Importance of Developing Plans to Achieve Organizational Goals

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Planning is a crucial organizational aspect since it enables entities to achieve both their short and long-term goals and objectives. Planning is considered to be a process where the operations and activities expected to be conducted by a firm are effectively organized and managed by a team of professionals to ensure activities are conducted smoothly. This organizational aspect is critical in all entities since it enables both the management team and the staff members to identify their roles and responsibilities; hence, promoting organizational success (Eggins, Reynolds & Haslam, 2003). The planning process is associated with the effective management of an entity’s priorities and resources to ensure all actions conducted by the staff members are based on its stated mission and vision in the industry. For this process to be a success, the management has to review all current actions and operations of the organization and identify the weak points that require improvement. The organization is required to envision its goals and priorities, and identify the steps that should be followed to enhance the achievement of the goals. Therefore, this paper will focus on evaluating the importance of organizations conducting the planning process and the different types of planning that can be utilized in achieving organizational goals.

The Importance of Developing Plans

Efficient Allocation of Resources

The increased competition in the different industries due to many firms operating in the market has led to limited resources. This means that organizations have to effectively create and formulate plans that aim at ensuring the limited resources are utilized efficiently to avoid wastage. Therefore, the planning process enables the management team of an organization to identify the level of resources being possessed by the entity and how to efficiently allocate them to each sector to ensure the objectives are observed and achieved. All sectors of an organization; that is, finance, human resource, sales and marketing, and purchase require some resources to enable them to operate effectively and generate revenues for the company. This means a firm must select a team composed of professionals who are expected to plan how the limited resources will be distributed to all the departments; hence, the planning process promoting the efficient allocation of resources in an organization.

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The Establishment of Goals

The planning process is crucial since it enables an organization to establish some goals and objectives that are required to be achieved within a specified period. The goals, in this case, should challenge and motivate both the management and staff members to work hard and strive to achieve them. Increased competition in the market has enabled the planning process by firms to be flexible where goals and objectives are established depending on the current market conditions with the aim of avoiding the entities from losing ground to their competitors (Kallrath, 2002). The goals formulated and planned for, in this case, must be realistic and aggressive to enhance the achieving of success by an entity. Therefore, this indicates that the planning process ensures an organization takes continuous actions that enable it to establish more goals and objectives that promote its success in the market.

Team Building

Team building is a crucial aspect of organizational success where it is facilitated by the planning process. This is because the plans established by the management of an organization indicate the roles and responsibilities of all staff members in the different departments of the entity. This promotes cooperation among them where individuals with similar roles work together; hence, creating team work in the entity which facilitates the achievement of goals and objectives. The creation of plans by the management reduces the chances of work conflict by staff members since they can identify their roles and responsibilities which enhance division of labor and job specialization. 

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Types of Planning

Operational Planning

Operation plans are based on the everyday activities conducted in an organization where the plans aim at ensuring the activities are effectively operated. The plans, in this case, cater to the needs of both the long and short-term goals and objectives of the entity since they are associated with managing and organizing the ongoing events. Operational planning is viewed as a routine strategy to ensure both the management and staff members of the organization adjust to the emerging or trending market situations that may positively or negatively affect the firm’s operations. Therefore, the plans, in this case, enable the organization to meet the market demands where it stays ahead of its competitors since it can easily adjust to the changes experienced in the industry where it operates. Operational plans are classified into two; that is, ongoing plans and single-use plans (Bryson, 2018). Ongoing plans, in this case, are established with the aim of managing the policies that regulate the different business procedures in the market. Therefore, the management is involved in creating policies and regulations for the firm to ensure they meet the standards required by the government of the region since the standards change depending on the market conditions. Single-use plans, on the other hand, are utilized by the entity to manage and organize different activities and events that occur for a single commodity or product. For instance, marketing campaigns for a single product require the utilization of single-use plans for them to achieve success in the market. 

Strategic Planning

Strategic plans established and formulated by the management of an organization aim at ensuring the entity achieves its long-term goals and objectives in the industry. The plans, in this case, are designed to observe the mission and vision of the entity since they identify where the organization is expected to be in the next five or ten years. Therefore, strategic planning enables an entity to operate as a going-concern which indicates it will still be in operation in the future (Kerzner & Kerzner, 2017). Strategic plans of an organization promote long-term thinking and decision-making to enhance its stability in the industry where the plans ensure an excellent market reputation is maintained and observed in the market. Strategic planning is associated with some organizational components such as values, vision, and mission; hence, guiding the firm into achieving the set long-term goals and objectives. This planning applies to all existing and new organizations in the market since it determines their future success in the industry they wish to operate in. 


Therefore, from this study, one can identify the importance of organizational planning and how it enables entities to achieve the short and long-term goals. Planning is viewed as a process which involves managing and organizing how organizational activities and operations will be conducted during a financial period. The management of all entities is involved in selecting a team composed of professionals to carry out the planning process since it is key to their survival in the industries they operate. Some of the importance of planning include to promote team building, enhance the efficient allocation of limited resources, and the establishment of critical goals and objectives of an entity. Operational and strategic planning are some of the different types of planning where they are utilized in different occasions that enable the organizations to achieve success in the market.

Did you like this sample?
  1. Bryson, J. M. (2018). Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations: A Guide to Strengthening and Sustaining Organizational Achievement. John Wiley & Sons.
  2. Eggins, R., Reynolds, K. J., & Haslam, S. A. (2003). Working with Identities: The ASPIRe Model of Organizational Planning, Negotiation and Development. In Social Identity at Work: Developing Theory for Organizational Practice. Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis.
  3. Kallrath, J. (2002). Combined Strategic and Operational Planning–An MILP Success Story in Chemical Industry. Or Spectrum, 24(3), 315-341.
  4. Kerzner, H., & Kerzner, H. R. (2017). Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling. John Wiley & Sons.
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