Elimination of Mosquitoes in affected regions

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Mosquitoes are small, midge-like flies that pierce the hosts’ skin to consume blood. Mosquito’s larvae are food to fish and other sea creatures. Therefore, they breed in stagnant water within which they lay eggs. Male mosquitoes do not bite humans, they feed off flower nectar but the females are the ones that require meals of blood in order to for them to develop and lay eggs. Malaria is transmitted among humans by bites from female mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles. The more the mosquitoes release eggs, the more the chances of humans getting infected with malaria. They should be controlled to reduce the rate of malaria infections. This paper looks at the ways of eliminating mosquitoes as a quarantine measure for Mosquito transition diseases.

There are numerous different ways that can be used to control mosquitoes. Among these ways is genetic breeding. This is the direct manipulation of an organism’s genes using biotechnology (Bedell, 24). Genetic editing has led to the solving of various natural hazards in the world. The concept can be described as a method used to alter the genetic sequence of the gene. The aim of the process involves the solving of natural hazards resulting from the existence of certain gene forms. For instance, Genetic breeding allows a specific gene to be identified, isolated, copied and introduced into other organisms in much more direct and controlled ways (Patel 247). Scientists can change the genes in a mosquito’s DNA and make its offspring unable to reproduce and thus drive them into extinction. This action would lead to total elimination of malaria infections. Dr. Antony James is a researcher of molecular genetics at the University of California, Irvine. James is obsessed with the study of genetic replication of mosquitoes DNA. His motivation results from the desire to save lives in the world tropic regions where mosquito infestation has led to a high number of infant mortality cases. James uses the Aedes aegypti species of mosquitoes to study their genetic transformation from the egg stage to a fully grown mosquito.  There more than 3500 species of mosquitoes in the world.  However, these mosquito species consist of both harmful and harmless forms (National Geographic, 1). According to various historical accounts, mosquitoes first arrived in the United States in the 17th century. The mosquitoes were believed to have been brought by slave ships from Africa (Hughes, 54). They led to the outbreak of yellow fever in the United States which in turn killed over a million people in the United States. The mosquitoes have ever since mutated thus carrying deadly diseases such as dengue fever which infects approximately more than 400million people annually. The mosquitoes have also been linked with the spread of the Chikungunya virus, Zika as well as West Nile virus (National Geographic, 1). This notion indicates that the mosquitoes tend to travel long distances from the African tropics to the United States and various parts in Europe. As a result, genetic engineering has been listed as one of the ways to counter the hazardous effects of mosquitoes in the world.

The CRISPR method is used to alter the genetic sequence of the mosquito species that is known for carrying dengue fever and Zika infection. In this case, the concept can be used to manipulate the offspring of the mosquitoes causing dengue fever and Zika infection to sterile. In a lab experiment, Dr. Antony James uses the CRISPR method to alter the genetic sequence of the larva of Anopheles stephensi which is one of the chief carriers of the malaria parasite to form that does not carry the parasite. CRISPR method in conjunction with gene drive are perceive as proven methods that can solve the problem of mosquito transmitted diseases. The method has worked in various experiments done in Asia (National Geographic, 1). Despite the uncertainties of the experiment, the CRISPR method is termed as one of the most effective ways of countering the hazardous effects of mosquitoes in the world.

The use of oil-based repellent is also a way of controlling mosquitoes. It is efficient and environmental friendly. It can be used together with other home remedies such as: draining stagnant water, lighting of coils, setting up mosquito traps,spraying of liquid vaporizers and planting mosquito repellent plants (Hughes, 72). This enhances the efficiency in the rate of eliminating mosquitoes. These methods are not as efficient when compared to genetic breeding. The methods of mosquito control cannot be used to as a permanent and dependable solution for the elimination of mosquito infection cases in the world. Malaria is one of the leading areas of interest in the genetic engineering researches. Malaria kills more than seven hundred and fifty thousand people per year.This number should be reduced. Elimination of mosquitoes would lead to a decrease in the number of deaths caused by malaria.

The environment is made safer by controlling and elimination of mosquitoes. Keeping the environment clean is another long-term solution for controlling the hazardous effects of mosquitoes in the environment. This is achieved through the draining of stagnant water in mosquito infested areas. Mosquitoes are known to breed during the short rainy seasons. During this period, they often breed in liter cans which are left open in the environment as well as large masses of stagnated water such as in pool and abandoned ponds. In this case, a clean environment creates a condition that is unfavorable for the habitant of mosquito larvae. This notion prevents mosquitoes from breeding in the environment thus reducing their population. The male mosquito’s lifespan is 10 days while that of the female extends up to 42-56 days. In this case, they require a high breeding practice in order to maintain their population. Abandoned ponds contain a high risk of mosquito infestation as they tend to enjoy the features of this environment. The cleaning and draining such environs present a high chance of controlling the hazardous effects of mosquitoes. As a result, mosquitoes tend to find clean and dry habitants inhabitable as they may not increase in number. It ensures a long-term solution aimed at eliminating mosquitoes since they cannot survive without their habitant. The circulation of water using a proper filtration system reduces the chances of mosquito breeding. A clean environment promotes a smooth operational ecosystem. The use of insecticide is another method famously used for controlling mosquitoes in the environment. However, the method is not appropriate as it is not environmental friendly. Insecticides are made of chlordecone and chlordane which are harmful to the environment as they contain elements of chlorine. Chlorine is harmful to the environment as it weakens the ozone layer thus leading to global warming. The high use of insecticides can lead to the destruction of the environmental entities.

There are various consequences for the omission of the strategic steps that may to the elimination of the hazardous effects of mosquitoes in the environment. Mosquitoes are known for their cause of cerebral malaria, yellow fever as well as the dengue disease. These diseases are dangerous as they have led to the deaths of millions of people in the world. Malaria is one of the leading causes of low birth rate in the tropical Africa. Resent results have termed Malaria as the leading agent cause of infant mortality in the Tropical Sahara Africa. The condition may lead to an increase in death cases thus reducing the population of affected regions. The World Health Organization termed mosquito transmitted diseases as one of the leading agents of deaths in Africa and Asia. If the situation persists, these areas may reduce their level of productivity due to low life expectancy thus insufficient man power. A quarantine measure is essential in the eradication of the problem. Adaptation of the various ways of eradicating mosquitoes will lead to a permanent solution of the mosquito related problems affecting human health.

Genetic breeding promotes environmental sanitation as the methods used in this process are environmental friendly. In this case, the breeding method should be supported as a way to get rid of mosquitoes. Mosquitoes should be controlled in order to reduce their effects on human health and to the environment at large. Elimination of mosquitoes enhances a sustainable environment as it induces the rate of birth as malaria is known to be one of the leading causes of high infant mortality rates in the tropics.

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  1. Bedell, J.M. So You Want to Work with Animals? London: Laurence King Publishing, 2017. Print
  2. Hughes, Johnson. The Mediterranean: An Environment History. California: ABC- CLIO Publishing, 2005.print
  3. Jones, James. Mosquito Facts & Information. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. Print
  4. National Geographic. National Geographic: How the DNA Revolution Is Changing Us. New York: National Geographic Society. 2015.
  5. Patel, Bimal. India and International Law: Introduction. Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2008. Print
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