💼 Business Essays

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Business memo

Subject: 💼 Business
Pages: 4
Words: 729
Rating: 4,6

The competitive profile matrix premised its analysis on fifteen critical factors that were critical determinants for the success of the three firms in State College…

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Marketing concepts for Samsung Electronics

Subject: 💼 Business
Pages: 5
Words: 1348
Rating: 4,6

Introduction The Samsung Group is an international conglomerate company that has its head offices in Samsung Town, Seoul, South Korea. It is the leading conglomerate…

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Expected value and consumer choices

Pages: 4
Words: 978
Rating: 4,7

Introduction Subtle discrepancies emerging from cognitive accounting tend to target the choices of consumers. It is important for customers to have knowledge on when and…

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Event sustainability policy

Pages: 2
Words: 553
Rating: 4,9

Our Event Management Consultancy Team fully understands that achieving our business goals is just as important as achieving sustainability for present and future generations. After…

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Criticаl аnаlаsys аnd evаluаtion of operаtions within а chosen orgаnizаtion 

Subject: 💼 Business
Pages: 6
Words: 1409
Rating: 4,6

«Reed Elseview is well plаced to аccelerаte momentum аnd cаpitаlize on the significаnt аnd underlying strengths of the business» This pаssаge is а short outline…

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Financial ratios usage

Subject: 💼 Business
Pages: 6
Words: 1467
Rating: 4,7

INTRODUCTION Financial ratios are extensively used by financial analysts, auditors, investors, shareholders, researchers, practitioners and management of the organizations to evaluate and identify different factors,…

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E-marketing models

Subject: 💼 Business
Pages: 5
Words: 1194
Rating: 4,9

As the twentieth century passed by, it churned out one of the greatest technological innovation the world has ever seen- the Internet. Internet has altered…

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Barista сoffee

Subject: 💼 Business
Pages: 4
Words: 1087
Rating: 4,3

With reference to the case study “Coffee Parlours in India-Hotting Up”, you will take on the “Barista Coffee” featured. You have to do an evaluation…

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Overview of the ethical problems facing Goldman Sachs

Subject: 💼 Business
Pages: 6
Words: 1387
Rating: 4,9

Matt, a management level executive of Goldman Sachs, is on the verge of making a decision on how to reimburse the agreed upon magnanimous payment…

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How private enterprises in China developed

Subject: 💼 Business
Pages: 2
Words: 540
Rating: 4,7

Over the past 30 years, the development of the private sector in China has been marked by rapid growth and development (Zheng and Yang 2)….

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Global Depository Receipts (GDR) and convertible bonds

Subject: 💼 Business
Pages: 5
Words: 1326
Rating: 4,7

One of the widely used equity linked instruments for raising resources the international capital markets is through international Depository Receipts (DRs). Equity instruments available in…

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Major ethical problem in information technology company

Pages: 5
Words: 1361
Rating: 4,9

Intel’s Corporate Ethics Bokhari (2002) states, “It is quite well known the high-tech revolution has drastically changed man’s way of living, thinking and interacting with…

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The gender pay gap exploratory essay

Pages: 5
Words: 1400
Rating: 4,7

Introduction and motivation The gender pay gap refers to the systemic differences that exist between the remuneration of men’s and women’s earning. The wage imbalance…

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Artificial intelligence argumentative essay

Pages: 3
Words: 796
Rating: 4,7

The advancements in technology, which have resulted to the advent of machines and modern information technologies powered by artificial intelligence have greatly influenced the workplace…

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Social media research project: Starbucks and social media use

Subject: 📡 Media
Pages: 9
Words: 2369
Rating: 4,8

Introduction Starbucks Corporation is an American coffee company with a chain of coffee restaurants across the world. It is enlisted in the New York Stock…

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Undercover Boss Frontier Airlines

Subject: 💼 Business
Pages: 2
Words: 589
Rating: 5,0

This an episode in which the Frontier Airlines CEO Mr. Richard Bedford plays undercover and works in various capacities in the company during the period….

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Nursing leadership reflection

Pages: 11
Words: 2901
Rating: 5,0

Introduction Leadership is important for the effective operation and success of an organization. Leadership is about the ability to exert positive influence over followers to…

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Internal Environment of British Airways

Subject: 💼 Business
Pages: 6
Words: 1555
Rating: 4,8

The company selected for analyzing the business environment is British Airways. British Airways (BA) is the largest airline as per fleet size in the United…

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The liability of employers for reference

Subject: 💼 Business
Pages: 4
Words: 1065
Rating: 4,7

Quoting Eden (2011), Introduction to Business Law, the common law duty of care requires that a duty of care is owed to anyone who may…

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Outsourcing information technology

Pages: 9
Words: 2277
Rating: 4,6

During the past five weeks of this Critical Thinking: Strategies in Decision-Making” class, we as a team has focused on the problems that outsourcing of…

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