Strategic planning in healthcare organization

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A brief description of how the operating environment has changed in the past year

The healthcare operating environment is constantly changing for both organizations and consumers. Levels of unsustainable spending are fuelling the move to value-based care as well as the exploration of more affordable and effective solutions. Novel technologies continue empowering patients, taking control away from healthcare experts in addition to innovating health care delivery. Moreover, world over, people are perceiving health care access as a right forcing governments to recognize that a society that is healthy is a key economic asset. The past year had healthcare organizations learning the act of balancing adaptation to new regulations while at the same time sustaining profitability, quality and good patient experience (Swayne, et al., 2008).

Therefore, the convergence of these changes-in technology, mindset, adaptation and spending to regulation is significantly disrupting the manner in which healthcare is designed as well as delivered. This is especially so with the new administration of President Trump in place that has been seeking the repealing of Affordable Care Act. The Trump administration has presented organizations with a future that is uncertain; one in which a shift to a transforming and possibly less regulated healthcare policy environment is anticipated, nonetheless, the exact process, timetable and nature remain uncertain. The following trends have been emerging over the past one year:

Health care shifting to whole health

Thus, the definition of health is in itself changing and is no longer just about an issue of concern but one that is perceived as a holistic quest-an every day, lifelong, all-round wellness engagement. Nowadays, early intervention is viewed as important to disease prevention. New technologies have emerged that are helping patients make smarter, better and more positive wellness options. For instance, worksites, insurance firms, and other organizations are now employing evidence-based, data-driven incentives to promote healthy behaviours among people. A trend such as this is spinning the health industry on its head, changing the industry from treating illness to one promoting holistic health and focusing on enhancing quality while minimizing cost (Whitehead et al., 2017).

Secondly, participatory health has been flourishing . Thus, conventional models of delivering health are now being overturned by consumerism, technology as well as better accessibility to information. Over the past one year, patients have been assuming greater responsibility for their wellness, navigating as well as curating their care in association with their various health care providers. In addition, mobile as well as web devices are promoting daily, active patient participation. Individuals are simultaneously changing their attention from reacting to sickness to wellness promotion and preventative care (Whitehead et al., 2017).

Thirdly, there has been a rise in mergers and acquisitions with rapid changes in delivery as well as payment methods continuing to compel health care institutions to re-evaluate their business operations, models and structures. New reimbursement methods, in particular, on the basis of outcomes are compelling providers to widen their range of care, while continuously pursuing efficiencies. The health care sector as a result is engaged in an all time high of Mergers and Acquisition activities as various organizations are merging, acquiring or partnering with other firms that can assist them in providing and controlling patient care alongside the whole health care industry (Whitehead et al., 2017).

Do directional statements such as Mission and Vision need to be updated? Explain

The mission statement of an organization is the basis of its existence and mostly mirrors the beliefs and values of its top management. A mission statement is also known as a statement, purpose or creed of corporate values and philosophy. Updating and evaluating mission statement is essential so as to make sure that organization is actually realizing its objectives. If need be, new objectives might have to be designed so as to accommodate changes within the organization. Moreover, updating an organization’s mission may be the high time to reassess what the organization is engaged in and where it is going. The updating and re-evaluation time is also an excellent time of thinking about venturing into uncharted waters or to start doing things in a different way by rephrasing part or all of the organization’s vision and mission statements.

Management in updating a firm’s performance, should look at numerous various factors within the organization (Whitehead et al., 2017).

First  managers should establish if the firm’s plans are noticeably  connected  to its mission statement and associated objectives. Plans must be developed not only for the short run but also the long run. Second, allocating roles that are related directly to the accomplishment of organizational objectives  will help guaranteeing they are achieved. There should be a clear communication of the goals to enable employees understand what roles should be executed and the resultant rewards. Eventually, when evaluating and updating individual performance, the gathered information must be recent and comparisons made to established standards.

Choose one objective you developed earlier and explain how the objective should be updated to reflect environmental changes and progress over the last year

One of the objectives developed earlier is working to improve quality measurement and to improve the information system including joining with a group of hospitals to institute an electronic health record system. This objective can be updated and include security and protection issues. This is because as organizations becomes more data-dependent, protecting it becomes extremely important since medical records are always a high-value target for identity stealers since they have a huge number of personally identifiable information which is hard to change. Thus the latest emerging trend of consumer-friendly mobile and digital health technology is increasing the cyber security threat via the creation of extra points of access for sensitive medical data, including medical tools themselves (Tavana et al., 2015).

Develop an updated management action plan for the revised objective

Sebago Lake Medical Center should as a matter of urgency develop a management action plan that can not only detect but also prevent cyber-attacks. The organization can do this by charging the IT department to develop a comprehensive, organizational-wide plan capable of identifying and securing high-risk data. The Sebago Lake Medical Center should also engage and partner with other health care organizations so as to get even more serious as far as cyber security is concerned.  Moreover, Sebago Lake Medical Center can make its big data more better and secure by integrating it with people power. This is due to the fact that technologies concerned with  Artificial Intelligence (AI) are rapidly growing, becoming more advance by the day and healthcare organizations are quickly embracing AI as a technique of quickly analyzing huge swaths of patient data in addition to gleaning insights regarding patient populations.  Moreover Sebago Lake Medical Center can maximize these insights by integrating technology, data and people (Tavana et al., 2015).

Artificial Intelligence true power is unleashed whenever there is augmentation of  computer-generated analytics with human decision-making or whenever algorithms are well-informed by medical professionals. making sure that the data is accurate, clean, de-fragmented, interoperable as well as properly indexed is important in producing insights that can help the management and leadership in coming up with superior decisions (Williams, 2017).

In conclusion, whereas it is not clear how far big data and new technology will take healthcare organizations in the future, one things remains clear: managers’ role in patient care is bound to increase. For this reason, healthcare professionals will be more indispensable than ever and thus need to be ready to assume that role and be prepared to evolve with the various changes, particularly in regard to the transition to care outside of a given facility. The management and leadership of Sebago Lake Medical Center must stay informed on issues regarding the transforming face of healthcare, if at all they are to guide the organization in the right path.

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  1. Swayne, L. E., Duncan, W. J., & Ginter, P. M. (2008). Strategic management of health care organizations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
  2. Tavana, M., Ghapanchi, A. H., & Talaei-Khoei, A. (2015). Healthcare informatics and analytics: Emerging issues and trends.
  3. Whitehead, D. K., Dittman, P. W., & McNulty, D. (2017). Leadership and the advanced practice nurse: The future of a changing health-care environment.
  4. Williams, S. J. (2017). Improving Healthcare Operations: The Application of Lean, Agile and Leagility in Care Pathway Design. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
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