Language comprehension and production

Subject: ⚗️ Science
Type: Analytical Essay
Pages: 2
Word count: 379
Topics: 🔡 Linguistics
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The importance of speech errors to research

The study of speech errors is vital in the research for speech production. This is because speech errors identify the synaptic connections in the brain and their effects on speech.  They help to draw distinctions amid the comprehension and construction errors.  Discoveries about speech errors of anticipation and perseveration are used to create phonological encoding models that are used to refine and comprehend speech processes (Meyer & Schiller, 2003).  The study also distinguishes the intentional and unintentional errors in speech.  Therefore, it is relevant to the development of performance models that describe language mechanisms.

Significant characteristic of speech errors and their influence on speech

Speech errors are complex and dynamic processes. They investigate the audible component of speech as influenced by mental mechanisms. They are explanatory with regard to their characteristic of language development. Moreover, they provide researchers with the necessary insights into the order of language development.  There are production and comprehension errors that reveal the speaker’s familiarity with the language, their ethnic background, language intelligence, mental capabilities and their influence on language (Meyer & Schiller, 2003).

Effects of the sequence of elements learned in language

Language acquisition involves the versatile experiences through which a person comprehends the syntaxes, phonetics and vocabularies of a language.  When learning a second language, the sequence of language elements influences the learning of a second language. The first language is acquired easily through the socialization processes. However, when learning a second language the brain is tasked because it must adapt to the new rules of the language. Chomsky and Skinner analyze the variations in first and second language learning.  Hypothetically, the sequence of the elements learned does not depend on the first language. This is because Language acquisition is complex and involves a set of rules that distinguish each language (Meyer & Schiller, 2003).

Skinner asserts that the environmental conditions of a learner influence their language ability. According to Skinner, language is improved through practice that is enhanced by the social environment.  Therefore, learning of a second language is not as complex because it involves a process that the learner comprehends. Chomsky argues that humans have an inherent capability for language acquisition. He further asserts that all languages have common principles; therefore, learning a second language is not difficult (Meyer & Schiller, 2003).

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  1. Meyer, A. S., & Schiller, N. O. (2003). Phonetics and phonology in language comprehension and production: Differences and similarities. Berlin [u.a.: Mouton de Gruyter.
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