Higher Education in Scotland

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Scotland experiences a blend of different structures, policy, and contexts that shape the higher education system. The different aspects have facilitated the unique characteristics prevalent in the education system when compared to other colleges in the UK and England among other areas. In history, Scotland is known for the provision of public education universally (Riddell, Minty, Weedon & Blackburn, 2015). The enactment of the 1998 Act in Scotland allowed Parliament to control education matters throughout the nation. However, the rules were required to comply with the 1980 Education Act in Scotland. The system has significantly influenced Scottish Universities as courses run for approximately four years. The curriculum is considered higher than other parts of the UK (Anderson, 2017).

Q. 2

Scottish Credit and Qualification Framework, SCQF

The SCQ Framework refers to the national system of credit transfers that dominates the different levels of Scotland’s qualifications. The system involves a partnership that encourages an extensive learning schedule in Scotland. The framework remains critical in the nation as it improves the understanding of the people on the different qualifications in Scotland. Consequently, an individual studying under the nation’s system can develop proper planning of their future (Gallacher, 2009).  The management and custody of the SCQF falls under the docket of the SCQF Partnership. The body was founded in November 2006 with the mandate of ensuring that the different qualifications and learning did in Scotland falls under the Framework. It extends into recognition of the non-formal and informal learning to attain a fully developed framework (Lowe & Gayle, 2016). However, the intention is to encourage lifelong learning as a tool that establishes and improves relations with other international frameworks (Gallacher, 2014). Some of the members of the SCQF include Universities in Scotland, the Higher Education, QAA, Quality Assurance Agency, the Qualification Authorities of Scotland, SQA, and the Development Network of Colleges, CDN (Peacock, Gordon, Murray, Morss & Dunlop, 2010). 

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Q. 3

The Scottish government has a significant impact on higher education, including the social economic status and equal opportunity.  The government has built schools in different parts of the country, including nurseries, colleges, and universities (Hyde, McGarry, Thompson, Wilkie & Aubeeluck, 2015). The provision allows the population to attain confidence, energy, and enthusiasm in Scotland schools. The professionals and teachers have also improved on their professionalism and commitment in a school setting. In 2015, the OECD echoed the value of investing heavily in quality in early education and childcare. The nation implements the education system with the intention of getting it right, with all the students (Gray & Weir, 2014). Equally, the system ensures that the people have skilled and professional workforce through an extensive exploitation of the curriculum. The implementation of programs including the minority government ensures that all groups are covered with the prevalent education system.

Q. 4

Funding influence the choice of students in Scotland as the government aims at improving the Scotland Attainment Challenge to 750 million Euros in the next five years. The funds are geared to assist the children living in poverty stricken areas. The challenge targets schools and Authorities doubles the amount released in secondary schools by 50 million Euros annually (Saunders & Sin, 2015). In the financial year 2017-2018, the government the tax released by the Council Tax reforms to increase the amount released to schools annually. The amount was raised to an additional 100 million Euros annually. The fund’s allocation targets children with the desire to improve their progress (Raffe & Croxford, 2015). 

Q. 5

The difference between Scottish Higher Education from others is ascribed to the policies, structures, and programs geared to improving the education of the nation. Education is considered not as a separate policy area, but as activities that ensure lifelong learning. The committee is deployed to identify community and vocational training (Iannelli, Smyth & Klein, 2016). The system involves key themes and recommendation to improve the Lifelong Learning Strategy in Scotland. Despite the widening participation throughout the UK, but it is only strongly practiced in Scottish Policy (Access to higher education in Scotland for people from less advantaged backgrounds: the major role of further education colleges, 2016). The framework identifies educational opportunities as the basis and a critical role player in accessibility of educational items for the adult runners and young people. 

Did you like this sample?
  1. Access to higher education in Scotland for people from less advantaged backgrounds: the major role of further education colleges. (2016). Education Journal, (270), 8-9.
  2. Anderson, R. (2017). Professors and examinations: ideas of the university in nineteenth-century Scotland. History of Education, 46(1), 21-38.
  3. Gallacher, J. (2009). Higher Education in Scotland’s Colleges: a Distinctive Tradition? Higher Education Quarterly, 63(4), 384-401.
  4. Gallacher, J. (2014). Higher education in Scotland: differentiation and diversion? The impact of college-university progression links. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 33(1), 96-106.
  5. Gray, D., & Weir, D. (2014). Retaining public and political trust: teacher education in Scotland. Journal of Education for Teaching, 40(5), 569-587.
  6. Hyde, A., McGarry, J., Thompson, S., Wilkie, K., & Aubeeluck, A. (2015). The development of a shared e-learning resource across three distinct programs based at universities in England, Ireland, and Scotland. Innovations in Education & Teaching International, 52(4), 393-402.
  7. Iannelli, C., Smyth, E., & Klein, M. (2016). Curriculum differentiation and social inequality in higher education entry in Scotland and Ireland. British Educational Research Journal, 42(4), 561-581.
  8. Lowe, J., & Gayle, V. (2016). From lifelong learning to youth employment: back to the future for higher education in Scotland’s colleges. Journal of Further & Higher Education, 40(3), 351-371.
  9. Peacock, S., Gordon, L., Murray, S., Morss, K., & Dunlop, G. (2010). Tutor response to implementing an ePortfolio to support learning and personal development in further and higher education institutions in Scotland. British Journal of Educational Technology, 41(5), 827-851.
  10. Raffe, D., & Croxford, L. (2015). How stable is the stratification of higher education in England and Scotland? British Journal of Sociology of Education, 36(2), 313-335.
  11. Riddell, S., Minty, S., Weedon, E., & Blackburn, L. H. (2015). Higher Education and the Referendum on Scottish Independence. Political Quarterly, 86(2), 240-248.
  12. Saunders, M., & Sin, C. (2015). Middle managers’ experience of policy implementation and mediation in the context of the Scottish quality enhancement framework. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 40(1), 135-150. 
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