πŸ’­ Psychology Essays

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Machiavelli’s “The Prince” and leadership

Pages: 5
Words: 1351
Rating: 4,7

β€œThe Prince” by Niccolo Machiavelli is a historic work dedicated to Lorenzo de’ Medici, the former ruler of Florence. It was written in 1513 Florence,…

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Hate speech on the Internet should be censored

Pages: 4
Words: 1135
Rating: 4,9

The Internet age is characterized by increased communication and self-expression. However, with it came a new twist to speech and as such, evoking fierce debate…

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Suffrage ought to be a fruit of citizenship

Pages: 2
Words: 602
Rating: 4,6

Suffrage ought to be a fruit of citizenship The confederate state also required restoration; this was in the minds of the republicans (Sawrey, 156). In…

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Followership: pros and cons

Pages: 2
Words: 699
Rating: 4,7

The importance of followership to leadership has been established in research and literature. According to Agho (2009), followership involves being proactive and competent in supporting…

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Global, social and ethical analysis on cyber bullying

Pages: 7
Words: 1912
Rating: 4,9

Abstract The present discussion is centered on cyber bullying. It occurs when an individual is harassed, threatened, embarrassed, or harmed by another person through the…

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Casey Anthony

Pages: 2
Words: 623
Rating: 4,9

Rationale choice theory is a criminology theory which applies to the case of Casey Anthony. This is because Casey acted in her self-interest and made…

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Intercultural communication: Barbados and Jamaica

Pages: 7
Words: 1931
Rating: 4,8

The Caribbean Islands is always regarded as sharing same culture but from deep research, it is evident that the region enjoys cultural diversity. Jamaica and…

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Black feminist leadership

Leadership is a major topic all over the world in different contexts. As far as the β€˜blacks’ are concerned, for both the men and the…

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Woodstock and the “Free Love” movement

Pages: 6
Words: 1718
Rating: 4,7

Woodstock music event Woodstock refers to a popular music event that was held in the US, Max Yasgur Farm, located in Woodstock, New York City…

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Undercover Boss Frontier Airlines

Pages: 2
Words: 589
Rating: 5,0

This an episode in which the Frontier Airlines CEO Mr. Richard Bedford plays undercover and works in various capacities in the company during the period….

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Nursing leadership reflection

Pages: 11
Words: 2901
Rating: 5,0

Introduction Leadership is important for the effective operation and success of an organization. Leadership is about the ability to exert positive influence over followers to…

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How toys create ideas about gender roles

Companies perceive that they will sell more toys if they market to a specific demographic nevertheless that generates greater social concerns for children who want…

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Autism and Asperger’s syndrome in terms of atypical child development

Pages: 4
Words: 902
Rating: 4,6

To begin with, a developing child obtains particular abilities and practices as indicated by an anticipated rate and grouping. On the other hand, no two…

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Team and leadership

Pages: 2
Words: 516
Rating: 4,9

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory is based on the premise of a pyramid structure where the most basic need is at the bottom while the…

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Franklin D. Roosevelt, hisΒ styleΒ ofΒ leadershipΒ and his administration

Pages: 2
Words: 519
Rating: 4,8

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the 32nd President of United States Of America. The period of his presidency was 12 years from 1933 to 1945. He…

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Objectives and theories of sentencing

Pages: 5
Words: 1332
Rating: 4,8

Introduction The drive to sentence or punish an offender is to promote maintenance of a just, safe and peaceful society as well as respect for…

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Leadership analysis of Southwest Airlines

Pages: 7
Words: 1743
Rating: 4,7

Introduction Southwest Airlines is one of the most famous domestic airlines in the USA and is a leader of low cost airline service, having it’s…

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Determination of a cogent argument

Pages: 3
Words: 640
Rating: 4,7

Cogency is a term that is used to show coherency of the various premise that contributes to a conclusion that is derived from the individual…

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Evolutionary Psychology – Violence

Pages: 3
Words: 788
Rating: 4,8

This is an evolutionary, psychological summary on violence, homicide, and war. The summary intends to help understand these behaviors. Violence is an act intended to…

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Understanding of human nature

Pages: 3
Words: 695
Rating: 4,8

The writings of Edward Taylor, Benjamin Franklin and Nathaniel Hawthorne represent the continued struggle of the human soul with sin and demonstrate a deep faith…

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