πŸ‘ΈπŸ½ Famous Person Essays

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Charismatic versus transformational leadership theories comparison

Pages: 9
Words: 2445
Rating: 5,0

Introduction Leadership is considered to be among the most important aspects of society today; from large corporations, governments, religious organizations, and families, leaders play a…

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Why Macbeth is a tragic hero

Pages: 3
Words: 813
Rating: 4,8

Starting the conversation about Shakespeare’s Macbeth, it is important to determine who a tragic hero is. Generally, we come across tragic heroes in literature, cinematography,…

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Jesse James and Bonnie & Clyde

Subject: 🎨 Art
Pages: 5
Words: 1206
Rating: 4,9

Introduction An outlaw is a person or a group that is a habitual criminal and is excluded from the legal protection rights. Jesse James is…

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Pluralist system of checks and balances

Pages: 6
Words: 1440
Rating: 4,9

The rise of the pluralist system of checks and balances was informed by the need for the society to protect itself against anarchy, thus forming…

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The conflict ideas between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton

Pages: 6
Words: 1933
Rating: 4,8

The United States government, as well as the political system of the American political, would not be in their current state without the two vital…

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Social realities: art and war

Subject: 🎨 Art
Pages: 3
Words: 610
Rating: 5,0

Similarities between Eugene Delacroix Liberty and Pablo Picasso’s Guernica The current issues of the world are usually talked about in many different ways, especially art,…

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Osama Bin Laden and Mahatma Gandhi

Pages: 4
Words: 1203
Rating: 4,7

Osama Bin Laden Osama was born in the year 1957. His plight for terrorism begun in the year 1979 when the Soviet Union attacked Afghanistan…

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Culture, ethics, leadership – Lee Kuan Yew and Dr. Mahathir…

Pages: 11
Words: 2986
Rating: 4,8

Abstract The cultural background of an individual and the ethical considerations developed within that individual helps him or her in the process of emergence as…

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Lincoln Movie

Subject: 🎨 Art
Pages: 5
Words: 1401
Rating: 4,6

It is important to appreciate the fact that the Lincoln movie is considered as a masterpiece in its way. Steven Spielberg has been accredited as…

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Jeffrey Dahmer

Pages: 5
Words: 979
Rating: 4,9

Introduction Jeffrey Dahmer is among the most notorious serial killers in the American history. Additionally, he is also a sex offender who murdered 17 males…

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African centered psychological analysis of Antwone Fisher

Pages: 4
Words: 1054
Rating: 4,5

Social and cultural factors that puts black males at risk Antwone Fisher is a representation of the African-American male who has to undergo several difficulties…

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The power of courage

Pages: 2
Words: 570
Rating: 4,6

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and President Barack Obama are some of the most remarkable people whose legacy will forever be encrypted in the hearts…

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Alexander Acosta

Pages: 5
Words: 1324
Rating: 4,8

Nomination of Alexander Acosta Alexander Acosta has been nominated by the recently-elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump as the new Secretary…

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The civil rights movement informative essay

Pages: 5
Words: 1357
Rating: 4,8

Weberian Theory of Social Stratification Max Weber is a German sociologist who is widely known for his immense efforts towards the development of the Weberian…

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Amor vincit omnia

Pages: 4
Words: 928
Rating: 4,9

What is love? Like wind, love can be felt but can’t be defined. It is a feeling which has no form. It is power and…

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The literary work of Flannery O’Connor

Pages: 7
Words: 1867
Rating: 4,7

Discuss the effects of regionalism-specifically that of SOUTH –in O’Connor’s work Regionalism is a term with broader connotation, which flourished in the late 19th century….

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John Locke`s influences rights to life, freedom and property

Pages: 3
Words: 794
Rating: 5,0

John Locke was one of the most prominent philosophers of the Enlightenment. Locke upheld the belief that a government could only be deemed legitimate if…

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Psychobiography – Princess Diana

Pages: 7
Words: 1980
Rating: 5,0

Introduction Princess Diana Spencer, a member of the British royal family, drew worldwide admiration due to her touch with commoners despite her royal status. She…

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Artistic biography of Sergei Eisenstein

Pages: 4
Words: 928
Rating: 4,8

Sergei was born on 23rd January of the year 1898 in Riga, Latvia and was argued to be of Jewish descent who became one of…

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Abraham Lincoln as a war general

Pages: 8
Words: 2110
Rating: 4,8

Abraham Lincoln was born on 12th February and died on 15th April 1865. He was well known as a lawyer and an American statesman who…

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