Personality Development

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Personality development means molding one’s character in a way that makes them unique from the other person (Joseph, 2013). The process can involve injecting oneself with a new lease of positivity and confidence. Developing one’s persona may mean changing a lot of things among them style of speech, motion, and overall look. An individual may also decide to incorporate etiquette which previously might have been lacking. It might also involve a shift in abilities as well as expand one’s knowledge boundaries (“Personality Development,” 2017). Development of personality occurs in two ways. One may decide to intentionally modify their character, the way of doing things and mentality to bring out an entirely different person. On the other hand, this development may just come automatically, may be instigated by some factors such as the environment that one grows or lives in, psychological factors, biological factors such as genes or even one’s culture.  One can also decide to follow a set of simple rules and practices that will help them change their personality. Character development is beneficial in that it leads to the creation of a positive impression on oneself and others (“Personality Development,” 2017). It might also come in handy in a relationship and one’s dream career. It pushes one to their full potential and capability. There are personality traits that one can adopt to improve their health, build and maintain relationships and earn admiration from other people (Joseph, 2013). Enhancing one’s personality calls for one to look at everything from a positive perspective and at the same time avoid comparing themselves to others (Joseph, 2013). Several theories explain, or rather contribute to personality development. They list down the factors that may be responsible for the characters that exist in different people.

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There are three primary aspects, theories or factors that contribute to personality development. The first theory is that one’s persona is shaped by heredity factors. The second one is that environmental factors are responsible for the result. And third, the outcome is pointed towards psychological factors.  Heredity factors include biological factors, age or maturation as well as physical appearance (Kumar, n.d.). When you look at traits such as aggressiveness, outspokenness, leadership and ability to bond and interact with anyone out there, it is mainly a case of being passed down the line. People from a particular lineage seem to be good speakers. Even though training and learning can change character, it is only in a few that artificial mechanisms can overturn genetically or hereditary possessed behaviors. Maturity or age shapes one character when they are forced to quit some habits that are not suitable for their age. For example, you cannot have a sixteen-year-old boy playing with toys. Irrespective of passion that might have existed for the same thing some time back, age dictates that it is time to move on. People are open to changes at all times in their lifespan (Roberts & Mroczek, 2009). Therefore, change in character is likely to happen across all age groups. Some physical appearance also referred to as constitutional make-up comes out as more enticing while others do not (Kumar, n.d.). For example, people endowed with heights and muscular or curvy bodies create a better impression on others than short individuals or those with physical defects. Genes of intelligence can also be passed down generations. That results in people from certain lineages being able to make better decisions than others. They are also able to adjust or adapt to various conditions and systems better than the less intelligent (Mumba, n.d.). Another physiological factor that determines the character developed by individuals is their gender. You are likely to find boys being more aggressive and daring whereas girls are more sensitive and reserved (Personality Development Tips, 2016). That explains why you are most likely to find girls or women seated in a group gossiping about some issue or someone, which is not a scene that can be associated with men. The reason is that such a trait is inbuilt or exists naturally in ladies.

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Biological factors include the nervous system, glands and blood chemistry (Mumba, n.d.). They form the basis of how we behave owing to their functioning and coordination. The role played by genetics in personal development may be that strong such that after deviating from their former selves, it takes most people a short time to revert to their biological setup (Roberts & Mroczek, 2009). When we come of age, a physiological factor, it is only normal for individuals to become more responsible, warm and calm as their age progresses (Mumba, n.d.). A real-life example is how rowdy campus youths can be at times. They don’t seem to find amicable solutions to problems that face them and often resort to riots, violence, and vandalism in the process. However, the same people later mature to become company managers and C.E.Os in their prime. As much as this can be associated with the added responsibility, age also plays a role. They know that younger generations are looking up to them as well as being role models to many in society, and thus they have to change their personality from an aggressive one to a calm one.

Another theory behind the development of character is that it can be driven by environmental factors. There are several categories under environmental influence, among them physical environment. The division involves the place where an individual lives (Personality Development Tips, 2016). Climatic conditions can affect how a person behaves. For example, in drought-stricken areas, the poverty levels are likely to be wanting. Individuals in these regions tend to develop a personality of being aid dependent. They are more probable to be hostile or unwelcoming due to the troubles that they go through. The social environment refers to the society that one lives in, and particularly the people that surround an individual (Personality Development Tips, 2016). The people around us shape our lives regarding character developed.  Family members, friends, schoolmates, church mates and members of the community all fall under the social environment (UK Essays, 2017). The family teaches one to be loving and trustworthy (Sinha, 2016). Therefore, if one is brought up in a family where the two lack, then it is no wonder they develop a personality deficient of love, affection, and trust. Parents that allow their children to go out there and explore the world make them develop an independent attitude or behavior (Sinha, 2016). Those that limit their kids make them adopt a dependent behavior that may even extend to adulthood. At some point in life, peers have the strongest influence in one’s life. One of the most vulnerable times to shaping one’s personality is during the adolescence stage. It is at this juncture that people most share their experiences with others. They are under pressure to create an identity for themselves, gel with their peers and gain what is referred to as social acceptance (Personal Development, n.d.). In a bid to conform with their peers, most end up not creating their own identity (Personal Development, n.d.). For example, you find kids brought up in the church by very strict parents. However, when those same children reach adolescence or young adulthood, they become influenced by their age mates to indulge in irresponsible behavior. You find that in wanting to keep up with their friends or rather mimic their living style, they partake in drug and illicit sexual practices. Their style of dressing may also change to fit in with that of their peers.

The school is responsible for developing some personal attributes. A positive school environment endows one with decision-making and problem-solving skills (Personal Development, n.d.). One also learns of ways to relate to figures of authority as well as implementing and obeying rules. Life virtues such as honesty are taught and instilled in school. Religion is another determinant of personality. The majority of people look upon religion to guide them on what ethical and moral values to adopt (Personal Development, n.d.). Most stick to the religious beliefs taught during childhood. Other social factors that influence personality include language. Language is the medium of communication and interaction between one and other community members. Culture and norms are passed across generations using language (Mumba, n.d.). Another is the social roles that one as to play in different stages of their lifetime. The roles of a brother or sister, father or mother, husband or wife, call for one to adopt different personalities (Kumar, n.d.). Self-concept also shapes behavior. If one holds themselves in high regard, then it is likely to show in their behavior. At the same time, how others perceive one is likely to shape them. If others don’t hold you high, then it is likely that you are going to feel unworthy, have low self-esteem, and seem withdrawn (Kumar, n.d.). The media and technology are other social factors that shape personality. Youths especially are very susceptible to media influence (Personal Development, n.d.). Finally, under environmental factors we have culture. Some societies call for boys and girls to behave differently (UK Essays, 2017). Culture prescribes and limits behavior in some instances, therefore playing a role in the outcome of character (Sinha, 2016). In African culture, for example, girls were required to adopt the mentality of being mothers and wives and therefore learn tasks such as babysitting and domestic chores. Boys, on the other hand, were encouraged to go out there and engage in masculine tasks.

Finally, we have psychological factors as a theory behind personality development. They encompass our motives, goals, objectives, will, abilities and attitudes (Kumar, n.d.). The above determine how people come out in various situations, and therefore play a role in growth, development, and personality (Mumba, n.d.). There are some instances where thinking and reasoning may be needed and psychological attributes come in handy. For example, a person who has the will to do something will think and act faster than those who are reluctant (Kumar, n.d.). Inner drive pushes one to the direction of success (Personality Development Tips, 2016). Those individuals that come out as having strong personalities always have goals spurring them. The nature of wanting the best for others and not being prejudiced molds character because it influences how one treats others (Personality Development Tips, 2016).

Identifying one’s personality helps in knowing areas that need improvement. Heredity and environmental factors may be natural determinants of personality, but one can choose to take a different course. That is why we do have psychological factors, which are values that we instill in ourselves. Letting psychological factors be the primary drivers for one’s character is the best decision. This is because one can discern good from bad and is able to choose the right course. One can select those attributes that make them role models and likable.

Did you like this sample?
  1. Joseph, N. (2013). Personality Development.
  2. Kumar, S. What are the Factors Affecting Personality Development.
  3. Mumba, E. Factors affecting Personality Development.
  4. Personal Development. Personal Development- Your Environment Affects Who You Are (pp. 49-62). Personality Development. (2017).
  5. Personality Development Tips. (2016). Factors that Influence Personality Development.
  6. Roberts, B., & Mroczek, D. (2009). Personality Trait Change in Adulthood. PMC, 17(1), 31-35.
  7. Sinha, A. (2016). Top 3 Factors Influencing Personality Development. Psychology Discussion.
  8. UK Essays. (2017). How Environment affects Personality. UKEssays.
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