation that they present various lessons on diversity. For instances as noted earlier, David Whittemore’s Diversity is the Largest Picture tends to teach individuals on the importance of diversity by observing that there is strength in diversity. Moreover, David Whittemore’s Diversity is the Largest Picture also teaches that by coming together, individuals of varied racial and cultural background are not only able to complement each other but also find implication in life. Thus, humans, regardless of the racial and cultural backgrounds need each other to be complete.

On the other hand, Jake Nicolella’s “Reflect on Yesterday, Experience Today, Transform Tomorrow” poster teaches that while we might have remained within our racial cocoons in the past, the coming of races in the recent times has brought about togetherness through which humans have attained success. Also, Jake Nicolella’s “Reflect on Yesterday, Experience Today, Transform Tomorrow” poster also indicate that by coming together regardless of the cultural and racial backgrounds, humans are prone to achieve more a-s individuals of different races and culture are likely to bring together various ideas and perceptions that will result in human advancements and improvements.

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Lastly, Hayley Kuntz’s picture, “We All Come from Different Walks of Life” tends to be vague as it only presents diversity as the coming together of individuals from different walks of life and the interactions between them. As such, Hayley’s posters are only indicative of individuals walking together in different directions but do not present diversity as strength and a teaching to humanity. On the contrary, it only portrays diversity as an increasingly temporary aspect of human interactions and relations, which tend to fade away immediately the individuals from different cultural and racial backgrounds part ways. Diversity entails individuals coming together to develop lasting relationship that are mainly meant to bring about advancement and improvements in the lives of humans. Owing to this observation, it can be noted that Hayley Kuntz’s picture, “We All Come from Different Walks of Life” is vague.

Did you like this sample?
  1. Chen, Xiangming, Philip Kasinitz, and Sharon Zukin. “Spaces of Everyday Diversity: The         Patchwork Ecosystem of Local Shopping Streets Social worlds of neighborhood        shopping streets. Importance of globalization and gentrification. Change from ethnic          clusters to super-diversity. Art galleries, boutiques, and cafés. The structural ecosystem:             supply chains, residents, media images, and the local state. Social diversity and “moral   ownership.”.” Global Cities, Local Streets. Routledge, 2015. 13-40.
  2. Pan, Xingjia, et al. “Content-based measure of image set diversity.” SIGGRAPH Asia 2017        Posters. ACM, 2017.
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