πŸ’­ Psychology Essays

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Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde

Pages: 4
Words: 960
Rating: 4,9

Croilus and Criseyde is a middle age love poem written by Geoffrey Chaucer in a period ranging from 1381 to 1386. In particular, the story…

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Rite of passage and developmental theories

Pages: 1
Words: 319
Rating: 4,3

This subject of this post and the theory found to be most suited is that of Lawrence Kohlberg in terms of rites of passage for…

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Douglas Coupland, Generation X

Pages: 3
Words: 899
Rating: 4,8

Introduction Generation X is a controversial and promising novel by Douglas Coupland about the future prospects. Modern society is technological savvy and bureaucratic one. The…

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Theory of mind (ToM)

Pages: 4
Words: 1062
Rating: 4,8

Children with autism are considered socially impaired. As described by the National Autistic Society, people with autism have difficulties with social relationships, with verbal as…

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Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders

Pages: 3
Words: 782
Rating: 4,9

Introduction Mental health problems are some of the commonest conditions in modern day World. It has been reported that in every a hundred people, one…

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Perspective of life and death

Pages: 2
Words: 590
Rating: 4,8

Explanatory theories have one or more hypotheses on suicide. Durkheim theory has offered sociologists a conceptual outlook that links religion and suicide. According to Durkheim,…

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The banality and evil of state sanctioned genocide

Pages: 2
Words: 616
Rating: 4,8

Hannah Arendt brought about the phrase β€œbanality of evil” in her eponymous text (1963) touching on the trial of Adolf Eichmann in Israel.Β  The phrase…

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Jewish nations

Pages: 4
Words: 1230
Rating: 4,9

The establishment of a state for Jews was the major objective of Zionism. In order to attain these objective different approaches were taken by different…

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Organizational texts at work

Pages: 8
Words: 2136
Rating: 4,7

Interest in the analysis of organizational discourse has expanded rapidly in recent years.Β  It is worth noting that organizational discourse continues to emerge as a…

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Anxiety and paranoia

Pages: 4
Words: 1064
Rating: 4,8

Anxiety People are expected to go through some levels of anxiety in the course of their lives.Β  However, the instances of panic and worry should…

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Implications of phobia

Pages: 4
Words: 882
Rating: 5,0

Introduction Phobia can be defined generally as the irrational and obsessive fear or anxiety. This fear is usually about some specific objects people or even…

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Faze rug tunnel

Subject: 🎨 Art
Pages: 2
Words: 323
Rating: 4,8

The faze rug tunnel is such a famous scenery found in San Diego. However, it is also a feature believed to have many myths and…

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Obedience and disobedience to authority

Pages: 2
Words: 474
Rating: 4,6

Blass, Thomas. Obedience to Authority: Current Perspectives on the Milgram Paradigm The book discusses in details the applications of the obedience experiment by Milgram to…

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Basic concepts of academic freedom

Pages: 5
Words: 1124
Rating: 4,9

Although higher education institutions provide fresh ground for nurturing students’ academic freedom, autonomy, and sovereignty, there are specific laws that govern students’ while acquiring higher…

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Ethnocentrism: value difference

Pages: 2
Words: 560
Rating: 4,8

Ethnocentrism is defined as the practice of holding of one’s judgment of another culture based on one’s standards which are based on one’s culture. In…

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Difference between science and faith

Pages: 2
Words: 326
Rating: 4,6

Scientists are annoyed when it is mentioned that there is no difference between science and faith. For instance, Ben Carson argued that Darwin was propelled…

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Psychology in the news

Pages: 5
Words: 1375
Rating: 4,6

Introduction of Psychology in the News Although news in different media including magazine articles, newspaper articles, advertisements, commercials, radio broadcasts, or television news stories has…

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A class divided essay

Pages: 3
Words: 644
Rating: 4,8

A class divided is an epic film depicting escalated levels of racism, discrimination and prejudice. These prominent themes are constructed in through Jane Elliot’s experiment…

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Behavior preferences and leadership

Pages: 2
Words: 526
Rating: 4,8

According to Plonein (2015) learning and using personality preferences in different roles such as those of managers, administrators and nurse leaders is overly valuable. This…

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Philosophical and Social Perspectives in Education

Pages: 4
Words: 1212
Rating: 4,6

Both sociological and philosophical perspectives provide diverse standpoints from which the social world can be viewed. While a perspective merely refers to a way of…

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