Technology application and student/learners experience
Subject: | 🎓 Education |
Type: | Exploratory Essay |
Pages: | 4 |
Word count: | 1044 |
Topics: | Teaching Philosophy, Computer Science, Data Analysis, Innovation, 🔬 Scientific Method |
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- Johnson, R.B. and Onwuegbuzie, A.J., 2004. Mixed methods research: A research paradigm whose time has come. Educational researcher, 33(7), pp.14-26.
- Onwuegbuzie, A.J. and Leech, N.L., 2005. On becoming a pragmatic researcher: The importance of combining quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. International journal of social research methodology, 8(5), pp.375-387.
- Ramsay, J.O. and Silverman, B.W., 2002. Applied functional data analysis: methods and case studies (Vol. 77). New York: Springer.
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