Managing Overlap and Initiating Partnerships in Organization

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Section 1

Effective management of roles of staff in an organization is important for the success and high performance. Therefore, the top management must ensure that the roles of different employees are well defined. This enhances teamwork and ensures that the roles of the employees do not overlap in the course of operations within the organization. The managers can adopt different strategies in identifying and managing the overlaps in the roles and accountabilities. These valuable tools assist in not only developing management skills required for maximum employee development and performance but also for smooth and streamlined operations without conflict in roles.

One of the ways of identifying overlap in roles of employees within an organization is by determining the output of a team in comparison with the expected input of an individual in a group. The rate of production in a team should be equal or more than the output of individual members combined. However, if the combined effort is low, an overlap exists. This kind of overlap does not utilize the full capability of the employees. Managers can remedy such a situation through division of labor and specialization. This is achieved by subdividing a big team into smaller sub groups of production according to their areas of specialization, interest and high performance. This will not only eliminate overlapping of roles but also improve efficiency and fasten operations. Employees will also improve their skills in their particular area of interest through repeating and concentrating in only one part of production (Wilhelm, 2012).

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Overlap in roles and accountabilities can be identified by assessment of the structural design or aspect of the organization. This is important especially as the organization grows. As the organization grows in size, its objectives may become less clear. The growth may also reduce the level of supervision or dilution or misinterpretation of information as it passes down to junior staff. This scenario leads to conflict in roles of different employees hence the need for reforming the structures of an organization regularly. Therefore, an organization must strive to develop a clearly defined work structure and increase supervision levels in order to improve coordination and flow of information respectively.

Conflict in roles can be identified organizing forums where employees are engaged and their opinions on the matter considered. Allowing participation of the juniors gives the management a first-hand experience on the challenges experienced during work. It also makes the employees feel part of decision making hence a sense of dignity and elimination of possible resentment, which usually breeds conflict and lack of tem work (Tranvag, Synnes & McSherry, 2016). The strategy is important in identifying the individual differences and clarification of roles thus avoiding ambiguity in roles. 

Other strategies that can be applied in managing overlaps in team roles are determining the areas of interest and specialization of each member in a team, adopting policies or laws that govern the distribution of these roles and decentralization of operations. Identifying area of specialty of individuals in a team based on strengths and weaknesses is important in appreciation of the role played by each worker in achieving the final goal. It also promotes unity and respect among employees. The organization can also come with a strict set of laws that prohibit overlap of roles by any employee in the organization. This strategy may be effective in minimizing conflict; however, it may restrict employees to the confines of their areas of specialty only thus hindering gainful experience and innovation. Decentralization of operations, just as if specialization reduces the number of workers involved in a particular part of delivery of service and production.

Section 2

Maintaining healthy partnerships among members in an organization is important in achievement of success and expansion of the organization. It improves collaboration and strengthens commitment to a common objective within the area of work (Smith, 2014). Therefore, an organization must adopt proper strategies for effective partnerships, which is important in fulfillment of organization’s goals.

One of the strategies that can be applied in developing and sustaining effective partnerships is creating different dedicated teams of employees. These employees work at different departments of the organization to achieve a common cause. Each of the teams has a team leader who communicates important information from the executive and guides the members to achieve the team’s objectives. The contribution of different groups is part of reaching the organization’s goals. These partnerships are important in faster accomplishment of goals, creation of healthy competition among different groups and among team members and better understanding and relations among employees. Working within an effective partnership is also important in gaining new experiences. This is because employees can learn from the qualities of colleagues while at the same time pass their unique skills to others.

Communication is also key to forging sustainable and effective partnerships in an organization. This involves passing information, listening, interpreting and applying them in daily running of the organization. Effective communication is important in strengthening the partnerships in an organization. This is because team members are able to exchange ideas, seek clarifications and avoid acting on assumptions. These are important elements of collaboration, which create a conducive environment for operating and thriving of any organization. Companies must ensure proper channels of communications of passing information to employees in a team. Therefore, communication is important in creating direction and focus within partnerships in an organization.

Initiating and maintaining effective partnerships can be achieved through inter-professional collaboration. This is done through coordination between employees with different but related roles. This improves production or service delivery since work is approached with a teamwork perspective. The results or outcomes from such collaborations are better in quality due to learning to work together while respecting the value of contribution of one another. Inter-professional collaboration is also important in building trust and confidence among partners, which is important in quality service delivery. This is because of the personal contact between members in their line of duty. Collaboration also plays a huge role in tackling challenges faced at work (Bosch & Mansell, 2015). Sustainable partnerships can easily deal with such adversities due to commitment to a common cause and a pool of diverse skills at disposal.


Addressing role overlap or ambiguity in accountabilities is an important consideration for any organization that wishes to fully utilize the abilities of their employees. It is important to avoid such conflicts in order to ensure maximum performance and a sense of job satisfaction in employees. This can be done through the application of different conflict resolution strategies depending on the cause of the overlap. Just like managing overlaps, initiating and sustaining effective partnerships in an organization is important in the success and achievement of organizational goals and objectives. Strategies such as effective communication and inter-professional collaborations are used to strengthen the partnerships. A combination of proper conflict resolution methods and effective partnerships are important steps in running a successful organization. . The need for organizational linkage involves three processes: information integration, physical process integration, and social networking. Process integration mainly involves intertwining of actions as well as activities of organizations through joint planning processes. Integrating information, however, involves ensuring that organizations are able to plan well for internal business processes by ensuring that information exchange stretches beyond transactional automation.

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  1. Wilhelm R., (2012), The Structure of the Division of Labor, Web (4th July, 2017).
  2. Tranvag O., Syness O., & McSherry W. (2016), Stories of Dignity within Healthcare: Research, narratives and theories, M&K Update Ltd.
  3. Smith D.,(2014), The Importance of Partnerships, Web (4th July, 2017).
  4. Bosch B. & Mansell H., (2015), Interprofessional Collaboration in Healthcare, Web (4th July, 2017).
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