Social Media Platforms

Subject: 📡 Media
Type: Argumentative Essay
Pages: 5
Word count: 1335
Topics: 🤳 Social Media, Feminism, Social Psychology
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The online environment has created a link between people, global intelligence through tech devices. This has stimulated terms such as hyper-connectivity and logged on since a majority of teenagers, and young adults have adopted mobile internet, and as therefore, they are always logged on to their devices. According to a recent Pew Internet survey, 95% of teenagers have access to the internet, of this percentage, 7 out of 10 have mobile phones while 76% of this age group use a network site (Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project, 2016). Furthermore, their counterparts aged between 18-29 years have 96% as internet users, 9 out of 10 of them have mobile, and 84% have access to social sites (Miller, 2014). Surprisingly, the young adults’ cohorts are characterized with ownership of a smartphone, and other gadgets:  with almost half owning smartphone and a quarter of the group having a tablet for instance iPads.

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According to recent data on social networking; Twitter users amount to over 225million users, while Facebook boasts of a following of over 800 million followers. Among the Facebook users, the activities conducted include apps installation as well as uploads of photos. You tube is mainly used to share videos (Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project, 2016). The internet concept is associated with teenagers and youths who make up the largest consumers of online content, need to be engaged from a sober point of view.  It is clear that most of them are connected to the web, and any instances of disconnection causes an alteration of their stimulus (Kreikemeier, 2016). As such, there is a need for the youths to view the world from a different shift and not necessarily the connectivity base. Researchers argue that the human mind is prone to adapting to a survival environment, and in the future, we may find that synthesize of information is more vital than internalization.

Trends and Consumption Patterns

It is estimated that Social media platforms serve as interaction sites as well as a source of information. Social sites are a source of news to the young generation as evident during the presidential election of 2016 (Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project, 2016). Moreover, more Americans are seeking the social media as an outlet for job creation and seeking online employment. The uptake of social media platforms has been on the rise, with Facebook continuing to attract youthful users more than other sites (Miller, 2014). According to a national survey conducted in 2016 subjected to more than 1,000 adults, Facebook is the most popular networking platform with a considerable margin.

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Nearly 80 % of all Americans online users connect through Facebook; Instagram is the second in usage and is rated at 32%, while the third position at 24% is linked to Twitter. Other social sites include LinkedIn and Pinterest (Kreikemeier, 2016). The growth of Facebook users has risen by 7% in the last one year, and the site has attracted even the older generation. As compared to the growth of other social networks, Facebook’s users log in on a daily basis, and the percentage has increased by 6%. Among the online users, the youths aged 18-29 years are at 36 %, while the population of the older generated namely those aged 65years and beyond make up 12%.

Facebook is my favorite site, and it resonates with most youths of my age group. In the last one month, I have posted several photos and videos on Facebook and shared them with my friends. Furthermore, I may be classified among those utilizing their cell phones to view things on the internet. This is because I depend on my iPhone to navigate the internet and even invite my friends to chat on the web. This has been motivated by the desire to be connected while on the move and to have access to information at any location. My cell phone provides the mobility of information and the platform to communicate with my friends at ease.

Sites of Comparison

The choices of sites to compare are Facebook and Twitter.

Findings (Women against Feminism Facebook Page & WomanAgainstFeminism Twitter Account)

Women against feminism on Facebook WomanAgainstFeminism on Twitter
The Facebook account is @WomenAgainstFeminism The Twitter account was @NoToFeminism
The site displays women holding images that are anti-feminism. The profile page is a lady
The official email from the group is [email protected]. The page has 170,000 followers
The page has 43, 670 likes The backdrop picture bears the writings “no to feminism” and is accredited to Rebecca Shaw
The community page has posts that are accompanied by various messages illustrating their dissatisfaction for modern feminism The Twitter handle has 1,016 tweets
The profile photo of the page is a blue butterfly 13  persons liked the twitter account
The Facebook page was started in 2014 There are 68 photos and videos on the account
The contact platform for the community is The account was started in August 2014
The forum was started in July 2013 The account is linked to  Rebecca Shaw under the personal account @brocklesnitch
The community runs a blog known as Impressum which began in mid-2013. Alongside her twitter account is a link to her book
The community’s Twitter account is The account follows 57 other twitter account


The keyword explored was feminism, but decided to venture to women against feminism. Both platforms were very informative, and upon scrolling the pages, I found out that women were against feminism. This is because they felt that the being a feminist discriminates against men. This was illustrated by the numerous posts and images that stipulated that women ought not to be superior beings than their male counterparts. Surprisingly, the Facebook page had a post that indicated that ladies voted for President Trump for their desire to stand against feminism. The two sites had disparities concerning their content but not majorly on their stand against feminism.  Upon analyzing the information posted on the two sites, it is clear that the Facebook page was likely to have a variety of links as well as information due to the huge fan base as compared to Twitter which has a slightly smaller following.

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The contemporary society has embraced feminism to a great extent, and this is in a bid to bring equity to either gender. However, the women have to fight for equal rights as their male counterparts. The information on gender is academic as it assists a student to understand the differences between their sex and gender which may not always correspond (Haus, 2016). Furthermore, the discussion around sexuality helps a student’s understanding about the sexual inequalities that exist in various societies. Therefore, knowledge on gender and sexuality may bring out the debate related to the perspectives on sexuality and sex and thereby equip the teenagers and youths to face their societies at ease. The information posted on the sites was more anecdotal than personal, and it challenged racism as an avenue to gunner support for feminism and was opposed to feministic stereotypes.

The tone of the posts and the information on the sites was aggressive as it was addressed to the fight against feminist. Furthermore, most women who wrote on the page felt that they could not do without men in their life. Therefore, most were of the opinion that standing against men is like living in an island which was illogical (Reese, 2013). The site was not based on race; rather, they concentrated on the need to look at feminism as a social evil that needs to be disregarded.  Gender and sexuality are not just personal identities but social identities (Haus, 2016). There are instances when the sites brought out the issues regarding feminism and its link to the female gender as a necessary evil. The agenda on both sites are driven towards a society that has male as the head and the superior being, without demeaning females. However, it brings out the need for men to be responsible and to eliminate violence against women.

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  1. PewResearchCenter Internet & American Life Project. (2016) Social Media Update 2016, Internet, Science & Tech, Washington, DC.
  2. Matt Kreikemeier, (2016). Social Media Comparison Infographic, Leverage New Age Media, Chesterfield, MO.
  3. Artur-Woll-Haus (2016), Digital Practices: Situating People, Things and Data, International Conference of the DFG Research Training Group “Locating Media”, University of Siegen.
  4. Joseph B. Miller (2014), Internet Technologies and Information Services, Libraries Unlimited
  5. Thomas J. Mis, (2013), Leonardo to the Internet: Technology and Culture from the Renaissance to the Present, JHU Press
  6. Byron Reese (2013), Infinite Progress: How the Internet and Technology Will End Ignorance, Disease, Poverty, Hunger, and War, Greenleaf Book Group Press
  7. Women Against Feminism Facebook Page
  8. WomanAgainstFeminism Twitter Account
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