πŸ’­ Psychology Essays

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The Fashioned Body, Gender and Identity

Introduction Fashion and gender are stated to be going hand-in-hand, how an individual lives because it is often observed to be obsessed with the gender…

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Ethnic Variation in Gender-STEM Stereotypes and STEM Participation An Intersectional…

American Psychology Association According to Laurie T. O’Brien, Alison Blodorn, Glenn Adams, Donna M. Garcia and Elliot Hammer’s article on ethnic variation, the term β€˜culture’…

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Mandatory Community and Public Services in Schools

Pages: 9
Words: 2296
Rating: 4,7

America has a long history of volunteering and participation in community work. Consequently, the culture of community service has become so entrenched among Americans that…

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Authentic Leadership

Pages: 2
Words: 546
Rating: 4,5

A leader has the responsibility of motivating and inspiring employees and their followers to achieve the most in their work settings. According to the theory…

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The Great Person Theory: Is It a Valid Interpretation of…

Pages: 4
Words: 1186
Rating: 4,7

The Great Person Theory is a 19th-century theory that seeks to explain the history of the world taking into account all the chronological events that…

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Radicalization analytical essay

Pages: 6
Words: 1720
Rating: 4,8

Introduction In the twenty-first century, the issue of radicalization and violent extremism has been a major concern to global leaders. As a result, extensive research…

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Meyers Briggs Personality Test

Pages: 2
Words: 621
Rating: 4,6

Meyers Briggs personality test is an online test that helps one to know his personality and how he interacts with the world and those around…

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Adlerian Personality Theory

Pages: 3
Words: 906
Rating: 4,8

Abstract In this paper, it can be witnessed that Adler’s personality theory comes to the forefront. He also explained about competitiveness between older, younger as…

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Personality and Character

Pages: 2
Words: 500
Rating: 4,6

My Self-characterization Parents always have different ways of describing their children and personality. Through the different stages of development, they are always with their children…

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The Key Elements of the Slave Community

Pages: 3
Words: 855
Rating: 4,8

Introduction The slave community has been a subject of study for many historians. There has been an undying interest on the need to understand the…

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Competency Essay: Abnormal Psychology

The primary learning goals for the competency include focusing on a resource to explore the manner in which human sexuality in a world of diversity…

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Transfer of Juveniles to Adult Court to Be Charged As…

Pages: 2
Words: 538
Rating: 4,9

For the past twenty years, several States have considerably expanded legislation permitting the prosecution of juveniles in adult criminal courts (Bartol & Bartol, 2015). The…

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Friendship Theme in Of Mice and Men

Pages: 3
Words: 834
Rating: 4,9

Friendship is a precious treasure that every person wants to have in life. With good friends, life can be enjoyable, as one can always count…

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Loneliness Theme in Of Mice and Men

Pages: 3
Words: 877
Rating: 4,7

While loneliness is undesirable in everyone’s life, some characters in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck experience it. One town near the ranch is…

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Frankenstein Nature vs. Nurture

Pages: 3
Words: 719
Rating: 4,8

Introduction Frankenstein narrates the story of Victor Frankenstein, a smart scientist who successfully gave life to a complete being of his creation. However, the creature’s…

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Understanding literacy work: Into the light

Pages: 4
Words: 1114
Rating: 4,6

Artists use various platforms to communicate their message to the intended audience. The art can be in form of dance, play, music, drawings, films and…

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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Pages: 1
Words: 255
Rating: 4,6

Close-Up Toothpaste and Maslow Hierarch of Needs Maslow in his theory, specifically, the hierarchy of needs indicates that there are three critical levels of human…

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Motivation in Organizations

Pages: 2
Words: 697
Rating: 4,3

Concepts of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation According to Ryan and Deci (2000), intrinsic motivation refers to the process where a person’s motivational stimulus is derived…

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The Motivational Effects on Test Scores of Elementary Students

Pages: 5
Words: 1196
Rating: 4,3

Education and test scores are partners. The Motivational Effects on Test Scores of Elementary Students is a quantitative research study authored in 1993 by Brown…

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The Self-determination Theory (SDT) Approach in PE Learning

Pages: 7
Words: 1730
Rating: 4,4

Physical Education (PE) plays an essential role in learning development of students. There are numerous benefits reaped from its learning, which ranges from mental fitness,…

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In our directory, you can find thousands of high-quality essay examples on various topics: philosophy, culture, social media, art, psychology, etc.