A recruitment, selection, and hiring plan for a Claims Supervisor

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The process of hiring a suitable individual to fill a vacant position in an organization requires a holistic approach that involves the evaluation of the importance of the role in the organization as well as carrying out recruitment and selection. Recruitment refers to the intentional search aimed at obtaining a select group of individuals with the desired competence and qualifications to ease the possibility of narrowing down to an individual who is most appropriate to fill the intended position relative to its role descriptions and deliverables (Collins & Kehoe, 2009). On the other hand, selection refers to the process of ensuring the right individual with the right competence and qualifications is placed within a role that matches the organizational requirements (Collins & Kehoe, 2009). Selection is very vital in the hiring process since it ensures the organization acquires individuals who are most qualified for a position (Llorens & Kellough, 2007). This paper presents the proposed recruitment, selection, and hiring plan for a claims supervisor for Premium Auto Insurance.

First Step: Vacancy and Role Evaluation

As stated earlier, the vacancy that is to be filled is that of a Claims Supervisor. The basis of a job evaluation is to assess the value an intended position may contribute to an organization’s goals relative to its competitive and equitable compensation (Bender & Pigeyre, 2014; Chaneta, 2014). Such an evaluation may be undertaken on the basis of the type of the work as well as the required competencies for the position. As much as there are various methods of job evaluation, evaluation method that will be adopted for the role of the Claims Supervisor at Premium Auto Insurance is that of the job-classification method. Also known as the job grading method, this approach involves the placing of roles in classes or grades (Phillips & Gully, 2015). The methodology thus yields levels of accountability such as managerial, supervisory, and junior officers’ levels.  This is in considering the fact that the role is that of a Claims Supervisor who may be accountable to a Claims Manager and answerable for and guiding Claims Adjusters/ Officers. Its benefit is that it is minimally subjective and does not outline the associated factors of the role (Raju, 2014).

Second Step: Job Description

With the responsibility of managing Claims Adjusters under their supervision, the roles descriptions of the Claims Supervisor are as listed below:

  • Manage Claims Adjusters through frequent quality control inspections to ensure they are meeting their deliverables according to the company’s laid down policies.
  • Evaluate claims to determine their justifications.
  • File reports on outcomes of reported claims.
  • Participate in hiring and training of their staff.

Third Step: Role Recruitment Plan

The position recruitment plan must be able to delineate three primary elements which are the posting period, the goals of placement and the job advertising channels or avenues (Defa, 2012). Once the job description is completed and approved by the management, the associated requisitions will be made and the position posted for potential candidates to see with descriptions such as the posting period and the goals of placement.

Fourth Step: Formation of a Selection Committee

This involves the establishment of an internal team to collaborate in the selection and hiring process as a way of overcoming personal bias when choosing the most qualified applicant thus ensuring the process is without reproach. Members of the team may include an individual with an in-depth understanding of the roles of the position and its value to the company, an individual with functional skills of the job, and an individual who will work closely with the claims supervisor, for instance, the Claims Manager.

Fifth Step: Advertisement of the Position

This involves considering the channels such as internet job boards, organization’s website social media, and print advertising that will ensure potential candidates get to know of the vacancy that requires filling at the organization. To ensure a wide spread of the information, a channel that is able to reach masses may be suitable as it also helps the organization to reach a larger pool of the most qualified individuals.

Sixth Step: Short Listing of Applicants

With the help of the selection committee, the human resource manager will review each of the submitted application to come up with a list of the most qualified and competent applicants to be invited for the job interview. The process will also ensure that consideration is also granted to persons from minority groups, women as well as persons living with a disability. An organization with an inclusion of a wide diversity of personnel presents a reflection of equity as well as a tool for competitiveness (Cunningham & Green, 2007).

Seventh Step: Carrying out of Interviews

The interview is a very vital component of the hiring process and facilitates the occurrence of an in-depth understanding between the potential employer and employee. It is a platform of clarification of issues between the two parties as well as helps each party to learn more about the other. It also helps the prospective employer to better evaluate the skills and abilities of the interviewee. An approach of a panel interview furnished with the interview questions will be adopted.

Eighth Step: Scoring/ Qualification of the Interviewees

The scoring process undertaken by the selection committee helps to arrive at an understanding of the most qualified individual based on the presented applications as well as the interview process to select an interview finalist for the job.

Ninth Step: Assimilation of the Interview Finalist

Once the interview finalist has been agreed upon, the individual will be invited and an initial offer presented which includes the salary and start date.

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  1. Bender, A. F., & Pigeyre, F. (2014). Job evaluation and pay equity: stakes and methods. In Conference EURAM.
  2. Chaneta, I. (2014). Effects of Job Evaluation on Decisions Involving Pay Equity. Asian Social Science, 10(4), 145.
  3. Collins, C. J., & Kehoe, R. R. (2009). Recruitment and selection. Retrieved from http://digitalcommons.ilr.cornell.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1597&context=articles
  4. Cunningham, D. D., & Green, D. D. (2007). Diversity as a Competitive Strategy in the Workplace. Journal of Practical Consulting, 1(2), 51-55.
  5. Defa, D. R. (2012). Recruitment of Employees in Academic Libraries: Advice from the HR Perspective. Library Leadership & Management, 26(3/4).
  6. Llorens, J. & Kellough, E. (2007). A revolution in public personnel administration: the growth of web-based recruitment and selection processes in the Federal service, Public Personnel Management, 36(3), 207-222.
  7. Phillips, J. M., & Gully, S. M. (2015). Strategic staffing. Pearson.
  8. Raju, R. (2014). Peromnes job evaluation method and its application to a library environment. South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science, 66(3).
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